Thursday, September 14, 2023

John J York News


John left a heartfelt message on twitter regarding his fight with cancer. He will be needing a bone marrow donor and is registered with Be The Match . His page link is here:   MATCH FOR MAC  Please consider a donation and or registering on the marrow donation list. So many people are waiting for transplants of all kinds. 

John said he would be off of GH for 3-4 months to come, maybe longer. Sad news but he seems ready to fight this and we need to get behind him as his GH family 



  1. sadly there was a time we wouldn't have even noticed he was gone cause he wasn't on the show much but NOW it's ever present and I love it - soooo will the Cody storyline be dropped or will there be a temporary recast? 3-4 months filming means all of the holidays......I don't think they can just never show Felicia's new job...

    1. I hope the Cody storyline isn't dropped!!! They could temporary recast him. I want John J York's Mac to find out Cody is his son, but that could take a long time. 3 to 4 months or even longer. So the recast will have to do.

  2. Oh no. No idea he has cancer 😞


You Left Something...

  It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!!  Yeste...