Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Day Off


Oh man, I have a HAIR appointment today... and before you say anything I KNOW I always make them during GH time!! My hair lady comes in at 1 on Tuesday/Thursday and I don't want to get in there later. Sooooooooooo. SORRY!! 

I really liked yesterday's show and I'm SO happy Liz is in the Esme story. I also like Temp-Nikolas. He's good. I think Finn's character is done because Anna and Valentin are working and she's about the only one I like him with--although Alexis?? Hmmm... 

David and I have been talking about year end already and predictions for GH so those will come out soonish. I think the show is on the right track although we could trim that cast by a LOT and still have 50 stories to tell. 

Question: Do you think Epiphany will pass her MCATS? 


  1. Think Epiphany will certainly pass. Enjoy your day

  2. I have a hunch that Jeff is going to be the doctor that gets involved in Willow's case...which may result in him sticking around. And if Carly's relationship with Drew goes bust (shocking, considering there is ZERO chemistry) because of her lies about Willow's paternity and Nina being her mom...then I wonder if somehow Carly would wind up in Jeff's path (remember, she held onto that photo), we know his penchant for his wandering eye and Carly's for anything in pants, and you just know how that would get under Lizzy's...excuse me...Elizabeth's skin. Maybe too far fetched. The good part about all of this is Rebecca Herbst's increased screen time. She lights up the screen.

  3. I enjoyed Elizabeth today.... thank you writers
    for letting her have a brain. Although I do hate that she is going to cover NIk when Esme could be the hooker (as far they know) and not let on to some concerned about her being a threat. The actress that played Esme did really well today.

    I was thinking that they would have Sasha turn up pregnant again as some spoilers suggested a surprise. Guess not.

  4. Mrs. Wu is very smart - Gladys will now lose all of Sasha's money and Mrs. Wu will blackmail Sonny in paying it back.......Business Wu would never have an employee play at her game-----she knows about Gladys--
    Knew Esme was faking and Liz was brilliant
    Emma Sanns taped two months she said - so she must be wrapping up end of November? at least we finally got our answer - Holly not Alexis!

  5. Wyndemere:

    Liz, Repunzel, and Nik: Liz was going on about the baby is in distress and they have to act fast or she will lose this baby, and I was worried. I don't want baby Ace to die!!! I got attached to him! :( But then she wins the line of the day.

    Liz: A c section without anesthesia.

    ROFL! When Liz was going on and on and I'm thinking she is trying to see if Repunzel is faking it, and wow look SHE IS HAHAHAHHAAHAHA! Repunzel got me good. :)

    Liz and Nik: Ooooo a Lucky mention! :D

    Repunzel is talking to baby Ace: Baby Ace is kicking! Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Outside central perk:

    Laura on the phone: When she said I'm your sister, I'm thinking is she talking to Bobbie on the phone? Are they sisters now?! :) Oh nope Marty is on the phone. Awwww he is sick? Awwww! :(

    Inside central perk:

    RnH and Laura: Man Holly stop acting all suspicious!

    Robert and Laura: Yeah come on Robert! You can see that Holly is up to something! Even Laura confronted you about it!

    Outside Central perk:

    Holly alone: Oooooooooooooo! Flashback of Lucy being shot!!! It WAS a mask! AND IT WAS HOLLY IN THE ANNA MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! So it wasn't the Tribbles!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Britch and Brad: Britch a coughin. Brad wants to give her a cough drop. ROFL! Britch says she isn't going to heaven so she wants to raise some hell. ROFL! Oh hi Ms. Wu! :)

    Britch, Brad, and Ms. Wu: Ms. Wu is being all nice.. *Snicker snicker*

    Sasha, Gladys and Sonny: They are having a nice meal when Sonny shows up. It's Liam's 1st birthday today awwwwwwwwww! :(

    Gladys and Ms. Wu.: OH MY! Ms. Wu wants Gladys to join the gambling room! Gave her the password on a card. So Gladys will use Sasha's money?!?!!! Oooooo this will be soapy delicious! :)

    Police station:

    Sante: Sam is acting like she is a horny little thing wanting to have sex in the interrogation room with Dante. He thought that too!!!!! :D She just wanted to give him a sub. He actually ate it! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 23rd 1999* Lucky's funeral.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...