Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thankful For: My GH Family !

A big thank you to Dave B who helps keep the blog rolling and to Sonya who always recaps! I can count on it being in the blog even if I miss a day or 5!!  Love all the people that take the time to comment and also the lurkers...I see you in the numbers if not the words! 

I'll be watching the shows tomorrow probably but I am dying to see the Dr. O and Britta scenes as well as figure out if Robert and Holly pulled a switcheroo on Victor.  HE HAS to be in on that, right?? 

I also want to say a big thank you to all that have read this blog; whether you're new here or a vet. I probably would write it even if only 1 or 2 people were around!! So glad everyone is still hanging around this ol' berg. 

Thank you to the writers, actors, crew-- everyone on General Hospital because even though I might bi*ch or moan, you're still my show and love you all!! GH is so special and continues to have me tuning in on the daily so it has to be doing something right! 

Here's hoping you're spending your day the way you want to and that it involves your favorite foods! I did serve pizza last night and totally thought of the Quartermaines when I did it!!! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Karen and all the “Fans” here! Thankful to you for taking the time to check in with us and provide your excellent insight.

    1. Hear hear. Completely agree with you both. Happy Thanksgiving to all. About to get my cooking going. Some family are here.

  2. Thanks for all you both do from one of the “lurkers”. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I’m home alone today after coming down with Covid after almost 3 years keeping it away. Feel ok though thankfully, more like a head cold. Thankful for vaccines and Paxlovid.

    1. Oh yuck Vicki! :( *Comfort* I don't know if you saw my post that said I got it too for the first time.. Stupid Covid!

    2. Feel better. Need to get my booster tomorrow.

    3. Sonya sorry you got Covid too. Hope you’re ok.

    4. "lindie says, Need to get my booster tomorrow."


      "Vicki says, Sonya sorry you got Covid too. Hope you’re ok."

      Oh I feel a lot better thank you! Just a cough still and runny nose.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for making this blog such a fun place to visit. And to Sonya, Dave and everyone else who comments here.
    Here's a little ditty from Maurice and Marcus:

    1. "Zazu says, Thanks for making this blog such a fun place to visit. And to Sonya, Dave and everyone else who comments here."

      You're welcome!!!!! :D


    "A big thank you to Dave B who helps keep the blog rolling"

    Yes!!!! Thank you Dave!!!!!

    "and to Sonya who always recaps"

    Awww you're welcome!!!!

    "as well as figure out if Robert and Holly pulled a switcheroo on Victor. HE HAS to be in on that, right?? "

    Oh this better be a fake out!!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Grateful "our" show has hung on. The next year will be big. 60 years! Considering how they went out for the show's 15,000 ep in June, I'd imagine they have something really big planned for April. Would be so great if they found a meaningful way to go back to the show's roots. Who doesn't get a little misty eyed like in the 15,000 ep in June when you hear the familiar chords of the old GH theme used as the background music. With that said, it would not shock me that the show moves to streaming like Days did to Peacock. I hope that doesn't happen. I can't imagine the show not being on every day on a normal time. It's still staggering to me that it's now been a decade since we lost most of the shows, leaving only GH, Days, YR and BB on the air.

    1. "Diana Taylor says, It's still staggering to me that it's now been a decade since we lost most of the shows,"

      I know!!!!! It's crazy!

      "leaving only GH, Days, YR and BB on the air."

      Well, days isn't on air anymore. It's online. So we only have 3 soaps on the air.

    2. I predict Luke will turn up alive in April, as part of the 60th anniversary (and maybe Jason as well).

    3. Oh yes! There's no way that Luke is dead!

  6. Grateful for this blog every day.

  7. gonna need help here - yesterday's episode was Thanksgiving last year - has Marshall just been there ONE YEAR? But I digress......Sam (Kelly Monaco) looks different that this year's Thanksgiving ----- what is the difference? Sidebar- wow Thanksgiving last year was boring.

  8. A very belated Happy Thanksgiving! I too am thankful for GH and to Karen, Dave and Sonya! Love the comments and everyone who posts and lurks! Just read Karen's comment calling Nina the new Amy-Carrly combo. Hahaha! Love it and that's why I love this blog! 🥰


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...