Wednesday, September 20, 2023

All Scotty's Women (Wednesday)

Yesterday was a warmup. Today's blog is just as simple. Pick your favorite Scotty pairing.
I listed the 5 below that I can remember. Was there more? Probably.
You can always write in a candidate. 


As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 


  1. Each one he was vulnerable and loving. I will have to say Obrecht for the simple fact that they are FUN! Next I would say Dominique.

    1. I was going to say the exact same thing! That's what happens when you comment a day late. And Dr. O and much fun!

  2. I love Scotty with Dr. O!

    I hope Charlotte is a red herring and it's really Portia going after Anna as payback for Curtis getting shot. Portia has become unbearable, is up in everyone's business, and would not be a loss as a doctor since she no longer seems to work. Turning her into a woman hell bent on avenging her man would be the only way to make her interesting.

    1. Portia is such a narcissist that she couldn't even let Trina play a game with her dad without trying to weasel in on it when she didn't even know how to play. They would have spent the time explaining it to her instead of just talking together and enjoying their time together. I'm surprised she didn't try to sit between them.

    2. It might make Portia interesting if she was the one!!

    3. "Di says, Portia is such a narcissist that she couldn't even let Trina play a game with her dad without trying to weasel in on it when she didn't even know how to play."

      And then she didn't even want to play! Oy!

    4. I would love it if Charlotte was the red herring and it was Portia! Couldn't agree more about how obnoxious they have made her.

  3. ----love Anna and Sonny working together
    ----Charlotte and Tarot cards? WTH? as someone posted I too would care more if we had seen Charlotte lately.......Still not 100 percent sure she did it........something is still off.
    ----I love KS/Maxie but she needs to put her foot down on the WAY THEY DRESS HER!!! Fashion Icon Maxie would never dress the way they have her dressed.
    -- I think Felicia is gonna take down Dr. Bronson- too many irons in the fire and it's gotta go somewhere = Gregory was misdiagnosed being part of it????
    -----either Nina keeps lying to Sonny but I think she can't keep a secret -OR Olivia helps Sonny realize the tape was deleted.....
    -----Hate Tracy ------wow Scotty has gained weight LOL and never mentioned DR O???
    ----Cody and Sasha seemed like filler today.

  4. I am thinking KS may just be like many of us and have put on weight and perhaps chooses those items to wear. I know I would never want her to read this and feel horrible about herself since she's a beautiful lady. Sometimes we don't realize that we make ourselves appear more out of shape when trying to hide behind clothes. Kristen you've gorgeous we just miss your Maximista outfits!

    1. I agree. Getting tired of the body shaming. Even Hollywood stars don't dress like models at home with the kids. She's not really working these days and she wouldn't wear a runway outfit at the office either.

    2. that is what I mean - she is beautiful and she could SO dress better - nothing at all against her!!! I wouldn't want a wardrobe person to tell me to wear sweats that day she was going to work- that would hurt my feelings -

    3. I know you meant no harm. For all we know she wants to wear those items and may not realize they don't do her justice. Sometimes I look at myself in pictures and say OMG! Why didn't anyone tell me not to wear that!

    4. Yes, I feel like the actresses must have some say in the "type" of clothes they wear. Genie always wears a blazer, so does Amanda Setton. Tracy has a certain style she usually wears etc.

  5. A great scene with Lucy, Scott, Felicia, Mac, Maxie, and James. So glad to see Scotty again. I liked him best with Dr. O. They were very entertaining. Maxie looked like she had day off clothes on. Everyone loves to feel comfortable. I was more disturbed by Lucy and Brooklyn's boots.

    1. I think I like Scotty and Dr O too. They are usually fun together

  6. Maxie's home:

    Scotty, Lucy, MacLecia,and Maxie with a side order of James: SCOTTY YAY!!! Maxie's makeup looks so gray or maybe it's the lighting. Scotty brought a game for game night! It looks like chips like they are playing poker. Scotty talks to James.

    Scotty: Sorry Charlie.

    ROFL! He was going to win the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    James: I'm not Charlie!


    James: Good night Charlie.

    ROFL! No Scotty not all kids are going to know the old saying sorry Charlie. :) Man that saying is so old. :) James goes to bed and everyone argues about Tracy. Maxie and Lucy talk about killing off Tracy. Felicia doesn't like that. Mac wins the line of the day.

    Mac: Hello! No one is offing anyone. Police commissioner remember?

    ROFL! Yeah don't be talking like that in front of Mac!!!! Oh they are arguing so loud that James comes out and scolds them! ROFL! He tells them to play another game that is quieter. It's like he an old man hahaha. Maxie is going to put him in bed, but she turns around and says to Lucy that she is being selfish, because of that new offering that Tracy wants to give Lucy. John J York was still there. :( I wonder when his last day being on there for awhile is.

    Lucy and Scotty: She runs outside and Scotty is there for her. Awwwww. :) I will always have a special place in my heart for Lotty. :) They hug.

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Anna: I love their scenes! She asks him for protection and told him what happened in her hotel room.

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Gregory: Finchy talks to Gregory about getting another neurologist! I think that is a great idea!!! Gregory wonders if Liz put Finchy up to it and wants to talk to Liz! Hahahahaha!

    Fiz and Gregory: Gregory gives permission to Finchy about finding another neurologist! YAY! Finchy looks so relieved! Now someone really needs to tell Chase that their dad has ALS!

    Tracy and Brooky: They argue and she wants to pursue her music and Tracy says no! She won't let her!!! Tracy you can't do that. She is a grown woman!

    Finchy and Tracy: Tracy wants to play a game with Finchy and she needs a win and she wants a drink!

    Tracy and Gregory: Awwww Gregory offers her a drink how sweet. :) Tracy gets ginger al! Gregory tries to open up his can but can't. Tracy wants to know what's wrong and Gregory tells her he has ALS! Geez! Why tell Tracy before Chase?!?!! *Facepalm*

    The cabin:

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Cowboy Cody is really hard on himself for not telling Sasha right away, but she made a good point, that he tried to tell her, but she won't listen! He sleeps on the floor while she sleeps on the bed and she couldn't do it. She wants to switch, but Cowboy Cody is snoring away. :) Oh wait I guess he was faking. ROFL! Hmmm they could be twins because I mean if they weren't then he would have slept on the bed with her.

    Nina's office:

    V.C., Charlie, and Nina: Charlie is so happy to see Nina. They hug. :) V.C. wants Charlie to sleep over Nina's. I guess Nina still has her place? I'm confused.

    Nina's home:

    Nina, V.C. and Charlie: V.C. is going to put Charlie to bed.

    Nina and V.C.: V.C. is all freaked out and says he is swimming. Nina says she is there for him and Charlotte. There is still a little place in my heart for ValeNina.. :)

    V.C. and Charlie: V.C. is NOT confronting her! He really should!!! Or maybe she is just a red herring? Hmmm.

    Charlie: She got tarot cards?!!?! WHAT THE!?!!?! What is she doing?

    1. I'm hoping she's a red herring. Leave the children alone writers!!!! I'm hoping the writers are trying to prove they can do a better deepfake than the Anna one.
      We used to mess with ouija boards when I was her age. Tarot cards are a bigger thing now cause they're on so many shows. Hopefully that's all it is.

    2. Oops forgot to mention,

      Nison: Nina lying to Sonny again!!! What does that make? 3 lies? :) Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive!!

    3. Di I think so too - we gotta now go down a rabbit hole thinking it is Charlotte.....maybe the cards were 'does Jake love you' LOL

    4. Did they see Charlotte with the door open? How'd she get in? I don't think it's Charlotte. Red Herring

    5. "lindie says, Did they see Charlotte with the door open? How'd she get in?"

      Yes she opened the door with the hotel key card!

    6. lol Mufasa maybe. The ouiji board often was. LMAO

    7. OMG, the ouiji board....that took me back! And of course the magic eight ball, lol!

      I really don't want Sasha and Cody to be related, but I'll go with it. She's made him tolerable in my eyes.
      I would like to see Felicia get involved (patient-wise) with Gregory. I love her and Mac together but I think those 2 actors would have some chemistry. And yes, I'm waggling my eyebrows! :)

      Thanks as always Sonya for the recaps. I'm so behind in watching. :)

    8. I don't want them to be related. this show is incestuous enough.

  7. Pick my favorite of the Scotty women?! That's not fair!!! I love Scotty with Lucy, Dominique, and Dr. O!!!

    1. I guess you've un-picked Laura! ;)

    2. "Judith says, I guess you've un-picked Laura! ;)"

      Hahahaha. I did like them together once. When she was divorced from Luke, and Laura remarried Scotty, but I love other women more with Scotty! :)

  8. Bradford said on Facebook live this afternoon that he shot a few episodes of GH this week which would mean what - Thanksgiving maybe????? We need him now for Sasha, the deleted tape of Nina's and maybe even Dr Brunson!!

    1. Yes. He's been missed. Maybe Sonny will bring him in now for the Anna case at least.

  9. Best Scotty partner: Heather (Robin Mattson).

    1. I did like Scotty and Laura way back in the day when I first started watching GH. Before Laura met Luke.

  10. Scotty will forever love Laura, even though he knows they'll never be a couple...whenever they share scenes...there is this sense of "what could've been" that underplays ever interaction he has with her. Dominique is a close second as I think she took him back to who he was before Laura's affair with Luke soured him. I'm surprised Heather wasn't mentioned in the first round. They were pretty explosive. Scotty also married Jason's mother, Susan. But I think that was more a marriage of convenience.

    1. Yes Scotty will forever love Laura. That is obvious on his end.

    2. So if Charlotte has a key to the room then why didn't Anna suspect she might have done it or at least been there that day? Or lost her key?

    3. "lindie says, So if Charlotte has a key to the room then why didn't Anna suspect she might have done it or at least been there that day? Or lost her key?"

      Maybe Anna doesn't know that she has the room key. Maybe she stole it or something.

    4. i totally forgot Heather. I always thought they were more partners in crime than partners in bed. so glad she was mentioned! you cant win them all...

  11. The Charlotte twist was unexpected. Curious where this will go....Felicia preparing to be a patient advocate...I'm wondering how they are going to deal with John York's absence. Will Mac get sick and is Felicia's new career going to play into this? I must say I enjoy both John York and Kristina Wagner. Both look incredible and play their characters effortlessly. Still hard to believe they are the grandparents!

    1. Seeing Felicia and Mac on my screen always improves my mood. They have good energy.

  12. I wonder if those are the same tarot cards that Victor left for Sam in his will.She could of taken them from Laura or Sam an Dantes house.

    1. Weren't they the cards that Victor used on Drew to control him to kill Jason?

    2. "Di says, Weren't they the cards that Victor used on Drew to control him to kill Jason?"

      Oooooo. Maybe the cards are controlling her and she is brainwashed!!! :D

  13. Now it's too 'in our face' and probably not Charlotte's doing. I do like the Portia theory.
    Sasha and Cody would be very nice as bro and sis. But with no torture? Not sure the writers will ever leave her alone.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...