Friday, March 17, 2023

Cheese Board


Phyllis visits Nina. "You're back" she says. They hug. Nina tells her about Amelia, Willow and feeling badly about Sonny's 'lifestyle'. Nina's now upset he's resorting back to DANGER. whatever. They drink white wine and have a cheese board. They just talk about if Nina can REALLY DEAL with Sonny's LIFE and all that sheeze. OMG this is driving me insane. 

Carly takes Donna to Sonny's. Wants to know why there are guards all over the place. Carly is like YOU'RE IN DANGER? OMG. Again?? Danger? Danger.. :eyeroll: 

Diane interrupts Robert and Eileen at Robert's office. "I will make your day" she says. While they talk, Eileen takes a pic of a file (that Robert wanted her to find) and will give the info to Victor. 

Diane tells Robert to drop the charges against Esme. She gives him all the reasons. He finds out Trina, Cam and Joss are ok with it. 

Victor revisits his doctor. Doctor says Finn told him everything and he agrees. Victor thinks Laura did it. Eileen comes in later. Shows Victor the photo. He sees Robert has the necklace. (They are planning to give him false codes on the diamonds). Victor wants Eileen to get the necklace from the PCPD evidence room. 

Laura visits Lucy, Val and Anna. Anna's in the bedroom doing the codes. Laura tells them Victor is having a medical problem and they are closer to getting everyone out of there. Lucy says she's impatient. Laura gives her a letter from Marty. She goes to read it. Valentin thanks Laura for taking care of Charlotte. 

Joss is at Dex's. She tells him to take his shirt off to see his stitches. They make out. 


Robert drops the charges against Esme. 

Lucy escapes from the safe house, goes to The Metro dressed as a librarian type. 


  1. Librarian type? Isn't that how Lucy started on the show? Conservative, librarian type?? Sometimes my brain mixes up things from so long ago!! She was working with another character - Kevin - but not OUR Kevin. Kevin O'Conner I think it was!

    1. Ladderr, yes Lucy started out as a mousy librarian who was having an affair with Kevin O'Conner. Jaws dropped when Lucy went from conservative librarian to sexy vixen in a few minutes. Here is the clip the fun starts at the 2:16 in the video. Nice nod to history there.

    2. I remember that. It was a great surprise!

    3. Thank you for posting this clip!

    4. No problem, Rae. Lucy's transformation was one of the first times my jaw dropped watching GH. Since we were all mainly spoiler free back then it was quite a shock.

    5. Thanks for the clip! Thats awesome. **Also - my memory isn't as bad as I thought it was!!**

  2. Hahaha Karen what is that a picture of? :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Carly, Donna, and Dex: Donna wins the line of the day.

    Donna: Who are you?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! The way she said it!! :D Hahahaha!

    Carly and Sonny: Awww Carly is worried about him. :) So are the Tribbles, Bob the Badger, and the green beans.

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Phyllis: PHYLLIS YAY!!!! So glad to see her!!! :)

    Nina: You're back!

    Oh? Where did she go? I have been meaning to mention that Nina has Farrah Fawcett hair. :) Oh Nina come on! You are the millionth woman to question if she should be with Sonny because of his job! You should have thought about this along time ago!

    The safehouse cabin:

    Lucy and V.C.: Playing checkers hahahaha. Lucy should be with Marty, and V.C. should be with Anna, and they should be in their own rooms and just shag. ;)

    Lucy, V.C. and Laura: I love the hug that Lucy gave Laura. :) Oooooo a letter from Marty! YAY! :)

    Laura and V.C.: Yes life IS full of surprises. Who would have thought V.C. and Laura would get along. :)

    Robert's office:

    Robert and EyeLean: I love EyeLean's hair. I'm glad they are working together. :)

    Robert and Diane: Yes Robert drop the charges!!! Ax throwing room! Yes go there!!! :) Ooooo a date? :)

    Dex's home:

    Jex: I'm glad he is honest with her. I'm glad she didn't get a flashback of what Cam said. Yes he is living with Sonny. Be honest with her! Tell her you wuv Sonny! :)

    The hospital:

    Hot doctor and Victor: Irreversible!!! Oh my!!! No more zex for Victor! Will the blue pill work? ;)

    Victor and EyeLean: I can't believe EyeLean can pull the wool over Victor's eyes. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant: Victor smells the drink before drinking it! Hahahahahaha! LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE ESCAPED OH NO! Wait librarian? :) Whoa got a flashback of Lucy looking like a librarian a long time ago. :) Lucy what the hell are you doing?!!?!

    Preview for tomorrow: V.C. yelling at Anna?!?! Oh no! He is furious! Is he blaming her for Lucy escaping?!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 14th 2001* Nik and Gia make the wuv for the first time. At 1:41 it looked like Nik touched her boob! :)

    1. Sonya said "I can't believe EyeLean can pull the wool over Victor's eyes. :)"

      Well, Victor is being distracted by the problems he is having in the bedroom. And with his ego it becomes a big priority.

    2. "Gary says Well, Victor is being distracted by the problems he is having in the bedroom. And with his ego it becomes a big priority."

      OH! Hahahaha. Of course. :) That's how to distract a man.. :) Make him feel like less of one. :)

    3. "Sonya says OH! Hahahaha. Of course. :) That's how to distract a man.. :) Make him feel like less of one. :)"

      With men like Victor it works every time.

    4. "Gary says With men like Victor it works every time."

      Hahahaha. YUP! :D

  3. I hated Lucy for the longest time back then. Then I loved Lucy. I love Lucy. lol

    1. Oh yeah Lucy was awful back then. She manipulated Jake to sleeping with her when he was married to Bobbie. Then got pregnant. Bobbie wanted to adopt the baby, and Lucy did not want that to happen, so she threw herself on purpose down the stairs and ended up losing the baby. Bobbie yelled at her at the hospital. I have to find that video!!! :)

  4. Yeah I agree, but she wore us down with her soft heart.

    1. "Linda says she wore us down with her soft heart."

      Who did? Are you talking about Lucy?

    2. Yeah Lucy, way back in the day.

  5. GH hit a gold mine when they decided to use Lynn H's comedic skills and made Lucy loveable - as Kevin, Alan Q, Marty, Tony Jones, Scotty, and any of Lucy's sweeties that I missed. Who can forget the red dress and huge hat she wore when she married Alan and I loved that she called Lila "Mother Quartermaine". Plus, Lucy is a vampire hunter.

    1. And she had a pet duck Sigmund

    2. Everyone here is making me remember the myriad of reasons that I adore Lucy.

    3. "lindie says, And she had a pet duck Sigmund"

      I loved that duck!!!!

    4. I loved Sigmund!!!

  6. So, where was Phyllis anyhow? Have that mentioned that before?

    I think the scenes Friday between Nina and Phyllis and then between Sonny and Carly are a subtle hint that S and C will eventually reunite. This is coming more quickly than I expected.

    1. for sure they will reunite but I say NYE of this year into next year!

    2. And that is why I can't get into either Nina/Sonny or Carly/Drew. Because we all know that the end game is going to be Carly/Sonny.

  7. Just FYI, a summary judgment hearing in Ingo Rademacher's case against ABC/Disney is scheduled for March 30.

  8. The previews show Valentin yelling at Anna. "You screwed up and you can't own up to it". What is that about? Their first fight as a couple? They better not break them up too. They are one of the only reasons I watch

    I am thinking that Valentin, Anna and Lucy will show up last minute to the Nurse's Ball. Not as much talent anymore without Epiphany.

    1. I think maybe that might be because Lucy got away and he's blaming it on her.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...