Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Finn to Jeff Webber "you don't know me, you knew my wife...you slept with her".  Punches him. Later he and Jeff talk in his office. Jeff tells him that Reiko was lonely and they were working on the same island and well...things happen. Finn tells Jeff he knows he's a cheater, Hayden proved that. Finn screams at Jeff for messing with Liz' head. 

Liz goes to Wyndemere. Tells Nikolas she remembers him there. She also thinks he knows where Esme is. THIS IS A GREAT COUPLE OF SCENES. Anyway, watch it. Nikolas cops to knowing where Esme is. Liz wants to see her. 

The bathroom door creaked open, that was all. Esme says she has to get a hold of Ryan. THEN LIZ COMES IN!! Sees that she's pregnant. What are you doing here!!? Esme says she's been there for weeks and tried to escape. Nikolas tells Liz that Esme is the hook person! Pfffffft. 

Liz and Nikolas go into the living room. She thinks the baby is Spencers. Nikolas says no.. and she's like IT'S YOURS??????EWWWWWWW. Then she gets a text and has to run out. 

Josslyn shows Carly Dex.  Carly says "you got shot working for Sonny, right"??  OMG Carly is going to help them and get antibiotics! AHAHAHA She's in EVERY FKING STORY! Carly calls Brick. 

Brick meets Nina. Sonny and they sit down at a table to talk. She has to go look at the tasting menu. Sonny and Brick talk about Michael being mad at Sonny/Nina. Carly calls Brick and he doesn't TELL SONNY! WOW! He goes to find antibiotics

Joss finds out about Esme being in town. 

Michael is going to organize a bone marrow drive. Willow knows it's the right thing to do. They also are going to try to find her birth parents. Drew comes in.. flashes back to Carly saying Nina was her birth mother then the DNA test saying no. I think that he realizes she's lying. 

HAD TO LEAVE EARLY FOR MY JOB..missed last 5 min! 


  1. New Nik was great today. Loved the scenes with Esme and Liz.

    Not usually an ME fan but Finn's scenes today were fantastic. So was the writing. Hope they keep this up.

    ohoh...You said, "She's in EVERY FKING STORY! " The haters are going to be frothing at the mouth now. They don't need much motivation. And the last few minutes that you missed are going to set another group off....typing fast so I can make a quick escape.

    Drew's recollection has left us with a little hope for some hidden truths. Hope it doesn't take too long. Although if Nina signs up for the bone marrow drive it may not be necessary. Things are getting very interesting.

    Love Brick. Hope he doesn't get in Sonny's bad books for keeping Carly's secret.

    And does Leo have Dex's phone?

    Glad Carly is helping Joss, without any blowback at this point. I loved Joss's scenes today. Eden is getting so good at acting with her eyes. They were so expressive today. I chucked at the flaming angel comments, and her reaction. Glad they had her being amused and not getting all hot and bothered. It was much more effective.

    1. "Di says, I chucked at the flaming angel comments, and her reaction."

      Chucked as in puke? ROFL!

    2. hahaha...I hate that there's no edit button. No chuckled. lol Loved the little smirk on her face when she said she wouldn't forget it too.

    3. HAHAHAHAH! I knew you meant chuckled, but still! :)
      Totally agree about not dragging out Drew's memory about Carly/Harmony.
      I was happy about Carly knowing about Dex, and yes a calmer Joss is much more effective and much easier on my nerves, lol!
      And for an "old" man, Finn throws quite the punch!

    4. "Di says, hahaha...I hate that there's no edit button. No chuckled. lol Loved the little smirk on her face when she said she wouldn't forget it too."

      Oh! Hahahahahaha. Yeah I wish there was an edit button.

  2. You would think Carly would want to Get Dex out of the DORM! Surely Spinelli could block the cameras for a few minutes to get him out of there. Oh well, its a soapy world.

    I don't want them blaming Elizabeth if she doesn't tell on Nik. Just another way to drag her character,

    1. Same here about Liz! And I misquoted below, I though Gary said that.
      My apologies! :)

  3. I have a confession to make: I got behind in watching GH last year, and so am about 2 weeks behind in watching the shows. However, as I read the blog every day, I pretty much know what's coming.

    So I was watching the show today, the one where Heather Webber is brought into the hospital and Finn is treating her. I know that Sonya has "the line of the day" everyday, but I think Heather had the best line of all time, and I don't think anyone mentioned it.

    Finn (while getting ready to give Heather a shot): "You are going to feel a little prick."
    Heather: That's the story of my life!

    1. lol I remember that. I said it was my line of the day that day. So funny.

      I hope all is well with you Ant Joan.

    2. I remember almost snorting my coffee through my nose when she said that.

      They have to have at least one scene with Jeff and Heather, just for us old fans if nothing else. The Jeff/Heather story was huge back in the day.

    3. "AntJoan says, I know that Sonya has "the line of the day" everyday, but I think Heather had the best line of all time, and I don't think anyone mentioned it.

      Finn (while getting ready to give Heather a shot): "You are going to feel a little prick."
      Heather: That's the story of my life!"

      Hahaha. Yeah that day I did say that Heather wins all lines of the day.. :) She was great that day! :)

  4. Sorry I'm late. I have Covid since Saturday and it's been wiping me out. This is the first time I got it. So a lot of funny one liners today.

    Joss's dorm room:

    Joss, Carly, and Dex: Ooo I'm glad Joss brought her mother into this. Carly is perfect person to help! Joss confronts her mother about dating Drew! Hahahaha. Carly, meet Carly Jr! :D I'm glad Brick helped. :)

    Joss and Dex:

    Dex: My guardian angel. Not like a sweet angel. Like a warrior angel. With a flaming sword. So beautiful it hurts to look.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Joss: Well it's a good thing you are delirious. You will never remember that you said that, but I will.

    Awwwwww! :) I love Jex!!! I can bet her heart is racing after he said that.. And you can see hearts in her eyes, and below the waist is heaving! :)



    Nina: I'm a good person!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just stay away from Mildew! Listen to Sonny.

    Nison and Brick: Damn they can't share that story with her.. Brick gets a phone call and the chef hates Nina! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Brick and Carly: I'm glad they are still friends. Ooooo wait.. Nina shows up and spies!!! Nina wins the lines of the day! With her saying she is a good person, and I wonder what Drew would think of you and Brick, HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just.. I'm dead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nina if you were really a good person you wouldn't be starting rumors and gossip! Hahahahaha.


    Recast Nik and Liz:

    Liz: Did you kill her?


    Recast Nik, Liz, and Repunzel: I'm glad Liz found out that Repunzel is there and that she got the preggerss. :) The baby's name is gonna be Ace!!! Well, I hope so.

    Outside Mildew's home:

    Drew and Little uncle Leo:

    Awwww poor kid. :( He needs a hug! :)

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Yeah yeah go find your bio parents already.

    Drew and Mildew: Yeah Drew knows Carly is a lyin. I knew it. :)

    Outside Mildew's home:

    Little Uncle Leo and phone: I'm not sure what he is doing out there.. Ooooo he found a phone! At first I thought it was Sonny's. I was confused. Was that the phone from Nixon falls that he threw out? Wow it got all the way back to Port Chuckles?!?! But no no It's Dex's phone.

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Jeff: Stop saying 25 years! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And that picture of Reiko and Finchy, Finchy looks older! Hahahahahaha. This storyline is hysterical! So Reiko was 28 and Finchy was 35 40? So Finchy is 65? HAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't with this story. I can't! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. SO sorry to hear you're sick

    2. Feel better Sonya, I know that "wiped out" feeling. Hugs to you!
      So many one liners....hahahahahah! Joss, Liz, they were killing me! I'm with Gary, I hope no one finds out Liz knows about Ace's mom. Lordy! And yes, I like the name Ace. Do we all need bracelets? WWDD? What would daddy do? HAHAHAH! That was a great chat she was having with herself!
      I was happy (believe it or not) that Carly knows about Dex. But it will be a stupid thing if Brick doesn't tell Sonny because he knows Dex is "in the wind!" I am not happy that Carly stuck her nose in Liz's business earlier this week. Can't Liz just have her own dang story? No reason to insert Carly.

      I just can't with Neener. I just can't.

      And stop saying Finchy is pushing 70! HAHAHAHAHAH!

    3. "Linda says, SO sorry to hear you're sick"

      Awww thank you. *BEARHUGS*

      "Feel better Sonya, I know that "wiped out" feeling. Hugs to you!"

      Awww thank you! *BEARHUGS*

      "So many one liners....hahahahahah!"

      Hahaha! Yes!!!!

      "And yes, I like the name Ace."

      Yeah me too! :)

      "Do we all need bracelets? WWDD? What would daddy do? HAHAHAH! That was a great chat she was having with herself!"

      Hahahahahaha. It was awesome. :)

      "Can't Liz just have her own dang story? No reason to insert Carly."

      Yeah not sure what Carly wanted.

      "I just can't with Neener. I just can't."


      "And stop saying Finchy is pushing 70! HAHAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahahahahaha. Well that picture of he and Reiko! He looks older than her! Then 25 years keeps coming up. So okay maybe he is 60 65, but 70 is funnier. :D

  5. Poor Sonya. :( Hope you're feeling better soon.

    I loved all the great one liners today too.

  6. Today's episode was enjoyable. I especially liked Elizabeth's lines. Why can't every month have the same pace as a sweeps month?

  7. What happened to the hook storyline????

  8. It's funny - everyone tinnks Carly is in every story.....the same is becoming true of NINA! She sticks her nose in everything!

  9. Feel better Sonya! Leo is so cute! Drew pokes his nose in everyone's business, too. Liked the Liz and TempNik scenes. She and Finn need to break up.

    1. Thank you hon! *BEARHUGS* Yes Fiz need to break up asap!

  10. Feel better Sonya.

    I agree with LSV422 , if they do decide to break up my Nava then pair Liz with Nik. She knows how bad the Cassidines are as a clan - neck Helena at one point had her picked out as Nik's wife.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...