Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Younger Crowd (Thursday)


What look do you think they were going for? 
Friends or Beverly Hills 90210?

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 


  1. I loved this crowd so much. Brenda with Sonny or Jax though! And throw in Elizabeth and Lucky. I think Sprina is the only couple with that pull for the younger viewers currently.

    1. I agree. I LOVED that crowd. So fun. So much chemistry between all of them really. Great stories. Great writing etc etc.

  2. They were all so young (sigh).

  3. ---Brook Lynn gorgeous in PINK (okay a blazer but still)...
    ----Val continues to lie to Anna and it is ruining how I feel about Vanna thanks GH for ruining them..I like Nina and Valentin better anyway.....
    ----I SO wanted Anna to figure it out and THEN play Valentin - THAT would be more interesting
    -----I'm also screaming that Eddie said Marshall asked me to sing TONIGHT when just yesterday Marshall said Saturday night (i.e. a few days)
    -----Spinelli could SO get that video back WHOLE VIDEO - or Brick
    -----I dunno - maybe the writers haven't decided if it's Charlotte cause it's back and forth cause yesterday I thought it ISN'T Charlotte
    -----I guess the guy in solitaire is the one who beats Drew and puts him in jail....I knew Cyrus got to that guard and also lied to that guy. WHY IS NO ONE THINKING OF CYRUS???
    --------does Eddie have money???? LOL???

  4. "Does Eddie have money????" Apparently not enough to get some clean clothes and a shower. lol
    Now it's The Charlotte Show and we know most likely she didn't do anything.
    So much going on and nothing going on all at the same time.
    No one is thinking of Cyrus the same way no one thought about a DNA test for Nik/Ace.

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH - 100 percent agree with everything.....especially Eddie's appearance......and I am just ugh don't throw Charlotte at us outta the it up
      --------BUT I forgot - tears a flowing at Anna looking at those pics...........

  5. "What look do you think they were going for?
    Friends or Beverly Hills 90210?"

    Both!!! :)

    Today's show:

    Nina's home:

    V.C. and Nina: V.C. is blaming himself for what he thinks Charlie did. He thinks he has been neglectful. Nina is reassuring to him.

    Q mansion/music room:

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Brooky: Brooky is wearing a pink blazer!!! She actually looks great!!! :) She talks to him about Blaze and that she wants to represent her and she wants to represent him! He talks to her all about Curtis wanting him to sing at the Savoy, but he still hasn't finished his song! He should write a song about the Tribbles! :)

    The hospital: Willow is back to work!!!! All smiles!

    Sam and Willow: Willow just started work and already she is doing things that will get her fired!!! She took a picture of Sasha's file and sent it to Sam's phone!!!!!

    Police station:

    Sante: Sam shows Dante the picture of Sasha's file!!!

    Metrocourt office:

    Anna and Olivia: Olivia has no idea about the break in and looks on the computer to find the video! IT HAS BEEN ERASED! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!

    Olivia on the phone: Yeah she will not let this go video being erased go! Good! :) She even called Nina and Nina said she was too busy to let Olivia know about the video and got off the phone real fast.

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Olivia: He tells her that he is going to perform at the Savoy and she is so excited that she hugs him. They are having a moment. :) Oooooo! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane and Robert: Robert is being all charming and it looks like he is courting her. :) They have work breakfast to talk about Drew. But this is a good excuse for him to spend time with her.

    Anna and Robert: Robert has a present for her!!!! Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: No you are not the gift giving type.

    ROFL! The look on her face too hahahaha. She is so apprehensive. Diane is all jelly! I bet she is thinking, first Holly and now Anna! Diane leaves!!! The present is a photo frame with so many pictures of them and Robin!! With Emma!!! DAMMIT ROBERT!!! :'( *Sniff sniff* I so love RnA!!!


    Carly, Charlie, and Nina: Carly says Charlie reminds her of Lulu. :( Awwwwww! I thought Carly was going to say she reminds her of Joss. This was a nice scene. :)

    Nina and Carly: Nina wants to know if Charlie has come in here a lot and Carly wants to know why she is asking questions and Nina says V.C. wants to know what she is doing. Carly says she is with Jake a lot. Charlie wonders if they are talking about her. Nina says she has grown up so much.

    Nina and Charlie: Nina asks if Charlie misses her mom. She says everyday. Awwww. :( Someone give her a kitty so she isn't lonely! :(

    Carly on the phone with Drew: Carly wants to know if he has any information that she can give to Sonny. No not yet. They miss each other and she worries about him. While they are talking, Cyrus is listening in!!!! :)

    Spa jail:

    Guard and Drew: They have their plan and they are talking about it again, BUT the guard is lying to Drew!!!

    Guard and Cyrus: Ooooo Cyrus told Guard what to say to Drew, and now Cyrus is going to help the guard's son instead of Drew!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 13th 1993* Sonny's debute!!! :D

    1. I did more than a little sniffing during the scene with Robert and Anna. Such a thoughtful thing to do.

      I think maybe that hug will give Eddie the last bit of inspiration that he needs to finish the song. Maybe we'll hear it after all. It's a great way to end an episode. ( and promote the song. lol)

      John J York is going to be on Good Morning America tomorrow discussing his health.

    2. "Di says, I did more than a little sniffing during the scene with Robert and Anna. Such a thoughtful thing to do."

      GAH! Robert can be so sweet! I'm glad that Robert and Diane weren't on a date, or that would have been rude to him to do that right then.

      "I think maybe that hug will give Eddie the last bit of inspiration that he needs to finish the song."

      MAYBE! I hope so!!!

      "Maybe we'll hear it after all. It's a great way to end an episode. ( and promote the song. lol)"

      You are right!!! :)

      "John J York is going to be on Good Morning America tomorrow discussing his health."

      Oh yes I know! Awwwwwww! :(

  6. wonder if Blaze IS coming back? I thought Brook Lynn was gonna finish Eddie's song for him...

    1. yep she is back - wonder if she is there for Kristina?


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