Wednesday, March 15, 2023



Laura and Kevin go to visit Ace at Spring Ridge. Spencer is there too. Laura is like You can't be here! HE says yes I can. Then Esme sees him and gets mad. Laura convinces Spencer to leave. Esme is starting to trust her. They talk. Laura tells her that Kevin and she will step up to take care of Esme for her until she's out of jail. Esme says Kevin reminds her of Ryan and Laura reminds her Ace's father and brother. She's keeping him. Laura cries and they leave. 

Greg, Chase and Finn are having breakfast at The Metro...Alexis is having breakfast with Sam and wants to leave when she sees Gregory. They give each other dirty looks. Finally they decide to talk to each other. Alexis asks him what's wrong. He says he's FINE, then almost falls over. I'm calling Parkinson's. OR MS.

Sonny brings Dex some medical supplies (he's at Sonny's PH). Then Kristina comes in! yeah! Dex leaves the room. Kristina sits with Dad and says she has a business prop for him. She wants to open her own place. Feels like she can do more with her life. Wants Sonny to back her. He says that it's VERY hard work and she's really happy now. Dex listens from the hallway. Kristina says her life is pretty great. She'll continue to be manager at Charlie's. 

Joss and Trina go to Kelly's to see Cam. Trina and Cam hug; he wants to wait for Spencer until he tells them what's going on. Finally Spencer walks in. He tells them he's leaving Port Charles. Says he got a scholarship at Stanford and is going. Spencer says that he doesn't believe that's why he's leaving PC, he calls BS. Goes on a tirade against Esme and leaves.  Cam tells Joss he'll be friend with her still but she should stay away from Dex. He's dangerous!! yada yada

Liz talks to Portia and she's afraid she's going to be fired because of her Esme sheeze.  Portia says she hopes she doesn't. Then tells her she had a big secret she kept from Curtis and Trina. Liz says they'll come around. Portia isn't so sure. 


Greg slurs his words too..Alexis asks if he's been drinking

Spencer sees Dex is living at Sonny's

Cam tells Joss she should stay away from Dex. 

Trina visits Esme in Spring Ridge 


  1. Kelly's:

    Cam, Trina, and Joss: Cam was having a fun time with the girls, until he remembered Joss and Dex. :( Awww Cam. :(

    Cam, Trina, Joss, and Spencer:

    Cam: I'm leaving Port Charles.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Awww Spencer is upset too. I just want to hug both Spencer and Cam!

    Cam and Joss: Awwww they are friends.. Oh damn I knew he was going to warn Joss away from Dex!!!! *Shake my head*

    Spring Ridge:

    Kevlar and Spencer: Yelly Spencer! Hahaha. Shhhh don't scare little Ace! Listen to Laura!

    Kevlar, Vampira, and baby Ace: I think it's a great idea for Ace to stay with Kevlar! Then Ace can go visit his mama! :)

    Vampira: Does he always talk like that?

    ROFL! Awww the baby was fussy. Awww the baby is sleeping. :) Adorable!

    Trina, Vampira, and baby Ace: Oh oh. Trina going to see her for Spencer? :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Dex: Awww SonDex. :) Or better yet, DexSon! :) Yeah yeah! :) Anyway, Their bromance heated up yesterday. :) Sonny taking care of him awwwww. :)

    Kristina and Sonny: Oooooo her own restaurant! Then she can call it Kristina's! :) Sonny gave her really good advice. They showed the green beans too. :D

    Sonny and Dex: Sonny talks about Kristina, and it made me all emotional! GAH!

    The hospital:

    Portia and Liz: Oh yes Liz's speech at the Purtis wedding was so wonderful. I forgot what Liz said. OO

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Sam:

    Sam: I am CONfused.

    I'm confused on why she said confused that way. 00

    Alexis: Hi I'm Alexis Davis. Your mother.


    Sam: Okay nice to meet you.


    Gregory, Finchy, and Chase: Finchy wins the lines of the day.

    Finchy: What did you do? Correct her grammar again? Is there a point in which you'll tell us what that line is? Not as entertaining as avoidance life.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I miss this Finchy! :) Glad he is back.

    Gregory and Alexis: WHOA! What just happened Gregory? Are you okay? :( Now he is slurring his words!! Yeah Karen It could be Parkinson's or MS! Hmmm.

  2. I loved that avoidance line too, Sonya.
    And in the scene with Esme, Laura said," she really loves that baby" so I think he'll be fine. And she may have lost her memory, but not her intelligence. She had great reasons for saying no to Laura and Doc.
    The only other thing that might give the same symptoms to Greg, that I can think of, would be a reoccurence of the Lyme disease.

    I'm glad Cam and Joss are staying friends. And I loved his warning about Dex. He's nor wrong.maybe when Joss finds out he's been shot again she'll start rethinking the relationship until after he supposedly leaves P.C.

    I also love Sonny and Kristina's relationship.

    1. "Di says, I loved that avoidance line too, Sonya."

      Yeah it was the best line, and so true! :)

      "And in the scene with Esme, Laura said," she really loves that baby" so I think he'll be fine. And she may have lost her memory, but not her intelligence. She had great reasons for saying no to Laura and Doc."

      Yup! She is a very smart cookie. Her memory will come back She does love that baby!!!!

      "The only other thing that might give the same symptoms to Greg, that I can think of, would be a reoccurence of the Lyme disease."

      Ooooooo could be!!!

      "maybe when Joss finds out he's been shot again she'll start rethinking the relationship until after he supposedly leaves P.C."

      What? Dex is leaving town?!

      "I also love Sonny and Kristina's relationship."

      Me too!!!!!!!!! *Heart*

    2. Finchy was a hoot as was line of the day! Alexis went quickly to Gregory drinking, while I went directly to him having a stroke. Hmmmmm. The other options listed....good ones!
      Laura made me teary eyed and Avery P. is perfectly playing Esme. And Spencer's outburst at Kelly's was also perfect. I like it when he loses his sheesh, lol!
      Cam spoke too much truth to Joss. She was overwhelmed. :)
      I really wish Kristina was on more. She and Sonny do have a special relationship and their scenes were great. But it was pretty clear the entire conversation was for Dex's benefit and him having second thoughts about bringing Sonny down. I'm with Spencer, beat it Dexter.

  3. I'm wondering if William Lipton asked for Cam and Joss to make up and be friends - I like this ending since he is's like Cam would do that - since he's leaving - otherwise I WOULD like dark Cam....

  4. Very happy to see Kristina and hope she is on more. And it is really nice to have Liz on more - she looked gorgeous yesterday. Spencer's outbursts are not showing him favorable to take care of the baby. Esme is handling it perfectly.

  5. hoping trina does not act like a 12yr old when she sees esme.

    1. That's how they have been writing her. She was a confident young woman who has become a wondering teen.

  6. Why is it always a big secret when someone has a serious health problem on GH.



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