Tuesday, November 1, 2022



Town Square ..Avery and Donna trick or treat with Sonny and Nina. Carly's talking to Sam about how happy she is and sees them and gets all pissy. She wants to talk to Sonny ALONE! Why did they have a sleep over with Nina? Oh it was a movie night. Carly says thank you for respecting her boundaries. 

Carly tells Sam about Florida. Flashes back to Drew and her cliff kissing. 

Sonny sees Holly and is like WOW, back from the dead. Holly says she can't remember the last 2 years. Sonny is like YEP, I hear that! She leaves to go get cider. Robert and Sonny talk about Anna being in jail. 

Alexis' Office. Drew brings in Scout for trick or treat. She's a butterfly. Alexis tells Drew she saw his name in the news with the Florida grave stuff. He wants advice about the insider trading threat Ned threw out. Alexis says it's absolutely insider trading but the FCC probably wouldn't press charges unless the parties were 'romantically" involved. ut oh

Holly and Robert try to figure out how to spring Anna from jail. There has to be new evidence for there to be another bail hearing. They go to the town square to check out the halloween fest. 

Laura and Valentin. "God didn't summon me, your girlfriend did" says Laura!!  VAL tells her about Lucy being shot and Anna's set up. They go to leave and Bald Baddie comes in. Oh he works there. He wonders who Laura is "I haven't seen you here before sister".  Then the bald guy sees the passed out guy and pulls a gun on them. Val knocks him out and Then Father Kevin shows up! YIPEE!! they put the guys in the crypt. 

Finn and Anna talking in jail. He tells her he met Heather Webber. THEN he tells her all about ELIZABETH! geesh!

Elizabeth wants answers about their time on the island.  She asks who Reiko Finn was.. Jeff looks shocked.  It comes out he had an affair with her when she was married to Finn. Liz' Mom knew too. Liz knows it was more than an affair. She tells them about her dreams and blacking out and such. Jeff says Liz found them together. She asks if he pushed Reiko down the stairs. 


I think Alexis opens a letter from The Hooker

Val, Kevin and Laura run out to get Charlotte

Holly calls someone with an update on Robert. I Think someone has Ethan! 

Jeff finally tells Liz SHE pushed Reiko down the stairs. 


  1. Oooooo they are doing Halloween afterall! :)

    Montery California/Webber's home:

    Caroline, Jeff, and Liz: 25 years????!? Ohhh so Liz is 40 years old! Hahahahaha. The writers accidentally spilled how old Liz is now. Oopsie! Hahahahaha! At first I thought Liz asked who is Franco Finn! I'm like huh?! ROFL! No no she said Reiko! :) Wait so Liz pushed Reiko Finn down the stairs. What is the big deal Jeff?!!?! She didn't die! She lived until that disease took her. So I don't get it. So let's see Liz is 40 years old, so Finchy must be 70! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Switzerland chapel:

    V.C. and Laura: Ooooo LAURA! So glad to see you! :D

    V.C., Laura, and big baddy: Oh oh. No where to run! No where to hide!!! FATHER DOC! YAY!

    V.C., Laura, and Father Doc: Well Father Doc showing up was a very welcome surprise! :) I love that they are working together!! Father Doc did you hear about Lucy? :(

    Father Doc: I still owe you a bullet to the shoulder.

    ROFL! Great continuity!!! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Alexis's office:

    Drew, Alexis, and Scout: I'm like Alexis is a grandmother? Huh? Then they showed Sam at the town square and OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ROFL! Grandma Alexis awwwww. :) Scout looks adorable!

    Drew and Alexis: Oh Drew! You are so dumb!!! Don't make me say that you are too stupid to live.

    Alexis and the mail: RA RO!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Holly: Awwwww! :) Oh she is sitting down again.. Wonderful strategic ways to get her to sit.

    Town square:

    Carly and Sonny: Miscommunications. Hmmm Sonny has gray again. :)

    Robert and Holly: Awwwwwww I love their scenes. He is so sweet to her!

    Carly, Donna, and Avery: Awwww the girls are missing Carly! Glad she finally came back and came back on Halloween!!!

    Robert, Holly, and Sona ninny nanny goat: Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: You can read about it online.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait how come Sonny isn't very upset that Lucy is "dead" He has known her for years! He is just so calm with a meh attitude.

    Holly on the phone: Hmmm. Is she talking to Victor on the phone? If he has Ethan, oh boy!!!! Tell Robert!!!

    Sona ninny nanny goat: Does she got the preggers yet?

    Robert and Sonny: Ooooo! I like that Robert doesn't need Sonny's help! :)

    Sam and Nina: Oh yes that's right! Sam and Carly are close besties now!

    Sam and Carly: Oh come on Carly. Tell Sam all about you and Drew and that you are Crew now! :)

    Anna's jail cell:

    Anna and Finchy: Finchy even tells her about the 25 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Liz is 40! And Finchy is 70! ROFL!

    1. Man oh man, I had the same problem when Scout showed up with Drew. Who is that? Who you calling grandma? Why are you calling anyone gramma? HAHAHAH! I was so confused! But she had an awfully cute costume. (and Drew is too stupid live. Amen.)
      Liz was on fire again. And as it was mentioned below her mama sure was wearing a stink face. What is she hiding?!
      Robert and Holly are just the bee's knees. I want them on every day!
      Doc and Laura together again. Another amen from me. Can we just have the Doc, Laura, Robert Holly show?

      Line of the day was perfect. I love how Robert gives Sonny the side eye, lol!

    2. It took me a second or two to figure out who Scout was too.

  2. lol Finn is 50.

    sonya said: "Wait so Liz pushed Reiko Finn down the stairs. What is the big deal Jeff?!!?! "

    *** Maybe Reiko did die and they sent Liz away because they didn't want her near the scene to get in trouble. And if they stayed away they couldn't be forcefully brought home to testify against her. They could have injected her dead body with antibodies from that disease so Finn thought that's what killed her.

    Or Liz was going through her bad girl stage and they just wanted distance from her before she tied to kill them. lol

    I loved the scenes at the chapel and the funny one liners.

    And you've got to shorten this*Sona ninny nanny goat* lol I keep forgetting who it is. I keep thinking you start to write sonya lol and end up with sona. And who's the goat? lol

    Nice to see a few kids in costume.

    And I hope Sonny looks into that video and CALLS SPINELLI!

    1. "Di says, lol Finn is 50."


      "Maybe Reiko did die and they sent Liz away because they didn't want her near the scene to get in trouble. And if they stayed away they couldn't be forcefully brought home to testify against her. They could have injected her dead body with antibodies from that disease so Finn thought that's what killed her."

      Well, that is an interesting theory, but she was alive when she found out she had the disease! He tried to save her with a cure. :)

      "Or Liz was going through her bad girl stage and they just wanted distance from her before she tied to kill them. lol"


      "And you've got to shorten this*Sona ninny nanny goat* lol I keep forgetting who it is. I keep thinking you start to write sonya lol and end up with sona. And who's the goat? lol"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gary started the ninny.. I thought of ninny nanny goat.. Nobody is the goat hahahaha.

    2. You do realize The GOAT basically means 'The Greatest of All Time,' those who are called that are the Greatest Of All Time in their field. You must really love sonny or Nina. lol

    3. I thought of the goat because I told Sonya calling them ninny nanny made me think of a nanny goat.

    4. I called them ninny for NIN a and sonNY, lol (And ninny means a foolish person. lol Goat isn't a farm animal I have equated him with. lol But he does think he's the greatest "gangsta" of all time.

    5. "Di says You do realize The GOAT basically means 'The Greatest of All Time,' those who are called that are the Greatest Of All Time in their field. You must really love sonny or Nina. lol"

      Hahahaha. I know! :) Ninny nanny goat doesn't mean anything.. It's just funny. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why do I get the feeling that Liz' mom finished Reiko off? Denise Crosby has a very sharp, almost vengeful look at times. So did Finn not put 2 and 2 together that Jeff Webber was Liz' dad? Or did he not know about the affair? There is some convoluted Laurelton style storytelling going on here! I'm gonna need a cocktail or two to digest all of this...right now it doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

    1. Her mother did keep making a stink face lol but I think if they've been forced to stay away all these years because of something Liz did then maybe she had a reason.

      Unfortunately I don't drink so I've had to resort to a couple of lindor chocolates to soothe my soul. lol

    2. "Di says, Unfortunately I don't drink so I've had to resort to a couple of lindor chocolates to soothe my soul. lol"

      ROFL Lindor??! I thought you liked that other expensive chocolate! You back stabber! ROFL!

    3. I like Lindor better. I also have a big box of your favs and one of Turles. I'm an indiscriminate chocolate lover. 😄

    4. That should be Turtles.lol Although I'm sure turles are good too if they're chocolate.😄

    5. Chocolate covered pretzels for me!

    6. Well I'm gonna need cocktails and chocolate! And so very true about the vengeful stink face. She's hiding something!

    7. I've never tried those Diana but I am a big fan of chocolate covered sultanas....and not those dark chocolate ones....yummmm

    8. "Di says, I like Lindor better. I also have a big box of your favs and one of Turles. I'm an indiscriminate chocolate lover. 😄"

      Hahaha! Hey chocolate is chocolate!! :D YUM!

  5. While Carly was away she often said how much she missed her kids so why didn't she go see them as soon as she got home?
    I too was puzzled about Grammy Alexis. Then I remembered that Sam is her daughter. I don't think Drew and Alexis were ever in a scene together before this.
    The Charlotte caper is moving along nicely. I think Valentine will eventually save the world and probably slay his father.

  6. Holly doesn't act brainwashed. Victor is not above blackmailing and kidnapping everyone IDK

    1. I totally think Victor is holding Ethan. Once Robert finds out, he and Holly will try to rescue him.

    2. I would love that Victor has Ethan, and can we pretty please see him again. Love the character and the actor! :)

  7. SO GLAD that Genie is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Me too. I am also thrilled to have Emma Samms back. It has brought the old gang back together and Tristan in particular is getting more screen time now. I don't know how long it will last but I am enjoying GH more that I have in years.

    2. Me too. I've been watching since 77 or 78 myself too. I am also thrilled with Mma Samms being back. Probably short term but I'll take it. She is to be praised coming back with long COVID for her fans.

    3. Emma is definitely a trooper. You can see she's tired and sometimes her voice cracks and I just want to give her a hug. I hope she knows that all of us really appreciate her hard work and are so glad to see her again.

  8. Lol the ages. Fin married a woman who had an affair with his daughters grandfather:)

  9. i thought it would have been cute if Avery had a sleep over with Ava & Nina and Donna begs to come along.

    I too am glad Genie is back.

    1. Linda, I almost snorted my coffee at the thought of Donna begging to be at a sleep over with Ava and Nina.

    2. And I'm sure Sonny would have just stood there with that foolish grin on his face and let Carly deal with it. hehe It would be funny.

  10. I see a major flaw with what Drew is going to do with the advice Alexis gave him. I get that the plan will be for Drew and Carly to pretend they are just casual friends to keep Carly from being arrested for insider trading. What about the fact that Carly's SON was also part of the planned merger and that was the main reason Carly bought all that stock. It was to help Michael - not Drew. So, Drew and Carly's relationship would not be a factor because the mother/son relationship tops it.

    Also, I have a beef that Webber house has photos of Sara, Liz, and Audrey but no photos of Steve effing Hardy? It isn't like GH prop department doesn't have any with their file cabinets somewhere. If anything else find one on the internet. Major fail not having a photo John Beradino on that mantle.

    1. I agree with 100% of this. C'mon, writers and producers, do better.

    2. Props to you Gary and I 100% agree about the photos. Sheesh!
      (and seriously, the mother/son relationship DOES top everything!)

  11. I am not happy with the Liz reveal. That means Finn has been involved with two of Jeff's three daughters. C'mon.

    My main problem, though, is that we have seen all of this before. The same scenario played out in flashback when Laura walked in on stepdad Rick Webber having an affair with Nurse Theresa Carter and Laura accidentally killed her in a fit of rage. (Never cared for that storyline, either.) These writers are PAID to create storylines and this is the best they can do? It's insulting to viewers. It prompted my first ever email to ABC (not that it will matter).

    The only marginally good aspect is it kinda explains why Jeff and Carolyn sent Liz away. She had PTSD and was delicate, and it would be more difficult for the police to arrest her if they found out. Small consolation.

    1. I agree Kevin. Also her younger self was raped.

  12. If I lost two years memory the first thing I would do is to go to a mental health professional and at least get some hypnosis and therapy. To just casually tell everyone that two years were lost is ludicrous. That being said, it really is delightful to have Emma back. Whenever I see Drew he reminds me of when Jim Carrey played the fire chief on Living Color. He is so not Drew. Anna looks too good to be staying in a cell.

    1. Fire marshall Bill! I haven't thought of that character in years. Such a dark, funny character. I always got a chuckle out of him.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...