Monday, March 20, 2023

IT's Possible

 I will be out today-- I have a meeting at 2 and have no idea when I'll be out. Just real life coming at me. 

Remember that March 29th will be Sonya's memorial show--!! I believe it will kick off the whole Nurses Ball arc. 


  1. Drew giving Willow away!!!!? Give me a break

    1. Just very weird all together for that to happen.

  2. And now Carly is thrown into the valentin/Anna story!!!!

    1. What?? Why does LW need to be in every story? Pet??

    2. I can't believe there's nothing about todays show that neither of you liked.

      kd, you're going to love the scenes with Maxie and Bobbi discussing Lucy. lol I'll say no more as I don't want to ruin it for you.

    3. Who said they didn't like anything??????)

    4. The absence of a positve reaction of any kind.

    5. Its no secret LW is a big favorite of TPTB. Think of it this way, if there was someone you didn't care for and had to see them day in and day out in every story, it would get old. Normally you love Carly, or you hate her. I dislike her most of the time but I know Laura is a great actress.

    6. It is much easier to count plotlines Carly is not involved in than ones she is involved in. My expectation is she will get involved in the Ava/Austin/Mason/Nicholas story next.

    7. That cause she's one of the main stars of the show and is a great actress. Of course, TPTB love her. I FF through other stars I don't like but saying she's on too much is like watching Blue Bloods and saying there's too much Tom Selleck, or too many Regans. lol I FF through several people. I just don't share who they are every day because I like to find the the joy in things. Shows that make me chronically unhappy, I skip. There's enough misery around us these days. Just look for the joy, ladies. Remember the glass may be half empty, but you can always add more water.

    8. Di - curious to know which stars you FF through - not a crime to say you dislike someone

    9. Sometimes it varies depending on the storyline and repetition. When conversations get repeated like Michael's and Willows I'm FFing, sometimes Nina, sometimes Carly. I don't always as sometimes they are moving the plot forward or are making sense, Sometimes Drew and his advisee of the day. Sometimes Sonny, or Brooklyn, or get the idea. If they're getting tedious, I move on. If they're getting on my nerves as a few of them can, I move on. I haven't locked everyone in a box where there's no room for improvement or change, and there's none I take home with me to throw darts at. lol My brain knows they're not real and my life at home is.

    10. And I know it's not a crime to say you dislike someone but it is very frustrating when some only come in EVERY DAY to say just who they hate. It sets a tone of negativity half way down the page before others even have a chance to come in and say what they liked, or didn't like. I'm just saying they should also add what they liked.

    11. Di - thank you for answering my question - I agree with everything you said - especially the repetition part - except if I had a dartboard I might have tossed a few at Peter August lol

    12. Oh Peter was the only one I have ever really wanted dead. Hated the character. I would have personally made sure he was dead in that freezer. lol He was sooo evil.

  3. I wanna see Karen's face when she finds out Carly is involved in Vanna story - but I liked Maxie finding out......but she can't keep a secret - so Felicia tell Mac ASAP!
    it's clear it's wrapping up though....
    very realistic that Maxie was mad at Lucy's attitude - good for her - Lucy made it sound like Maxie was stupid...
    ------several things happened today I thought ----- Nina and Sonny ------- MICHAEL coming to see Dex -------------- people seeing Anna and Valentin.......
    _I hope Joss does slap Michael or maybe Michael is ready to give up revenge...
    -----TODAY though Willow said they postponed their wedding - WHEN in the world are they getting married? OBVIOUSLY now it's after the Nurse's Ball

    1. "Mufasa says, WHEN in the world are they getting married?"

      In a year from now? Michael can marry Willow's corpse! ROFL!

    2. I was wondering if Michael might call off Dex. He's had several people say how much Sonny has helped them and he may not want Sonny arrested now and the blow back coming while Willow is still sick. Hopefully that's why he's at Dex's door. I really don't want it to be his son that brings Sonny down.

      I loved Maxie's comments about Lucy's attitude. talk about a blast of truth. lol

      I'm glad things have started moving again too. Some plotlines have been stagnating lately.

    3. "Di says, I was wondering if Michael might call off Dex. He's had several people say how much Sonny has helped them and he may not want Sonny arrested now and the blow back coming while Willow is still sick. Hopefully that's why he's at Dex's door."

      Yeah maybe!!! Hmmm. We shall see. :)

      "I really don't want it to be his son that brings Sonny down."

      Who do you want to bring Sonny down? :)

      "I loved Maxie's comments about Lucy's attitude. talk about a blast of truth. lol"

      Hahahahaha YES!!! :D

      "I'm glad things have started moving again too. Some plotlines have been stagnating lately."

      Yeah like the Willow storyline!!!

    4. I'd like to see old age do

    5. "Di says, I'd like to see old age do"


  4. The cabin:

    Vanna: Oh oh they are arguing because Anna wants to go and find Lucy to bring her back. V.C. is so scared and doesn't want to lose her!

    V.C. and the table: He flips over the table when Anna leaves!! Hey! That is Sonny's job to do that not yours V.C.! And hey the Tribbles's cousins were not there, so no Tribbles were harmed in the making of this show today! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant: Oh look it's Librarian Lucy! Who looks like Clark Kent! I'll call her Clara Kent. Clark Kent's cousin. :) Clara Kent stole someone's menu hahahahaha!

    Bobbie and Maxie: They talk about Lucy, and the look on Clara Kent's face! Hahahahaha! It's killing me hahahahaha! Lucy don't like what they are saying about her. Bobbie has to go to the bathroom.

    Worker and Maxie: The worker tells Maxie that the alarm went off at Deception offices. :) She thinks it's Gladys. Clara Kent is not there.

    Bobbie, Victor, and Spencer: Enroute to the bathroom Bobbie goes off on Victor! Ahhh nice to see back in the day Bobbie. :) Spencer is all nice and calm ROFL!

    Maxie's office:

    Maxie and Clara Kent: Wow! Nobody better mess with Maxie! She knows how to handle herself. Clara Kent put her hand over Maxie's mouth and Maxie is not a wall flower. :) Clara Kent wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: And did you have to ambush me like that?

    Clara Kent: Yup!

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! The way she said it hahaha.

    Maxie, Anna, and Clara Kent: Anna shows up and Clara Kent hides behind a notepad. Yeah the jig is up! Stupid to hide behind anything!!!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Carly, Donna, and Nina: Donna hugs her auntie Nina awwwwwww. :) Sonny wants Carly and Donna away from him because it's dangerous right now.

    Nison: Sonny doesn't want Nina to be around him right now, and she is adamant about staying. Wait she JUST talked to Phyllis about how she wasn't sure about Sonny and his business, and now she wants to stay. Oy! *Facepalm*

    The bridge:

    V.C. and Carly: There was a point where V.C. looked like he needed to sneeze ROFL! He is trying to convince her not to say anything to anybody that he is alive, and she doesn't know if she can trust him. Oh hi Drew!

    V.C., Carly, and Drew: Yeah you gotta tell Drew EVERYTHING! Spill your guts V.C.! :)

    Q home:

    Brooky and Michael: Mikey is just so sad.. *Sad horn* Brooky feels so bad for him. Poor widdle Mikey.

    Willow and Drew: He wants her to walk her down the isle? What isle? Are they going to get married in a church? I'm so confused.

    Willow and Brooky: The wedding is being postponed. Willow wants time to plan the wedding. Oh sure. Willow has a lot of time in the world!!! She isn't dying or anything! And they walk about Chase. Willow regrets hurting Chase when she married him when she didn't wuv him. UGH! My Chillow. :'(

    Dex's home:

    Jex: They talk about what he has to do, and he doesn't want to do it! He don't want to leave Joss. They make the wuv, and then after, Michael showed up! RA RO! Joss better hide in the closet!

    1. That look on Lucy's face was priceless. I was laughing so much.

      Yes....HIDE, Joss...HIDE!

    2. "Di says, That look on Lucy's face was priceless. I was laughing so much."

      Hahahha yeah it was great!!! :D

      "Yes....HIDE, Joss...HIDE!"


  5. I guess they are never going to do a show honoring Alan Quartermaine. :(

    1. I doubt we will have ever one.. He died 16 years ago in February. :( I thought they were going to do it after he died.

  6. Where the heck is that safe house? Valentin said something about having to take a ferry. Anna leaves him there and voila, he is on the infamous bridge where anyone at anytime can show up. Enter Carly and her little dog Drew.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Lucy, Valentin and Anna all took off at different times. How'd they get to Port Charles so easily. I am sure the ferry doesn't go to Port Charles Harbor. Or does it? Never heard of a ferry there before.

    2. Valentine said they should take a ferry to Canada and then fly to Europe before escaped Lucy blows their cover, so I guess the safe house is somewhere on the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario.

  7. I have been watching since 1970 in high school. No one is miserable, we have different opinions. It seems to me there are two people who think it's their blog and only their opinion matters. I won't post anymore. I will not be reprimanded for my opinions. PS Laura wright is no tom Selleck!!(

    1. totally agree with you. And I do not care for LW acting or the girl who plays joss. LW is the worst of the carlys. sorry my opinion

    2. DeeDee I felt the same way and stopped posting for a couple of weeks....we will miss your posts so please keep posting...

    3. "DeeDee says, I won't post anymore."

      Awwww no! Don't leave! Don't stop posting. :(

    4. We should be able to post what we want, negative or positive, and not have worry about how someone reacts. Sometimes there is only something negative to say but I believe this is an open forum. Hate to lose some of our regulars!

    5. I agree, we should be able to post what we want while being respectful of one another of course. If Karen has an issue she can let us know as this is her blog. Some take things personally instead of just reading to the next comment. Dee Dee please stick around, I read and enjoy your comments.

      We all love the actors that make up our beloved show. Its free speech if there's something we dislike or disagree with. No need to be berated.

  8. "Can't we all just get along?"

    1. Honestly, we are chatting and opining about a soap opera. It is fiction. Some take this all too personally. Chill. Spring has sprung!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...