Tuesday, March 28, 2023

60 Years of Memorable Sets


Looking back on some of the memorable sets
we visited throughout the decades.
Such amazing scenes and characters
that toiled inside them. 

The Brownstone

The Brownstone was a hub for many years on GH.  Who were the first owners? Jake and Bobbie!! They lived there and lent out rooms and had small apartments. Why was this a great idea? BECAUSE ...it was a common place for all to gather. My most memorable thing that happened there was a earthquake in the early '90s!! You all know that it would be really great to have this make a comeback for some of the young people on the show and maybe interns from GH as well. 

 THE Haunted Star

The original name of this sea worthy vessel was The Titan and was owned by the Cassadines.  Who gave this to Luke and Laura? Why it was Elizabeth Taylor playing Helena ! It was a present for the wedding of the decade. It did come with a curse as we all know and many terrible things have happened on it's decks. 

Robert and Holly's House

Luke returns and sees Holly married to Robert.

Webber House

This house is close to Karen's heart for sure. When Laura first came on the show, this set was used SO much. David was killed here. Many conversations around the kitchen table took place. There was always the little oval window up in the staircase (you can see it now in Elizabeth's house). Mac Scorpio owed it for a time until it burned down. 

The Outback

Lois jumped out of the cake on Katherine's birthday.

Nurse's Station 80s

Audrey finds out about Steve's death, Amy Vining was the resident gossip girl, Nurse Jessie Brewer was a permanent fixture.


Rose Kelly was original owner, Ruby Anderson took over, Lucky meets Ruby.

Quartermaine Mansion

Sean and Tiffany's wedding, Reading of Edward's will, Thanksgiving pizza disasters, Leslie and Gail helped deliver AJ.


The name "Luke's Place" morphed into (just) Luke's and featured blues and jazz. 

AND... Lily went Kaboom outside of there as well. 


  1. The Brownstone would be a perfect place for Molly & TJ to purchase, live in, and rent out rooms to people to help make the mortgage payment!! Kristina could live there as well as some of the younger crowd. Even Chase! Nurses and med students / residents could fill it up. It would be a perfect HUB.

    1. I agree!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to do that!!! I wonder what year the Brownstone was gone.

  2. These blasts from the past are fun. Helps and revitalizes my memories of GH.
    Karen has been pitching bringing the brownstone back for many years. It would be such a terrific idea with so many story choices to conjure up.

  3. THANK YOU! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!! :) More pictures please! :) I miss the brownstone and wish it was still around!!!

  4. The townhouse! Where Tiffany, Jackie and I think Jackie's sister Laura lived. I think even at one point Heather lived there. It had that spiral staircase. Very early 80s.
    The Campus Disco. Richard Simmons' workouts.
    Harborview Towers, where the Q's lived before Alan bought the house for Monica. The place where Edward faked his heart attack in front of Tracy.
    The hospital cafeteria, complete with that old fashioned cash register where the cast paid for their coffee lol before sitting down to gossip lol.

  5. Count me in for more of these pictures, and trips down memory lane! I also loved Sean Donnelly's penthouse with the secret tech room. Good times!

  6. The Brownstone was my favorite, because it provided a reason or excuse for a wide variety of characters to run into each other. I do wish they would bring it back, with the same layout. (They tried a few years ago when they had Michael buy it and I think he had Morgan and Starr try to fix it up.) One of my all-time favorite "GH" lines was when Edward referred to it as a "yuppie flophouse."

    I always thought Luke's Place was really stylish for its era. It fit Luke's vibe well.

    Another favorite (and not on this list) was the Lighthouse, first owned by Bill Eckert and later owned by Kevin Collins. Cool place.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...