Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Surgery : Mini Blog


Yes, I'm really not around to write up a huge blog and not a huge amount happened so, here you have it all in a one-liner Wubshell!! 

   After explaining the pathogen's full effects, Victor realizes he may never have nookie again. 

Dr O finds out  that her marrow donation is on hold for a little bit while the drugs flush from her system

Krissy asks Dad for money to open a restaurant; he convinces her managing Charlie's is enough. 

                                Cam tells everyone he's going to Stanford on a scholarship

                    Spencer doesn't like Dex; Dex doesn't like Spencer . Both are living at Sonny's 

              With her friends blessings, Trina decides to try to drop the charges against Esme. 

                                                       Esme gets a  letter from Heather. 

                          Greg almost falls, slurs his words and Alexis thinks he's drinking 

                         Dante finds out Mac is Cody's daddy, encourages him to come clean 

    Lucy escapes the Safe House, dresses like her former self and heads to... The Metro COURT? 

SCENES OF THE WEEK:  Kevin and Mac... saying all the right things at the right time with the right energy. Felicia was also great. All the feels. 

    PROP OF THE WEEK: Just noticed that Sonny's art work is of a FINGERPRINT LOL 

So that was pretty much the show. Good to see Phyllis but why is she on so little? Same with Kristina. I can't tell you how many pictures there were of her on Twitter (and pushing her with Dex!!) . We have a week's ramp up to the ball (I believe it's starting the 29th.  Hope you're ready! 


  1. Thanks Karen,

    It was funny that Lucy dressed as the "mousy librarian" again, but EVERYONE would recognize her anyway.

    That fingerprint artwork is funny.

    I didn't see that part. Which drug has to get out of Liesl's system that takes forever to do?

    I don't think Gregory will have MS or Parkinson's as those are super serious and no cure. IDK. The show could do that storyline but these writers could not do something like that justice and would botch it up.

    Why did Sonny not give Kristina money to open a restaurant? That is really stupid. He has tons of money.

    Is William Lipton gone for good, or will we see him occasionally on school breaks???

    I guess VAnna will have their first fight as a couple???? I think they will all 3 show at the Nurses Ball??? With no Piffy, they need more talent :( I love Sonya Eddy and she deserves a tribute show, but we never got a tribute show for Stuart Damon. They both deserve one.

    1. PS LOVED the scenes with Mac and Kevin, and Felicia !!!!!!!

    2. I think they said it is an anti-coagulant drug. I looked it up and it should take, at the most, up to 3 days to leave system. We all know how long that can be on GH. lol

    3. Wonder why Leisl would be on anticoagulant. Hmmm

    4. I`m hoping they use a clip of Sonya singing (with a montage) because when they talked about Epiphany the other day they talked about her in the present. And I`ve read that there will be a tribute. I won`t knock them till I hear there won`t be.

      I`m hoping Gregory doesn`t have a brain tumor and that it`s a flareup of the Lyme disease. Too many sick people on the show right now. The writers need to pace them selves. lol

    5. Lindie, I'm on an anticoagulent because I have occasional abnormal heart rhythm, possibly allowing blot clots to form in the heart and get passed to the lungs or the vessels in the heart muscle itself. The anticoagulent reduces the chance of clotting. Not at all uncommon for us folks-of-a-certain-age.

  2. stories with cody and gregory not interested in. reduce the cast. speed up storylines

  3. Your short & sweet covers about everything. Thanks.
    I read somewhere that William Lipton is done...for now. He suddenly has blossomed and looks quite mature.
    What is Lucy thinking?

    1. I will miss William Lipton, if he does leave. What a great young talent.

  4. ---I don't stay awake and worry about these things BUT what day is it on the show??? is the Nurses Ball BEFORE or after the wedding???? Sonya Eddy's memorial is March 27----HOW is all of this gonna happen???? Anyone????-------Felix BETTER be there for Sonya's memorial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ----I DO think Lucy and Vanna come out at the Nurses Ball but in the meantime - Chase, Spinelli, Blaze chick, Amy and D, Eddie Mane, Joss and then Valentin------but I bet we don't see many acts since it's GH#60
    ----I would like Curtis NOT to be the father cause we gotta have something for Curtis and Marshall to do since Marshall was misdiagnosed...
    ---- I am so dumb----------I didn't realize Kristina decided to stay at Charlie's-----the whole conversation must be for Dex to realize Sonny is a good dad?????
    -----okay so nope don't care about Chase/Brook Lynn/Millow/Greg/Alexis.....
    LOVE the vets!!!!!!!!!! but let's wrap up this storyline.

    1. I like the vets but the Victor storyline is really having no action. JPS is looking bored lately IMO

    2. The storyline has been too spread out and stop-and-go. The current batch of writers have an extreme problem with pacing and building suspense.

  5. Easy week to be on vacation and try and catch up. I am hoping a love triangle ensues with Kristina/Dex/Joss. I was happy to see sincere scenes with joss and Cam. Best of all definitely was Kevin & Mac! Loved it.

    1. A Kristina/Dex/Joss triangle would be FUN, but I don't think this group of writers could pull it off well.

  6. From Soap Hub:

    Wednesday, March 29, 2023

    Port Charles bids an emotional goodbye to Epiphany. It’s time to pay tribute to Sonya Eddy, who passed away on December 19, 2022. This is sure to bring tears to everyone’s eyes.

  7. When Spencer was talking to Sonny he mentioned something about Dex being all into Joss and Sonny had no reaction. Conversation continued. I thought it was odd.


Day Off For WUBS

  My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an epi...