Friday, September 1, 2023


 The show starts with Sonny in an elevator and a voice over of Cyrus preaching about 'retribution" and getting just due and yada yada. Pretty good opener. He keeps talking about vengeance and getting out of the prison of God...some lady walks into the room. It's the warden and Cyrus talks to her about 'working in unison". She's in on the plan. 

Nina wants to tell Sonny about Gladys/Sasha but he's having dinner with Krissy at The Metro and she's busy doing Olivia's job. Willow walks in with Wiley and Nina goes all gaga gaga over him. Wiley wants to have a picnic on the terrace. Invites everyone. Michael walks in. They go to have dinner together.

Krissy tells Sonny that the board to her house is all complete. 

Olivia is with Eddie in the Pool area and she wants him to "remember". PEOPLE NEED YOU!! She has him walk the same steps he walked that night to see if he can remember. OH NINA walks in and interrupts. She's like: GULP!! OY.. she does leave again though. 

Charlotte is with her Dad at the coffee corner.  She says she's never stayed in one place long. Val apologizes and says things will change. 

Brook tells Chase she's not moving in with him. She said they tried it before and it didn't work out. He says this time is for love. Too much talk over this. 

Joss is sad she can't go to the concert with Dex (who's busy). Carly's like: WELP You knew it when you signed up for this! You're not going to change him. 

Dock worker "STEVE" comes in and tells Carly that her ex-husband is in trouble. He says he saw some feds on the docks and heard the name "Corinthos". 

Maxie and Felicia show Georgie and James their new house (Lulu's old house). James is thrilled Georgie says it's "Aunt Lulu's old house" and seems sad. Maxie talks to her and says Lulu would be so happy to have them there--- and it's like a present from her. 


Dex and Sonny's guys have a box from PIKEMAN out all ready to go..

Carly can't get a hold of Sonny so she calls Dex on the docks just as the ship is going to dock and tells him to get the hell out of there. 

Coast Guard arrests everyone but Dex runs. 
Sonny's arrested by Homeland Security 

Brook says she'll move in with Chase 


  1. ----new writers suddenly have changed directions in the Pikeman story and I am gonna have faith it's about to crank up and end with a new storyline...
    ------I think Valentin is protecting Charlotte OR Lulu cause all this week and especially today 'one more detail to work out' so he clearly was helping ???? with the Feds attacking the shipment ---------------------- they must be blackmailing him? for sure V's involement is different and LET ME BE CLEAR - if he doesn't love Anna - I am DONE with GH.
    -----having SAID THAT ------ what in the WORLD happene to the SIM card and the FAKE shipment date?? I am mad that THAT is just ignored.....
    ------Carly shoulda text Sonny - SOS - although it wouldn't help
    ------I posted on yesterday but Nina is getting caught soon (thought it was gonna be today when Eddie might remember) but getting close to Willow etc. and SOD and Maurice state Sonny is disappointed when he finds out no - I want him mad and break up with's the ONLY thing getting me through her smugness......maybe Eddie story is about to end with new writers--
    ------------Nik alive/Austin saved and is hiding Nik/Sonny arrested/Pikeman is who and someone betrayed him/the warden is on Cyrus' side/too much Lulu talk are just some of the things new writers have addressed the last 2 weeks
    -----fun fact - one of the inmates is also a dancer at the nurses ball - one of my favs especially when Ava sang 'You don't own me"

    1. "Mufasa says, if he doesn't love Anna - I am DONE with GH."

      WHAT?! I haven't thought of that. I doubt it! He loves Anna!!! These writers better not do that!!!

      "Carly shoulda text Sonny - SOS - although it wouldn't help"

      Haha! Yeah he would just ignore it.

      "SOD and Maurice state Sonny is disappointed when he finds out soon"

      What does that even mean? Will he not be really angry? I love them together, but I want him furious! Throw barware!! Call her a faithless bitch! :)

    2. If she texted him there would be proof on his phone which is now in Federal custody.

    3. "Di says, If she texted him there would be proof on his phone which is now in Federal custody."

      Yeah and then she would get in trouble!!!

  2. Central perk:

    Charlie and V.C.: Poor Charlie!!! Wait just the 2 of us? Uh what about Anna?!?!! What is happening here?!?!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Olivia: At first I'm thinking no no Olivia don't push, but this was different. I was hoping as he was walking he would remember. At least he apologized to Olivia and said that she has been good to him. That's good! I think he needs to hit his head again! ROFL!

    Vampire Eddie Maine, Olivia, and Nina: Man look at Nina! She is so desperate!!! Why aren't you suspicious Olivia!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina, Mildew, and Wiley: Nina gets invited and then she has to look at Michael to see what he says! ROFL! Nina just ignore Michael! Throw a Tribbles at him! :)

    Sonny and Krissy: Awwww they are so sweet to each other. :) Sonny ignores Carly's phone call! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Geez Sonny! What if this was about Donna?!

    Sonny and homeland security: RA RO! Sonny arrested. Will Sonny have a panic attack in jail like he used to? Yeah don't be touching his daughter! ROFL! I love the voice over of Cyrus! :)


    Carly and Joss: Geez Carly jumping to conclusions.. Carly just go smell the flowers on the tables.

    Carly and Steve: That "Steve" was looking at the camera for a second. ROFL!

    Carly trying to call Sonny: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Brase: Coughing? Geez. Is Brooky sick? Flu? Covid? Cancer? Allergies from the flowers at Kelly's?

    Chase and Carly: Ahhh had to distract Carly so she wouldn't call Dex! ROFL!

    Brase: Awwwww they ARE going to live together! YAY! :D Chase wins the line of the day.

    Chase: I knew you would see my way eventually.

    ROFL! He is adorable. :)

    Carly and Dex: Oh glad she called him, but it's too LATE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Will Dex get shot and die?!

    Lulu and Dante's old home:

    Felicia, James, Georgie, and Maxie: Perfect house for them! I love the house. I'm surprised they still have this house. What did the builders or whoever they are called do? Did they rebuild this house? Well, anyway is Maxie going to get Tribbles for the house?

    Felicia and Maxie: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Everyone leaving: As soon as they were leaving the camera was staying a little bit too long at the windows, so I thought someone was outside the window!

    Spa jail church: Cyrus was so yelly!!! :) Warden Garden? BAHAHAHAHAHA! Do the scab writers like gardening? Who is this lady really? I was thinking either she is Pikeman, or Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar's boss! Maybe she is just working for Cyrus. :) Maybe she is in wuv with Cyrus! :)

    The pier: RA RO! EVERYONE SCATTER!!!!! Dex!!! RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Will Dex run right to Joss? :) Will the Tribbles see Dex driving really fast? Will the Tribbles call The green beans and Badger Bob and tell them that they saw Dex? :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1993* Holly says her goodbyes to everyone.

    1. I forgot that too - the camera at the window was way too long so I think something is gonna happen..........

    2. lol I thought Steve was just checking to see if the coast was clear before he told her about the feds. But then again, maybe he just wanted his family to see his face in his brief moment of fame. lol

    3. "mufasa says, I forgot that too - the camera at the window was way too long so I think something is gonna happen........"

      Yeah that was weird and creepy!

      "Di says, maybe he just wanted his family to see his face in his brief moment of fame. lol"


    4. Sonya said: Charlie and V.C.: Poor Charlie!!! Wait just the 2 of us? Uh what about Anna?!?!! What is happening here?!?!

      First thing that popped into my head was that Charlie was Anna's stalker. She is Helena's grandchild after all.

  3. "mufasa says, I forgot that too - the camera at the window was way too long so I think something is gonna happen........"

    Yeah that was weird and creepy!

    "Di says, maybe he just wanted his family to see his face in his brief moment of fame. lol"


  4. Oh oh! The delete button is missing!!!!

  5. If Valentin and Anna break up I am done with GH. They are like the only reason I watch anymore

  6. Maybe it is a FAKE shipment and Sonny knew it was fake? OR Dex is behind it - my irritation is that the fake schedule that Cyrus never opened ----- why a shipment unless fake?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...