Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Welp-- DECK DAY!

 Yesterday's SHOW: 

God, Nina is the new Amy-Carly combo LOL 

BRITT-- Oh heartbreaking. "Did you know his brain is in a jar at the WSB"?? LOL 

SO don't care about Chase, Brook, Linc and Blaze. NOPE

Victor...Holly; both dressed to the nines!! Where does Holly shop in Port Charles ??? 

HELLO Alexis, Dante and Sam... love it. I wish Molly and Krissy were there. That's nothing new.

DOCTOR O IS ON! I can't wait for to see Britta!! I'll sob. 

TODAY'S SHOW: Interrupted by MY DECK BEING worked on. The entire thing is a tear-down (and yes, they work all year)...and my Dad is coming sooooooooo, you know what I'm going to say. I'll need to catch up on GH Friday or Saturday. 


  1. Gym:

    Drew and Sonny: Man Sonny is so nosy! ROFL! Drew tells him he is going to help Willow find her bio parents. Sonny whines about why Michael didn't tell him this. ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Nina: Talking to each other to death! Carly does win the line of the day.

    Carly Misinterpreted my ass.

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Oh my! Carly got a bowl of soup! Is she going to throw it at her? Oh crap she doesn't! COME ON WRITERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Facepalm*

    Carly, Nina, Drew, and Sonny: Carly had to admit to the boys that she was thinking about throwing that soup in Nina's face. Blah blah blah. I need a freakin brawl!!!

    Carly and Drew: Oh great! Carly wants to help Drew find Willow's parents. I bet Carly is going to sabotage the whole thing.

    Nison: Oh sure! Nina can let it all go.. But Nina is right. Can Carly?!

    Robert, Diane, and Holly: Okay I hated this scene.. A smart Robert kick ass Scorpio let himself be drugged and also why is he drinking? When he is waiting for the WSB guy to come and get the necklace! And also why did he tell Diane about whats in the case?!!! Robert you used to be a better spy than that!!! Now Diane has to tell the WSB guy where Robert is?!!?! But wait she can't. She had to tell the waitress to do it! UNBELIEVABLE! The whole scene sucked!

    Diane and Nison: Diane is being civil to Nina! Hahaha.

    Robert and Diane: WHAT THE?!!?! Robert shows back up and doesn't have the case and just the handcuffs! I'm freakin done! This sucks!

    Holly alone: Holly has the necklace.. *Facepalm*

    The pier:

    Marty and V.C.: Poor Marty! He doesn't know anything about masks and spy stuff. Someone has to tell him! He misses Lucy! He has a hummingbird cake! Lucy tried to bake it and didn't work out until one day she did it right. Marty blew the candle on the cake. GROSS! He should have taken the candle out and then blow it alone away from the cake.. They ate it GROSS! V.C. is talking to him about 2 bullets. He wants to work with Marty to get to the truth!!!

    The hospital:

    Britch's office:

    Britch and Dr. O: GAH!!!! Great scene. It made me emotional!!! :(


    Chase and Dante: Dante making excuses for Brooky! Chase ain't having it.

    Slimeball Linc and Brooky: Oh I can't believe Brooky believes that slimeball. DON'T TRUST HIM!!! GAH!

    Brooky and Chase: Is Chase going to wait and see if Brooky is going to be honest with him? Yeah good luck with that Chase. She isn't going to say anything!

    1. Sonya, I'm wondering if since Robert already knows that Victor is blackmailing Holly to work for him if he allowed Holly to drug him to steal the necklace. I won't be surprised if that necklace is a fake once it gets to Victor.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, I'm wondering if since Robert already knows that Victor is blackmailing Holly to work for him if he allowed Holly to drug him to steal the necklace."

      Yeah I really really hope so!!!!

      "I won't be surprised if that necklace is a fake once it gets to Victor."

      We the audience need to know ASAP!

  2. The line of the day was Nina calling Willow America's Sweetheart! Can't wait till Willow and Michael need Nina and Carly's actions come out

    1. HA! She isn't America's sweetheart anymore! :)

  3. sonya said: "Robert, Diane, and Holly: Okay I hated this scene.."
    *** You and me both. Unless Robert switched that necklace that was the dumbest heist I've ever seen. To make it worse he came to and then walked off in a drunken stupor; not in the least bit suspicious about how he could get drunk with that piddly bit of alcohol. Another legacy character turned into an idiot! 😒

    He better at least have a tracker in it!!!

    I wanted to see that soup fly too!!

    Poor Marty. Glad he's going to work with Valentin.

    Britch and Dr. O... Waaaah! 😭

    I don't think Brooky will be honest with Chase either. She's the definition of a self-absorbed narcissist. I hope he gets someone else, like the bar tender, to write that letter and that he gets his job back...and tells her when he's leaving for work!!!

    I want the hook to take out the slimeball...

    1. "Di says, You and me both. Unless Robert switched that necklace that was the dumbest heist I've ever seen."

      He better have switched that necklace to a fake one!!! Yes dumbest heist I have ever seen too!

      "To make it worse he came to and then walked off in a drunken stupor; not in the least bit suspicious about how he could get drunk with that piddly bit of alcohol. Another legacy character turned into an idiot! 😒"

      It was so idiotic!! This better all be a setup!!!!

      "He better at least have a tracker in it!!!"

      Yeah it better be!!!!!!!!!!

      "I wanted to see that soup fly too!!"

      ROFL! I wanted Cujo come out and throw that soup in Nina's face, and have a brawl!!! I mean really what was the point of the scene?

      "Poor Marty. Glad he's going to work with Valentin."

      Yeah me too!!!

      "Britch and Dr. O... Waaaah! 😭"


      "I don't think Brooky will be honest with Chase either. She's the definition of a self-absorbed narcissist. I hope he gets someone else, like the bar tender, to write that letter and that he gets his job back...and tells her when he's leaving for work!!!"

      YES! All that yes!!!!

      "I want the hook to take out the slimeball..."


    2. Di, I'm another one who is thinking Robert may be pulling a fast one with the necklace.

    3. Yeah. He can't be that dumb. I'm hoping Holly is on it with him though and they catch Victor.

  4. Is that Michael near Edward and Dillon near Lulu?

    1. And is that Keisha? The pizza looks good. Happy Thanksgiving everyone 💓

  5. Necklace is fake = yeah!
    I am surprised no one mentioned (and I just thought of it - LOL) how casual Sonny said, "It will always be hard for me to see you with another man" and Carly just flat-out told him "I am seeing Drew but we are keeping it quiet because of the merger" (or however she worded it---- Sonny gonna tell Nina at some point and that will be another thing Nina will 'accidentally say'.....she is so annoying -

  6. Replies
    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Di, along with everyone else here. Hope your day is a good one even if your meal is pizza like the Qs usually have. ❤

    2. lol We in the cold white north celebrate our harvest in October. Everything is under snow here now. But thanks for the thought. ❤

  7. Robert would not be so stupid; this better be a set up.

    How are they going to bring Britt back someday if she wants to come back? Say that the Huntington's was a "fake out"?

    1. The only way I can think of is if Austin is now in on the ruse too (and the expert from Toronto). I love Britt but playing around with Huntington's like that would be really mean.

    2. I really cannot believe is that Robert is that stupid! Shooting his mouth off about being handcuffed to the necklace? And in public???

  8. They better not ruin Robert "freaking" Scorpio. This better be a set up on Roberts part. He is one of the best characters left on this show. AND, I still want Robert with Diane.

  9. Kudos for the Britt/Liesl scenes - beautifully acted and heartbreaking. Great to see Diane in Robert’s orbit again. Too much Brook and Linc for me. I like Val and Marty eating cake and conspiring. Robert better be faking it!

  10. Holly was slipped something to be put in Robert's drink....what was it ? She grabbed the salt shaker from the table. Was the drug in that ?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...