Monday, November 7, 2022

Green Park


Laura and Valentin come to the jail. Anna kisses him. They brought Charlotte home. She'll be at Kevin and Laura's with security for awhile. Laura leaves. Victor tells Anna he has a plan. She's supposed to be going to Pentonville tonight. 

Liz is home with Terry. Cam comes down. Asks how it went. Then goes upstairs to get a book. Terry asks Liz how she is feeing about her parental visit. Liz says manipulated and betrayed. Terry says she has to tell Finn. 

CAM and Liz talk about her trip. She tells him she went to CA. He tells her Joss stayed the night and the Hook is after people around Trina's trial. 

Finn doesn't know if he should call Liz.. then Heather is wheeled out to be transferred. She makes naughty jokes to Finn. Valentin comes out of the elevator, talks to Finn about a plan for Anna. 

Nina and Sonny in the park. They talk about the hook.  BORING

Willow and Michael playing with Wiley in the park. Willow's appointment is later today. Michael takes a phone call.. TJ comes up to Willow. She tells him she's going to tell Michael about her cancer after her appt with Terry today.  TJ and Willow hug. Sonny and Nina see them hug. Nina is all side-eye. Wiley goes up to hug Sonny and Nina. Willow pulls him away. Michael comes back and gets all pissy about them being there. GEESH! Public park, sir! 

Holly gets a text from Victor asking her what's happening. (She's in Robert's office) She says she's still gathering intel. Then Robert comes in and the deputy mayor. She tells him to stop trying to get Anna bail or she'll call for his resignation. Then Laura walks in... HELLOO!! Laura hugs Holly. Tries to tell her Kevin could help with her memory. Holly yells I SAID NO! Laura and Robert go into the hall. Deputy Mayor yells at Holly that she could get them both caught. 

Laura talks to Robert in the hall and wonders the timing of Holly showing up. She thinks Holly might not be telling him everything. 

Esme is trying to figure out how to get out of the tower. Nikolas comes in... he tells her there's no way to get out of the rooms. He leaves. She then tries to figure out how to use the sheets to propel herself to another window LOL

Victor is at Wyndemere and calls Johan. Says the necklace Britt has could be "the one" and if it is they can finish their whole "project". Then Nikolas comes down and blah blah blah. Victor thinks he might let him in on "THE PLAN"...about fking time. I'm getting bored and I really want to like this story.


Victor finds out Charlotte is gone from her school

Esme ties the bedsheets together to try to get out

Anna is going to be transferred to Pentonville--OR IS SHE ?? 

Michael overhears Sonny say "DON'T TELL MICHAEL" (what Nina suspects)

Weird show today I thought. Just ...messy. 


  1. The whole Michael Sonny thing is ridiculous. Michael is a grown man whose parents got divorced. Michaels mother slept with her stepfather; Nina is the least criminal in the whole group.

  2. Messy is a good word.
    Thank goodness Laura is back. She might be the only one with a brain.
    Wardrobe: Nina is a lumberjack. lol. What was with Elizabeth's sweater? Bra straps out, bra straps gone, bra straps back again. Trivial but obvious.
    Just too much happening and not enough happening, all at the same time.

    1. "Zazu says, What was with Elizabeth's sweater? Bra straps out, bra straps gone, bra straps back again."

      Really? I didn't notice that. I kept seeing her bra strap out. :)

    2. I just thought it looked like she had on something from Good Will with the collar half ripped off. And it just hung off her arms.

    3. "Di says, I just thought it looked like she had on something from Good Will with the collar half ripped off. And it just hung off her arms. "

      It is the kind of sweater teenagers would wear. It was cute. :)

    4. Maybe but how sanitary are those sleeves? ewww Do you wash them with your hands when you touch something?

    5. Lol about Liz's sweater! It looked too much like the wardrobe from Flash Dance. I didn't like it then, I don't like it now. Yeah, I'm old! :)

  3. The REAL park:

    Mildew and Wiley: YAY!! I want to play with Wiley in the leaves! :D

    TJ and Mildew: Oh hello TJ! Oh there ya go! Michael can't go to the appointment right away.. I knew it!

    TreeJ: More hugging!!!!!!!!!! Boy they hug a lot.. :) I love it! :D TJ seems like a really good hugger.

    TreeJ and Nison: I love that Nina is just shaking her head! Hahahahahaha. Nina is so SCARED of Michael she wants to leave hahahahaha


    Willow: Nina knows her place now.


    Nison: Well Sonny I wouldn't call it an affair. Nobody is married.

    Robert's office:

    Robert, Holly, and Deputy Mayor: You can't let Robert go Deputy Mayor!!!!!! You are the one who needs to be fired!!!

    Robert, Holly, Deputy Mayor and Laura: Laura fire her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Laura you are right. Doc could help Holly! :)

    Holly: I SAID NO!

    ACK! *Runs away and hides in a closet*

    Holly and Deputy Mayor: DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Laura and Robert: Ooooo Laura doesn't trust Holly! ROFL!

    Robert: I trust her with my life.

    Awwwwwwww! :)

    Laura: And I trust you with mine.

    Dammit that made me tear up!! Awwwwwwwww!

    Holly and Robert:

    Robert: But I trust you.

    Awwwwwwww! Robert I think Ethan has been kidnapped! Holly isn't tell you, to protect you!!! So don't be too mad at her!

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Terry: Home sweet home! Terry are you mad at the Webbers for leaving you at the coffee place? Did they even say goodbye to her and Liz when they went back to Port Chuckles?

    Liz and Cam: Wow! Liz isn't upset. Well, Cam doesn't even live at home anymore does he? Doesn't he live at the dorms? I mean she can't really ground him. He is an adult. :)

    The hospital:

    Terry, TJ, and Willow: Stage 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Carly HAS to tell the truth about Nina being Willow's mother! Then Nina can help Willow!

    Finchy and Heather: Heather is cracking me up and she won the lines of the day..

    Heather: I like a good scowl. It usually means the sex is going to be hot, and maybe a little rough. Please tell me you are going to give me a personal inspection.


    Finchy: What are you talking about?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Run Finchy RUN! I don't think she has gotten any in a long time.. She is all pent up.

    Finchy and V.C.: Time to help Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Anna's jail:

    Laura and Anna: YAY! I'm so glad Laura went to visit Anna!!!

    Vanna: YAY! VANNA KISSES!!!!

    Wyndemere: Oh look! The baby has been desorassed! ROFL!

    Repunzel and Nik: Nobody can hear her scream? Come on Nik how many times are you going to say that!!?!!

    Repunzel trying to get out: BAHAHAHAHAHA! So she is Tarzan now? Or George of the jungle?

    George, George, George of the jungle
    Strong as he can be
    Watch out for that tree
    George, George, George of the jungle
    Lives a life that's free
    Watch out for that tree!

    Victor and Nik: Just a visual of them seeing Repunzel aka Georgette of the Jungle swinging from the window, is making me laugh! Hahahahahahaha! Thanks a lot Mufasa! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

    Victor, Nik, and Laura: YES!!!!!!!!!!! LAURA! :) Yes Victor! Charlie is gone! :D

    This week's GH promo:

    1. And I loved that Anna finally said someone used a deep fake to set her up.

    2. "Di says, And I loved that Anna finally said someone used a deep fake to set her up."

      YES! Go Anna!!! But where is she going now? Oh oh!

    3. Line of the day was perfect and so was Finn's response! HAHAHAHHA! As you say...DEAD!
      Now I have visions of Esme swinging by the window behind Victor while Nik's eyeballs bug out! HAHAHAHAH! Again, dead! Seriously, the baby bump shrunk. How DOES that happen? :)
      I am so happy Laura is back and that Deputy Mayor needs to go. Nobody threatens to fire Robert Freaking Scorpio. As much as I love Holly, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her.
      Michael is stupid. Willow is stupid. Neener is smug stupid. That's all I've got for those three. (pretend you can see my eyes rolling!)

      And yup, TJ looks like a fab hugger!

    4. Hard to see when my eyes are rolling too. lol

  4. sonya said"Liz and Cam: Wow! Liz isn't upset."
    *** As you said. He's an adult. The kids were fine and better to know he won't lie to you.

    Didn't Heather say "You can examing me from top to bottom and Finn said I'll have someone else take care of that end " lol I laughed at that too.

    1. "Di says, As you said. He's an adult. The kids were fine and better to know he won't lie to you."

      Yeah Cam is a good boy! :D Now I'm doing it! Thanks a lot Joss. Cam is not a dog! ROFL!

      "Didn't Heather say "You can examing me from top to bottom and Finn said I'll have someone else take care of that end " lol I laughed at that too."

      Hahahahaha yes they did say that!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so glad Heather is back! :)

  5. Is Willow going to wait and let Terry tell Michael at the next exam he goes to with her?

    1. Someone on Twitter expressed it perfectly: "The fact that he can't tell his wife has Stage 4 cancer is so Michael Corinthos."

    2. Then again we can hardly tell... she has no symptoms

  6. I haven't really been watching so didn't get the Green Park reference. Port Charles is supposed to be upstate New York. There are different trees in the Northeast and the trees have lost most of their leaves. At least where I live there are half the leaves down.


Monday Monday

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