Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Michael sees Willow and TJ. He thinks Willow's cheating on him. Willow is angry and says "is this NINA's FAULT"? Then she asks TJ to leave and tells Michael. She tells him about her cancer. He says he's so sorry and hugs her. He says that it's her choice.. then and now. She tells him she has to start chemo and get a bone marrow transplant. 

Val is worried about Anna, she's not at the drop off. Sonny's trying to call Dex, he's not answering. Dante comes over to Sonny at GH. Says he wants to go for a beer. Dante gets a call about the police car. TJ comes out and is mad and asks Sonny where Nina is. Sonny says he knows about him  and Willow. TJ says he can't believe Sonny thinks that. He knows TJ and he would never cheat. Sonny says ok, I believe you but Michael won't. 

Van: Guard, Dex and Anna all passed out. Heather? MIA. Dex wakes up, tries to wake up Anna. Anna wakes up and is good.. just a little head wound. BUT she notices Heather is gone. Then Valentin finds her and they leave. Dex hears sirens and runs. 

Mac and Dante show up and realize that Anna was going to be sprung from the van and she's on the run. 

Nikolas is frantic that Esme is gone. He goes into the living room and finds a light bulb gone.. and THE HOOK IS THERE. Nikolas gets the fireplace poker and the hook comes down. They tussle, he hits his head and the hooker runs. Phone rings: it's Liz. He gets up and looks around. Sees the hook. Says it's from their boathouse and it must be Esme. 

Cody reads the DNA results. Says 'I'm not your son".. Felicia was going to check it but Mac says why bother (idiot). CODY totally LIED to get that necklace. Cody still wants to be friends with Mac tho. Mac gets called away about the van. Felicia basically tells Cody to go away now that he knows he's not Mac's son. (Since he didn't care in the first place). 

Liz and Finn. Very weird situation. He's like HOW do you know your parents aren't lying to you? He says Reiko said she fell. Liz says no. She tells him that Reiko and her father had an affair.  Liz cries and says she's sorry. Finn says he's sorry too. AND LEAVES!! HE LEAVES!! What a douche! 


Valentin and Anna take off in the car... 

Cody did lie, he's Mac's kid. He wants that necklace. 

Esme is hiding on the docks, Liz comes on the docks too 

Finn sits in his office and looks at old photos of Reiko hahahahaa what????? 

DEX stumbles in the woods, shot 


  1. The hospital:

    Sonny and Dante: Awwww Dante wants to go out and have fun with his dad! Awwww! :)

    Dante: We're blended up.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Mildew and TJ: Well see Willow? That's what you get for lying to Michael and keeping secrets!!! Idiot! Now will you just spit it out for crying out loud?!?!?!

    Mildew: FINALLY! Oh look. Michael isn't mad. Yeah Willow can't do no wrong in Michael's eyes! And see Willow! You always had a choice! Even Michael said it! Oy! So the bone morrow transplant, let me guess how this all will happen. Nobody is a match for the bone morrow, and Carly will feel so guilty she has to tell the truth, and then Nina sees if she is a match and she is!!!!! Am I close? ROFL!

    Cowboy Cody, and MacLecia: Mac not the father? I'm thinking oh he is lying!!!! And why didn't MacLecia get the results of their own too?!?!! This is so odd.

    Cowboy Cody and Mac: He wants a beer with Mac? Oh he is DEFINITELY LYING! I mean why have a beer with Mac if you are not even related to him and there is no reason to have a beer with him. Why are you acting funny Cowboy Cody?

    Cowboy Cody and Felicia: Yeah Felicia! YOU TELL HIM! :D

    MacLecia: Mac is breaking my heart!! I want to hug him! :( You should not have stopped Felicia from looking at the results too! Why didn't you both get your own results!?!! COME ON!

    Cowboy Cody and Britch: Cowboy Cody is looking very strange. He has been ever since he got the results. Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: Just to say thanks for standing by me through all my Maury drama.


    Cowboy Cody alone: 99.99% I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! He really wants that necklace! Do we have to wait until the truth comes out in February sweeps?!!

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Finchy: I'm glad the whole truth came out. When he said he is sorry too, I knew he would leave. He just needs time to process!!!

    Hospital/Finchy's office:

    Awwwwwwww! :( I want to hug Finchy. I really do like him and I don't want to see him hurt. :(

    The van accident:

    Dex and Anna: Dex is so great with Anna!! He knows his stuff!! Oh oh where is Heather?! :D

    V.C. and Anna: When he wants her to go with him, I thought she would run away! Yes it's true V.C. knows his stuff. He knows other stuff too!! ;)

    Mac and Dante: Hmmmm are they happy that Anna escaped? :)

    Dex: Oh oh Dex is really really hurt!!!! I'm thinking where is Joss? :)


    Hook Hookster and Nik: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh he wasn't hooked!!! Wait the hook was at the Wyndemere boathouse? Not the Q's? But that looked like the Q boathouse. I'm so confused. And I didn't know Wyndemere has a boathouse! Oh wait of course they do. Where would they put the boats. Well Nik must have gotten the same interior designer that the Q's have.

    Pier: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?! Vampira and Liz? Will the hook person hook Vampira? And then Liz?

    Sidenote: WHERE IS LUCY?!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!??!?! When will they show her?! February sweeps?

    1. I thought Michael and Willow were great, so sue me, lol! I also loved TJ giving Sonny a mild piece of his mind. I want much crow eaten by Sonny and Neener. What do we call them again? Neener goat? :)
      And a big fat yes to Dex, he was great with Anna. He's really growing on me. Unlike Grody-Cody. What a greedy little con he is and his poor me attitude is wearing very thin.
      They just need to go ahead and make Nik evil. He's closing remarks saying Esme should have killed him when she had the chance, was pretty dang good.
      I was peeved with Finchy too, when he left Liz. But he did get one heck of a shock. And I really like the fact that Liz was going to Windemere. Ducking for cover here, but I always liked Liz and Nik together, and even though we don't see them together very often, there is some chem between the actors. :)

    2. I thought Willow and Michael were good too. Like to see more of this mature caring Michael now. And a big fat yes to Dex too. lol he took care of Anna and hid the fact that he was shot so that she would get away. Hopefully we see more of him today and he'll get some help.

    3. "Julie H says, I also loved TJ giving Sonny a mild piece of his mind."

      Mild! Hahahahaha!

      "I want much crow eaten by Sonny and Neener. What do we call them again? Neener goat? :)"

      ROFL! They have a lot of nicknames. :) Just recently I've been calling them Nison thanks to Karen who said that on twitter hahahaha. Sounds like a car hahaha!

      "And a big fat yes to Dex,"

      Haha. Where is Joss so she can patch him up! :)

      "He's closing remarks saying Esme should have killed him when she had the chance, was pretty dang good."

      Yeah it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      "Ducking for cover here, but I always liked Liz and Nik together, and even though we don't see them together very often, there is some chem between the actors. :)"

      Yeah they always had great chemistry and were hot together! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another great episode. I'm glad they started with the crash right away and didn't insert any thing else in front of it to drag it out.

    Man, Cody has no self esteem at all. He says he didn't deserve to be Mac's son. We all knew he'd lie about the test because he really wants that necklace.

    That Hook looked way shorter than Esme. I thought for sure she'd get a bit of Nick though although his Cassadine self-preservation senses warned him he wasn't alone.

    Poor Dex.

    Finn left. Oh goodie. I don't like him with Liz. Go away you douche! *runs before Sonya comes.*

    1. "Di says runs before Sonya comes.*

      HAHAHAHAHA! I don't like Liz and Finchy together anymore either. I do like him though and don't want him hurt. :(

    2. OK..* Just catching my breath now. I don't want him hurt either....or fired.. I know he's just reading his lines as directed.

    3. "Di says, OK..* Just catching my breath now."


      "I don't want him hurt either....or fired.. I know he's just reading his lines as directed."

      Hahaha you crack me up. :) I don't want ME to leave either. No reason to!

    4. I was referring to ME since he's the one who's reading lines and can be fired. lol I'd never wish for an actor to lose hisor her job because I don't like the character he/she plays. That would be the height of narcissism

    5. "Di says, I was referring to ME since he's the one who's reading lines and can be fired. lol"

      Hahaha I know you were referring to him. :)

      "I'd never wish for an actor to lose hisor her job because I don't like the character he/she plays."

      No I know that. Of course not. :)

  4. This must be a boring storyline for Finn's portrayer. He went from Vampires and lizards to this (where is Roxey anyway?)

    1. HAHAHAHA! Roxie! Thanks, that made me laugh! :)

  5. They are making it look like the Hookster is Esme. Must be someone else.

  6. Based on the screencap of the Hooker (*immature chuckling*), it looks like Heather. My new theory is Valentin or Cyrus bribed Heather to go after Ava, Trina/Portia and Sonny. Or maybe it's Selina and she's trying to "hook" (*more immature laughing*) her section of the Waterfront.

    GH was interrupted by unnecessary voting coverage today (GROAN). I wonder if it would be better for GH to move to Hulu/Disney+, like DAYS. No more pre-empted episodes, but it wouldn't be cheap.

    Hoping GH has another Q Thanksgiving episode lined up! Nothing like Tracy running her mouth over how everyone is acting stupid! Also, Leo is now her grandson!
    Maybe there will be a tribute to Bergen Williams (Alice), as Williams passed away last year.

    1. I approve of immature chuckling, lol!
      And an absolute YES to a Q Thanksgiving. It's tradition! :)

    2. I suppose it could be Heather. If she's not there to make Jeff miserable they must have brought her back for something. Heather usually has a reason if not a strange reason.


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