Monday, March 6, 2023

Baby Woes


Ava at The Metro, drinking Maritinis. Sonny and Nina come over 'Waiting for Nikolas" asks Sonny.  Nina tells her that Willow has a donor. They hug. They talk about Ryan dying and Sonny says and you helped find the hooker! Nina has to leave. Sonny says to Ava she doesn't seem that bothered that Nikolas is gone. He says he has to wonder why Nik hasn't contacted her. She ends up telling him that Nikolas threatened Avery. 

Dr O and Willow are both at GH. Liesl says she couldn't save her Britta but she wants to save Willow. Terry comes out and asks them all to go to her office. Terry says Dr O is a match but they have to test her to see if she can physically do it. They have to run another test. Michael asks Dr O what's in it for her to donate? She says she's lost 2 kids and is happy to help another family member live. She also says she hopes there's a time Willow doesn't hate Nina. Good dialog, you should watch. Dr. O goes out for more tests. 

Austin and Mason at GH. Mason tells Austin he followed him to Spoon Island and saw everything that happened. Doesn't tell him he has Nikolas. 

Diane says Spencer can't take the baby because Esme says no. A child care worker comes and says Esme wants to take the baby to prison with her to bond. (legal in NYS) Spencer has a fit. Laura says that they can't just cut Esme out of the equation. They take the baby back to the nursery. Diane says they can fight it in family court but for now, they have to do the right thing.  

Esme and Liz talk...Liz is going to tell her about Wyndemere! DOH! Esme is like, I was kept prisoner by my baby's father and you helped?? Liz says yes but she doesn't owe her an apology. Says she thought she was the hooker and doing the right thing to keep her there. Esme asks if Nikolas locked her up to keep her from hurting the baby. Liz says no, she loved the baby. Liz says now Esme has a fresh start. Spencer walks in. Spencer says it's not good for the baby to go to Spring Ridge. Esme says MY BABY. 

Alexis and Greg. She wants to know why he lied about working for PCU. She tells him she called to find out why he couldn't work for the paper. She can help him if he was fired yada yada. He says "No one can help me".  She says friends trust each other with the truth. He's not happy at being pushed. She says he hopes he can talk to someone about all this. He says don't you dare tell Chase or Finn! NO one knows about this,  no one. 


Nina walks off the elevator at GH and sees Willow and Michael

Esme says she doesn't want Spencer anywhere near Ace

Greg leaves Alexis' office and Alexis apologizes for being so pushy but not for caring. 


  1. It bears repeating - everyone should follow Karen on Twitter and read her live tweets - best part of the day!
    ------Kathlee Gati is really hitting it out of the park - gosh I love her so much......and yes, Willow, Nina just wants a daughter - it doesn't matter who it is...
    -----Mason = ugh......they coulda found a better bad guy-------he's just creepy
    -----Sonny helping Ava - I hope so!!!
    ------Nina all swamped etc - where is Olivia - but yet she has time to go back to GH and just wait
    ------Liz with Victor at the end - brilliant and and and Victor could be arrested too right cause he knew - even after the fact - and covered it up?
    ----a broken record - is no one going to ask for a paternity test?
    ------Gregory and Alexis is boring and outta nowhere -----we haven't had time to invest in them so we don't care - wasted talent.

    1. I hope Victor goes to the police and they take down his info and arrest him, as they tell him that Liz had already confessed. lol Sneaky it.

      I would like Ava to tell Sonny what private not at the bar...and have Sonny find Nick's body and take care of that specimen jar that took him. (Sorry Sonya. Mason jars are for good stuff, not crap.) *runs*

    2. "Mufasa says, It bears repeating - everyone should follow Karen on Twitter and read her live tweets - best part of the day!"


      "Mason = ugh......they coulda found a better bad guy-------he's just creepy"

      Hahahaha. Then that means he is doing a great job! :)

    3. "Di says, Sneaky it."

      Love sneaky Liz! :D

      "and have Sonny find Nick's body and take care of that specimen jar that took him. (Sorry Sonya. Mason jars are for good stuff, not crap.) *runs*"

      ROFL! *Runs after you*

  2. Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis:

    Gregory: Alexis Davis backing off. That's a headline.

    Hahahahaha! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Geez Gregory! Is what you have that horrible that you have to lie about it?


    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Ooooo Mason Jar knows all! I love it! :) Hmm is Pawtucket Holtster really Pawtucket Holtster or is he lying and is really someone else? Hmmmmmm.

    Nison and Ava: Ava waiting for Nik! Hahahahaha! No no Sonny. She isn't waiting for Nik. :)

    Ava and Sonny: Ava tell him the truth! He will understand! He would always protect Avery!

    Nina and a worker: THE AC?!!?!?!?! In the winter?!?!!?!? Huh?!?!!

    The hospital:

    Mildew and Dr. O: Oh Michael don't be rude!!! Willow was basically saying that hahahahaha!

    Spencer, The social worker lady, Victor, Anna and Diane: Hey that social worker lady looks just like that hospice lady at Mildew's home for Willow! Thank you Diane!!!!! :) Now now Spencer don't be all yelly and scare baby Ace! Man that baby is huge! :)

    Liz and Vampira: Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: How did I escape? Did I let my hair down and climb out like Repunzel?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When I heard it live, I thought she said lake Repunzel haha. That is funny too. :)

    Spencer and Vampira: Spencer you can't take ACE! And you can't rename him! And no matter how much you harass her, she won't give in to you!

    Terry's office:

    Mildew and Dr. O: Michael! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH! Awwww Dr. O. :(

    1. I think the worker said AV (audio visual) not AC. It was for a convention and the AV goes down to every one I've been to, lol! :)
      Loved the conversation between Dr. O and Mildew. And I totally agreed with what Willow said about Neener. She just wants a "daughter". Not Willow as a person. I would find her way too suffocating! And yes, from the comments seems everyone dislikes Mildew but me, lol! :)
      Loved was Liz said to Victor! She was awesome!

    2. "Julie H says, I think the worker said AV (audio visual) not AC. It was for a convention"

      Yeah someone on soap central said that! I could have sworn the lady said AC. Strange. :)

      "and the AV goes down to every one I've been to, lol! :)"


      "And yes, from the comments seems everyone dislikes Mildew but me, lol! :)"

      Hahaha. Awwww it's okay. You can like them. :)

  3. Michael and Willow are horrible, know it all's who think they r better than everyone.

  4. loved liz and victor scene. loved spencer and esme scene and love liesel talking to willow.

  5. The actor who plays Greg was on 911 tonight. He was Mattie's father. I'm thinking he'll be on at least next week too.

  6. I enjoyed today's show... Loved Sonny & Ava, I liked him smiling at her hugging Nina. Liked Leisel, Esme/Spencer and loved not seeing Snarly...

  7. Is it bad to wish Liesl wasn't a match after all! Really dislike Mildew immensely. I love Spencer but doesn't he need to have a job or maybe go to college! Liz was great with Victor!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...