Thursday, November 3, 2022

Stock Meeting

 Holly and Robert say goodnight. She's too tired to see Mac and Fe. Robert Leaves. BUT! Holly isn't tired, she sneaks out of her hotel room. 

Holly meets Victor on the bridge. He wants to know what Robert is up to. She says finding a judge who will grant bail. He tells her that this whole ruse is better than being his prisoner, right? If she doesn't do it, she'll wind up like Lucy Coe. He also has Ethan. As soon as Anna is in jail, she'll be free of Victor (Or so he says). He threatens to kill whoever he has (I think it's Ethan) unless she does his bidding. 

Brook and Chase having a beer. A fan asks for a photo. Brook is so happy. Tells Chase maybe he can be a singer forever. Sad face for Chase. A woman comes in named BLAZE who's going to sing with Chase. Linc comes to the meeting. They see Linc touch Blaze and Blaze is uncomfortable. 

Felicia and Mac are watching Maxie's kids. Maxie is stuck at the office because Lucy's been gone and it's a mess. Mac wonders about the DNA test and when the results will be ready. Robert comes over to discuss Anna and how to get her out. Robert says he might check on Holly because he thought she was acting strange. 

Maxie, Sasha and Diane are at Deception. Sasha is going to be a partner again. She's clean and ready to go. Diane and Maxie talk about trying to save the company.  Gladys isn't too happy about it all. 

Austin talks to Gladys about Brando and Sasha. Mason comes up. They talk alone and it turns out Austin is working for a woman and he's a 'mob doctor' that looks the other way when stitching people up. 

Curtis and Portia are in after having dinner at The PC Grille. Curtis is off the Savoy for the night. They talk about him getting gene tested and having kids. Curtis wants 3. The Metro has a cancellation for Valentine's Day 2023 for their wedding. Portia thinks it's too early. Curtis wants to go for it. Portia still thins that it's too soon. Finally they agree that that's an ok time. 

Trina freaks out about the killer targeting people from her trial. Carly freaks out because JOSS might be a target LOL . She tells her about the letter. Joss and Trina think Esme must be back doing it. Jordan thinks the girls shouldn't go back to PCU. 

Robert goes back to the Metro and finds Holly coming back to her room. She says she went out for a walk, He says she's cold. "You could always warm me up"...they kiss. 

Had to leave the last 5 min!! see you tomorrow


  1. Things are still moving forward. I'm glad we finally saw Holly being threatened so we're now sure she's working for someone, and we know her heart definitely isn't in it. Did you notice that Victor referred to his hostage twice, as him- not by name. Wonder if they'll actually surprise us this time and maybe have it be someone unexpected such as Luke !!! He faked Holly's death and kept her for years. He could have Luke too. He is a long planner.

    Poor Joss and Trina. Normalcy is so long coming. ☹

    And did anyone one else chuckle at the statement that over 3 months is not long enough to plan a wedding. 😃

    1. "Di says, Poor Joss and Trina. Normalcy is so long coming. ☹"

      Yeah after Joss said all that, I'm thinking you won't Joss. You are in a soap opera! ROFL!

      "And did anyone one else chuckle at the statement that over 3 months is not long enough to plan a wedding. 😃"

      ROFL! It's only 3 months. It will go by so fast!

    2. Oh boy Di, I sure hope it's not Luke, but interesting thought. I'm hoping it's Ethan and we get to see him. Love the actor and love the character. (and he really is Robert's son, don't ya know, lol!)

    3. lol I know many of us were hoping that but they don't seem to be going in that direction. *consoles Julie*

  2. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Brase, Linc, and Glaze: Yuck slimy snake Linc!!! I listened to it again and it sounded like she said her name is Glaze. Well, no matter what I'll call her Glaze.. :)

    Glaze and Chase: Wow this Glaze chick is so flirting with him. I'm surprised Brooky isn't all jelly.

    Carly's home:

    Carly, Joss, Jordan and Trina: I want Carly's sweater!! Trina is freaked out!!! Trina Is it time to visit Spencer? :D I mean I'm glad you know that Spencer called you. :)

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis: Oh for crying out loud! Just elope already geez! Uh 6 babies? You would have to have a baby every year, since you are not 20 years old anymore. 3 babies. Okay better! :)

    Jordan, Purtis, Joss, and Trina: Who is next to be hooked?!?!! Everyone has to be safe in that room!!!

    Holly's metrocourt hotel room:

    RnH: Awwww love them together.. :) Oh she is tired okay.. Oh wait no no Holly sneaking out hahaha. Come on Robert where is your instincts?! You should follow her!!! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Maclecia: Felicia was a horrible mother, but she has made up for it by being a wonderful grandmother. :) Awwww Mac wants to be Cody's father. Awwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Robert and Maclecia: Oooo Robert's instincts have kicked in! YESSSSSS! I knew his instincts would kick in!!! He is Robert freakin Scorpio! :) Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: That dude you pointed out at the metrocourt?

    ROFL! Oh! Love Robert's smack! Hahahahahaha. Yeah Mac! You know Robert hates secrets!!! :) Now that everyone knows that Cowboy Cody could be Mac's son, I think he won't be. :( Then Mac will be devastated, and so will I!!!! :(

    The bridge:

    Holly and Victor: I KNEW IT! I knew she was working for him! Victor must have Ethan!!! Victor and his squashing of the bug movement hahahahahaha.

    Deception offices:

    Maxie on the phone with Pawtucket Holtster: Awwwww Maxie has to cancel their date.. A tear falls down my face.. (Sarcasm)

    Sasha, Maxie, Diane, and Gladys: DIANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Oooooo Sasha is going to therapy and taking meds.. YAY! Very good. :)

    Sasha and Gladys: Gladys says no?!?!?! Oooo soapy messy good.. Oh wait she backs down and changes her mind. Damn. What the hell! *Jumps in to be with the Tribbles for comfort and to pout*


    Robert and Diane: Awwww Diane really likes and is interested in Robert, and he knows. He rejected her in a subtle way. Diane in tears! :( Poor Diane!!!!! :( I like you two together too Diane.. Maybe someday! :(

    Holly's metrocourt hotel room:

    RnA: Ooooo A KISS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Gladys: I liked their scene! How two people have a chip on their shoulder and now they have changed. :) Oh hi Mason Jar!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Mob doctor? Maybe. I can't wait to find out!!!!!!!!!! Oh hi Maxie!

    Sidenote: What? No Webber family today? No Carolyn and her creepy smile?

    Tomorrow's episode preview: Cam on the bridge!!!! NOOOOOOOOO I DON'T WANT THE HOOK PERSON TO KILL CAM! :(

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2000* Carly takes Michael to visit Lila. Awwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    1. I felt sad for Diane too. :( And I laughed when Robert smacked Mac. Typical brothers. lol

      And Blaze didn't like Linc pawing her. Seems he must be up to it with all the woman he manages.

    2. "Di says, I felt sad for Diane too. :("

      Yeah. :( Well Holly isn't going to stay that long I don't think..

      "And I laughed when Robert smacked Mac. Typical brothers. lol"

      Hahahaha yes typical brothers! :D

      "And Blaze didn't like Linc pawing her. Seems he must be up to it with all the woman he manages."

      Yuck! Slimy snake pig!!! Yuck!!!

    3. Robert Freaking Scorpio was the man yesterday. The Gibb's head slap to Mac had me rolling. He's interaction with Diane was so old school romantic I sniffled. Diane broke my heart. And that smooch with Holly was again old school Hollywood. It really stuck with me and I don't know why. Was it because it was the Vets, the music the camera angle? Don't know, but more please!

      Linc really is a sleaze ball. I wanted to take a shower. BLQ is going to be in a heap of trouble with Chase and his dream to go back to the PCPD.
      I really have no interest in Pawtucket and Mason Jar. Yaaaaawn!

    4. "Julie H says, Robert Freaking Scorpio was the man yesterday."

      Yeah he was!!!!! :)

      "The Gibb's head slap to Mac had me rolling."


      "He's interaction with Diane was so old school romantic I sniffled. Diane broke my heart."

      Yeah. :(

      "And that smooch with Holly was again old school Hollywood."

      YEAH IT WAS! :D

      "It really stuck with me and I don't know why. Was it because it was the Vets, the music the camera angle? Don't know, but more please!"

      Yes it was all of that! :)

      "Linc really is a sleaze ball. I wanted to take a shower."

      ROFL! Yeah he is yucky.

  3. That was quick...

    "After all the time we waited to see if Liz’s mom would surface on General Hospital, she did. Well, to be fair, the only reason she did is because Liz headed to California in hopes of getting answers about her past from her parents’ house. In any case, Denise Crosby’s time was short lived — and we’ve seen the last of Carolyn Webber, as reported by Soap Opera Digest."

    1. "Di says, In any case, Denise Crosby’s time was short lived — and we’ve seen the last of Carolyn Webber, as reported by Soap Opera Digest."

      Oh come on! They can't leave it like that.. Why was she smiling when Liz left?!?!!?! They can't just leave it like that!!!

    2. Maybe Liz parents are robots or something. Stepford parents IDK


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...