Friday, March 3, 2023

Um.. zzzzzzzzzzz


Continuation from yesterday. 

Spencer putting together the car seat, Laura says he looks too young to be a parent. He wants to change the baby's name "he's not a playing card" . Victor comes to pay the baby a visit. He bought a house for everyone. Laura says no, Spencer and the baby are staying with me. 

Maxie, Brook and Sasha talking about Chase. Yawn. Maxie leaves. Brook and Sasha sit to talk about Chase. It's so boring. Sasha says Chase is just a friend. Sasha says he loves Brook. 

Krissy shows Dante and Sam the pregnancy test. Dante is like DOH !! It's Molly's. Molly says she's not sure how TJ would feel about a baby. They all agree not to say anything about the baby to their Mom or TJ. 

Alexis is calling the DEAN OF THE COLLEGE ABOUT Greg working for the paper...Oh! Greg doesn't even work at the college. 

Greg is at GH. Chase sees him. Why you here? Why you here? Chases' shoulder hurts. Greg won't tell him why he's there. Then he says he had a migraine and needed meds but realizes that he has some at home. 

Alexis calls Greg. He goes to her office--again. She makes him read something. 

Eileen is screamin' down in the morgue seeing halogram Anna. "YOU'RE NEXT"! Eileen screams. "Anna" says to confess. Eileen says she'll tell her everything. Anyway, she confesses to helping sett her up for Lucy's "death". The hologram stops. Anna walks in the room and the body on the slab sits up, it's Felicia in a mask. :eyeroll:  Eileen says she'll clear Anna's name. 


Eileen agrees to help bring Victor down

Diane stops Spencer from taking Ace from the hospital

Molly calls TJ to 'tell him something' --without taking the TEST FIRST LOL 

WOW. so boring today



  1. SO boring except for Felicia and Anna---------and Laura with Victor
    -----stupid that Spencer is gonna sign papers and just take the baby? I think the preview of Diane is to throw us off - that Spence can't have custody now.......cause she is his attorney...
    ----the other players/cast - not their fault - but it's all boring compared to the action going on....
    -----not sure how Anna and Felicia get in and out of the morgue without being seen, but it's fine.........because Eileen is going to work against Victor and it's March 3 and the nurses ball is in April -----------wondering if Vanna and Lucy just show up at the nurses ball? I KNOW Lucy plans it but I can't see GH speeding this Victor thing up...
    -----Ava gonna tell Sonny I bet about Nik.....
    ----so Robert knows the truth about Felicia, etc. but not Mac, right???

  2. Giant baby #2 is adorable as is #1.
    At least the haunting is done. Clever but stupid. Now what. Bringing down Victor only means he will soon be disappearing for a while.
    Could it really be possible that Lucy and Martin are still shagging away? Be done with this and bring them back.
    Great photo above!

    1. "Zazu says Could it really be possible that Lucy and Martin are still shagging away?"

      ROFLMAOPMP! *dead*

  3. I want a spinoff - Anna and the Flea. lol they were so good, and i was giggling at Felicia peeling her face. lol

    Dante's face. lol Save yourself the reality man and go get snipped...NOW!

    I imagine Diane has filed papers to keep anyone from taking Esme's baby.

    I really wanted to see Nick today. Definitely not a Friday ep.

    1. "Di says, I want a spinoff - Anna and the Flea. lol they were so good,"

      YES!!!! Sounds good to me!!! :)

      "and i was giggling at Felicia peeling her face. lol"

      Me too! That was funny! ROFL!

      "Dante's face. lol Save yourself the reality man and go get snipped...NOW!"


      "I imagine Diane has filed papers to keep anyone from taking Esme's baby."

      She better have!

      "I really wanted to see Nick today. Definitely not a Friday ep."

      Yeah too bad we didn't see him. We probably won't for awhile.

  4. My day off and it's a Friday snoozer. They have just completely ruined Brooke and Chase. I am so disappointed. Next they will ruin Sprina. This is love in the afternoon people. Not "put me to sleep it's nap time".

    1. I do always love Anna and Felicia. Really looked like Kristina was having fun with it. Picking at her face/ mask the whole time. lol

    2. The baby is as big as Avery Pohl. lol

  5. Kelly's:

    Brooky and Sasha: Come on Brooky!!! Stop acting like you are 13 years old! You are a 30 something woman. Act like it! UGH! Sasha is right! Chase is a sweetheart!!!! :)

    Sante home:

    Sante, and Krissy: Geez Krissy be more subtle.

    Krissy, Molly, and Sam: MOLLY MIGHT HAVE THE PREGGERS! :D Wait she doesn't know how TJ will react? Uh you have known him a million years! You should know!!!! Come on Molly!

    Sante: Great scene!!! :)

    Molly and Krissy: Krissy wins the line of the day.

    Molly: I really want to have a baby with TJ.

    Krissy: Me too!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait Molly is calling TJ? But Molly you don't even know that you are pregnant yet!! What are you going to do? Say TJ I MIGHT be pregnant? *Facepalm*

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Diane: Yup! Alexis is going all out. :) OH MY! Gregory is a lying liar that lies. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Gregory: What was with the article for him to read? Just come out and ask him why he lied! Gregory has a secret! :)

    The hospital:

    Laura and Spencer: Spencer you can't just change Ace's name!!! UGH!

    Laura, Spencer, and Victor: Oh there is Victor!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YAY!!!

    Victor and baby Ace: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) He is holding that baby and it's adorable! That baby is looking at the camera! Awwwwwwww. :)

    Laura, Spencer, Victor, and Diane: YES! Thank you Diane!!!! You are representing Vampira right? :)

    Chase and Gregory: That whole migraines conversation sounds very fishy.. Gregory your nose is growing Pinocchio!

    Maxie and Chase: Why does it have to be Sasha? Why couldn't have it been with Blaze? Chase spends a lot of time with Blaze! I don't get it.

    Morgue: Creepy, but fun! I love how wet and drippy "ghost" Anna is hahaha. FELICIA! :D Felicia kept picking at her face! Hahahahahaha! That was funny.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Katherine's home* I think it's her home. Katherine wants answers!!! She is in a wheelchair because Stefan accidentally shot her.

    1. I suspect Molly is not sure how MOLLY will react when she gets a positive test result. She has always valued her own strength and independence, but her career will probably take a bigger hit than TJ's if there's a baby on board. But women can feel like they are traitors to the species if they don't want a baby, even if it's just a "not right now" issue.

    2. "Judith says, I suspect Molly is not sure how MOLLY will react when she gets a positive test result. She has always valued her own strength and independence, but her career will probably take a bigger hit than TJ's if there's a baby on board. But women can feel like they are traitors to the species if they don't want a baby, even if it's just a "not right now" issue."

      Yeah, but at the end with Krissy, Molly said she wants a baby with TJ. :) So thanks to talking it out with Krissy, Molly knows what she wants! :)

  6. I look forward to esme scenes next week. she has become my favorite character.

  7. I have no interest in Molly having a baby. She has barely been on the show now they are making her front and center? Boring...

  8. Do not have any interest in alexis her crush on gregory or her 3 daughters. zero interest in the finn family. can the writers please stay focused on the vets.

    1. Alexis doesn't have a crush on Gregory. They are friends, and he lied to her, so she is distracted with that.


    The good ol days. RnA (Robert and Anna)

    1. Awwwwwwwwww! Yes the good ol days.. And her having so much guilt from the past, that she had a fake scar on her face!!

  10. Just checked by tv guide for little previews of next week and the week after. Seems Phyllis will be back the second week. And it says Lucy gets impatient. I wonder if Martin finally runs out of steam? LMAO

  11. Lucy did always like to "run the guys ragged". Remember Alan?

  12. 9. ‘Ulysses‘.

    It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
    It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
    And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
    Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
    We are not now that strength which in old days
    Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
    One equal temper of heroic hearts,
    Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
    To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

    1. I think that was the poem Robert and Diane were reciting in the hospital. Tennyson.


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...