Monday, September 18, 2023

Stuff Is Going to Happen


What stuff is going to happen on GH while I'm gone??  I hope it's enough to get me watching again when I return! Having a break can be really telling; either you miss something or.. you don't! 

Have a great watch. David will be putting up daily fillers for you to use. 


  1. I say it was Charlotte who broke in and destroyed Anna's hotel room and clothes and wrote the threatening message! I mean Valentin definitely would not want that getting out, can't think of anything else. But why is she so threatened by Anna?

  2. It was started quite a while ago that Charlotte looked like she was going to be an evil seed. She would hate Anna because her "Papa" is spending all his time with Anna. The writers are not this smart though I don't think. Would be a GOOD twist for sure

  3. Yeah, after today and Valentin's quote in the next episode preview ("don't show this footage to anyone"), I do think it's Charlotte. I am kinda glad, it is an interesting twist.

    1. I also enjoyed the Blair/Martin interaction. (Blair reminds me of a more tolerable version of Carly.)

    2. I just hope they don't go making it something ridiculous like Anna doing it herself because she's had a psychotic break due to all the fear and trauma.

    3. We need mean Esme or Charlotte back to make things interesting.

    4. Agreed Kevin, because until yesterday I wasn't sure. But did she set the fire too?

    5. Agreed Di! I need strong Anna back! Where is that bad ass we knew and loved? For a bit I thought maybe if not Valentin, maybe Alex?

  4. SURELY Valentin isn't gonna lie to Anna - if it is Charlotte - or we are supposed to think it is and then in 2024 we will find out it's not true LOL------when Valentin and Charlotte were talking that day, he said it's just you and me and she commented on 'I want that Papa'......I can accept her being the person who started the fire IF they explain why Dante said she was them...
    -----I can't accept Peter ------------it could be Alexis and Valentin thinks it's Anna.....but NO MORE split personalities....
    -----the other odd thing was ----does Anna think Valentin did it?????? Her flashbacks were weird PLUS how did Valentin automatically think it was ink? not paint?
    -----Blair was SO good - why did I read she is already gone? We still don't know how she and Tracy hooked up....
    ---Esme/Gregory wasted my time....

  5. It has to be Charlotte but what is this Pikeman secretive crap

    1. Not sure but it's tiresome. Charlotte I'm absolutely on board with, Pikeman no. I hope though that he gives her a talking to. That's evil child stuff 😂 Lulu needs to come back now.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...