Tuesday, January 8, 2013

GENIE Francis is BACK on GH!

Executive Producer Frank Valenti announced on Twitter that Genie would be returning to the soap.

Entertainment Weekly:
Francis just closed a deal to reprise her role as Laura Spencer for the drama’s 50th anniversary this season. She’ll report to the sudser’s Studio City, Calif., set sometime later this month for a Feb. 11 debut, which is actually 50 days before the series’ April 1 anniversary.

So, there you have it! Laura's coming back to Port Charles! 


  1. Not sure how I feel about this. I'd rather see Ned, Skye or Jax back. Or Robert back full time. Hoping we get to see her interact with Lucy and hopefully visit Liz.
    If she is back for that long better keep her away from Sonny. Will only be a matter of time before he tries to buy her a dress and take her to the island.

  2. SQUEE!!!

    Ned is coming back. Wally Kurth was filming additional scenes in December. I think the more the fans comment & get in though with GH/ABC the more Valenti and Carlivati are listening.

  3. Oh, so excited to have Laura back!! Lulu needs her Mother!!

  4. Wow this made me really cry..And I am working from home right now!! lol

  5. I think Leslie will come..and Scotty too

  6. Genie had the looks and charm at the start of her acting career to be noticed right away, but what most impresses me was that she improved as an actress each year to reach the Emmy-worthy heights she is at now.

    I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Her natural warmth brings a great vibe to the show and she has great chemistry with everyone. Would love to see her back with Scotty (the always awesome Kin Shriner) or maybe throw Luke for a loop and pair her with Tristan Rogers' Scorpio. They played off each other for a bit on Y&R recently and it could be interesting on GH. Would give a whole new take on the Luke/Anna/Duke stuff too.

    Again, this a great move and as long as they bring her back with some backbone and not boo-hooing all the time (which she does better than ANYONE in daytime, but it's time for something different with the character) then this is win all the way.

  7. Funny, I have been watching her and Luke's story from her rape to their re-appearance on GH with Lucky ( when they lived in BC, Canada), to Lulu's birth. Someone uploaded all the old episodes on you tube. Great to watch! Watched young tracy get engaged and monica pregnant.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The campus disco was the focus and I loved watching everyone dancing to the music! :)

  10. Frisco,
    I, too, would rather have Ned or Jax back. I never liked Kin Shriner. I have been so happy to see him leave many times. I really wish he wouldn't return.

  11. So, happy!!!!!!!! Doing a happy dance!!!!!!

  12. Her last two returns were unforgettably bad. Here's hoping Cartini does not go 3 for 3.

  13. I'm thrilled that Genie is coming back and I am more optimistic with what has already been accomplished with returning vets. I wish Lucky or Nik were still here, in addition to Lulu. Y & R can have SB - I would rather have Genie.

  14. Cosmo, when I said I was unsure how I felt about this it was because her last few returns were written so poorly. Hopefully this one is better.

    I do retract my comment about keeping her away from Sonny. Seems we now need to worry about keeping her away from vampires. Urgh


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...