Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sad News: Billy Miller Has Died


Before I launch Sunday Surgery, I need to take a moment to tell you that Billy Miller has passed away at the age of 43. Please read Michael Fairman's post for more details. There isn't a lot of information available right now. 

Love and Light to his family, fans, co-workers, and anyone that knew of his great work. 


  1. I read that on my phone first thing and couldn't access the article. Very sad news, and so young. :(

  2. Incredibly sad. I always felt like he got a raw deal. RIP, Billy.


    1. Similar to dementia or Parkinson or ALS. So young.

    2. Yes. the article describes the disease and gives the time line. No wonder we didn't see him come back as Drew, poor man. :(

    3. Really?! Someone on soap central website said that they saw on a news source that he took his own life. Wow so it's PSP. I never heard of it.

  4. At work on lunch and just read about it. So sad... losing an actor who you watched even for a short time....and in this way....tragic. Billy will be missed. 💔 May he find peace now. RIP Billy ❤️

  5. This is really sad news. What a loss. Way too young. I feel so terrible for his friends and family. It seems like he suffered for a while now. It's just horrible.

  6. Oh my goodness just shocking.. Sounds like a horrible disease. We have lost a lot of soap stars recently.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...