Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Three Tequila, Floor


What a strange week!! I only watched 1 day in real time, then caught up on the other 2! Only A Three DAY WEEK!!  

I guess we have to all do some tequila shooters, right? 

NINA AND CARLY SHOW OF THE WEEK:  Oh MY GOD... I'm so sick of them. This has been going for a century, right? I'm just waiting and WAITING until it comes out about Carly knowing Nina was Willow's mother. AND it had better come out. I'm afraid Nina will just be tested, match and Drew won't let anyone know what Carly hid. And... by the way, she also did the same thing with Nelle so, right now? Carly is the worst imo. 

QUARTERMAINE MOVE OF THE WEEK: Oh, BROOK LYNN!!! Not telling Dante about the cop letter? Yes, we know you're selfish but geesh. Especially since you're just using him to get back at Linc. So, are you going to take Linc's deal because--you know, you're a Q or will you do the right thing and expose him?? 

HEARTBREAKER OF THE WEEK:  Britta. From the Austin scenes, to her freaking out and with her mama!! :sob: Her symptoms are there for sure so unless it's all a ruse, and Austin is in on it, that's that!  Kelly is Emmy worthy here for sure. 

SPY VS SPY OF THE WEEK:  I think this was a huge ruse. Robert wouldn't bring the necklace to The Metro. There's no way Holly wouldn't have acted more weird than she did. YOU KNOW when her face is all "I'm stressed" --and she was jolly. I think it's just a diversion for Victor and a plan to get Ethan back and Anna free. If it's not, it's the most poorly written thing I've seen in awhile LOL. 

Hummingbird cake!! Sad Marty... 


Holly tells Robert her body was switched for 1/2 sister Paloma (who was killed)

Victor still has Ethan hostage so Holly 'shot' Lucy with a rubber bullet. She's still alive

Joss burns evidence for Dex, Dex returns to Sonny's office. Sonny's angry

Nina and Carly argue over Brick, Wiley, Millow and if the sun is out or not 

Chase finds out Brook Lynn has been keeping secret about his reinstatement to the force 

Linc makes Brook an offer, she accepts. 

Holly "drugs" Robert, takes the necklace 

Drew offers to help Willow find her biological parents; Carly is privately worried

Cody proves he's a dick by stealing the necklace. Robert takes it first 

Britt finds out her Huntington's is at late Stage 3; might need care soon

Martin and Val eat cake on the docks; Valentin gets a clue about the bullets fired 

SNEEK PEEK FOR THE WEEK:  This is coming when we finally get to see The Q Clan together for Thanksgiving! All of our interruptions has pushed it back but I think it will be on Tuesday.  Also, Holly holds Laura at gun point and Britt makes plans for the future. 

That's a wrap people!  I'll see you next week for the great Pizza episode! 


  1. Thank you Karen, hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

    What is LiLo holding in that picture? The Q pizza Thanksgiving better be good. Hope little Leo is on; he's adorable.

    The thing with Robert better be a ruse or that would be the dumbest thing Robert has EVER done. Holly holding Laura at gunpoint??? Hope Laura smacks her around. lol

    I'm so done with Carly and Nina; a long time ago.

    I like Britt; hope she comes back someday, but I don't see how unless this was all a mistake somehow too.

    Wonder how long Finola will be gone. This story line is taking forever. Plus, I guess they are going to drop the "hooker" story. Trying to make it look like it's Esme??? IDK

    Oh, please give Brooklyn a conscience and do the right thing by Chase. They are a great couple to be screwing with them that bad.

    Thanks again Karen. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

  2. Thanks for another great SS, even after a short choppy week.
    Yes, the whole necklace thing must be a set-up or one of the worst things GH has come up with.
    Looks like Olivia is holding pizza crust?
    I want Hummingbird cake.

  3. regarding the cop letter, didn't you mean that she didn't tell Chase about it??? you said that she didn't tell Dante about it. I couldn't agree more. the show is so so boring except for maybe 1/2 an hour a week. some story lines are so dead and some are just blech. we need new writers !!! these writers are old and cranky. Need fresh blood writing with pizzazz and with love in the afternoon !!

  4. Actually I don't even like Brook Lynn and Chase together now-----that is what months and months will do---------I think he will have a one-night with Blaze....
    If the previews are right, WHY would Holly kidnap Laura unless Laura doesn't know about the plan? Cause it IS a set-up......maybe Holly is declared dead so she can get out of Victor's plan-----cause I read she finishes the last week of November?
    Carly and Nina are annoying but I guess because Carly has always been ----well, Carly----it doesn't bother me like NINA's horrible annoying in-your-face character....
    Can't wait for Diane and Robert together!

    1. Ya. I think Robert and Diane could be great together ❤️

    2. Me too, lindie. The humor would be so clever and cheeky too.


    Nah it's not the show of the week, unless Carly threw the soup on Nina and there was a brawl! But writers won't give us nice things! :(

    "I think this was a huge ruse."

    It better be!!!

    "Robert wouldn't bring the necklace to The Metro."

    No he wouldn't!!!

    "There's no way Holly wouldn't have acted more weird than she did."

    You got that right!

    "I think it's just a diversion for Victor and a plan to get Ethan back and Anna free."

    It better be!!!!

    "If it's not, it's the most poorly written thing I've seen in awhile LOL." 

    ROFL! I agree!!!!

    "Nina and Carly argue over Brick, Wiley, Millow and if the sun is out or not "

    If the sun is out or not! Hahahahahaha!

    "I'll see you next week for the great Pizza episode!"

    I hope they sing the song! They haven't in 2 years. :( I miss it.

  6. They didn't sing the Thanksgiving song last year?

    1. No.. All you see are the pizza boxes opened and the pizza eaten. :(

  7. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

    I was born and raised in Alabama and I have never eaten hummingbird cake. Don't really remember hearing much about it growing up either. Must not be a thing in my part of the South.

    I think Robert pulled a fast one with the necklace but my question is if Holly is in on it. I don't think she is.

    I'm really hoping that once Holly leaves that they pair Robert and Diane. Sonya, what will their smush name be?

    Can the please hurry up with the Willow cancer storyline so the whole "Nina is your mother" thing can come out? In my head I said that in my Darth Vader voice. 😁

    I do like LIz giving Esme crap, well I love anyone giving Esme crap.

  8. "Gary says I'm really hoping that once Holly leaves that they pair Robert and Diane. Sonya, what will their smush name be?"

    Well, I have called them ScorpMiller. :) Or they can be called MillerScorp. :D

    1. How about Dobert or Riane? Lol.

    2. "lindie says, How about Dobert or Riane? Lol."

      Haha. I have seen Riane.. Yeah I like that too. :) Riane it is!! :D

  9. So Carly is at the Q Thanksgiving? That is disgusting--she really shouldn't be allowed in that house. Wonder how they'll explain Monica's absence.

    1. Probably she is at a medical conference.

    2. She's Michael's mother and his wife is carrying her grandchild. Thankgiving is not a time for hate.

    3. Leslie Charleson is now on recurring status and will only be on occassionally if time and health permits. maybe we'll see her when Willow's baby is born.

    4. "Who has thanksgiving without the kids?" A soap that trying desperately to satisfy an audience that wants their Q Thanksgiving dinner. A soap that is filmed in a state faces a triple threat of respiratory illnesses young children and seniors are most at risk of complications, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some people seem to forget that real life is happening outside and parents aren't going to risk their REAL children to keep us happy for an hour every day.

  10. New GH promo! Q Thanksgiving! Hahahahahaha!

    1. lol That's definitely not just a pizza party. Can't wait.

    2. Leo should love the turkey. 😊


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...