Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Greece Is The Word


You know the song... and every time they said Greece this week, I heard it in my head!! We spent a lot of time there and so did half the cast.  There was a lot of exposition this week. Quite a bit of just going over past plots. It was a good time to catch up on what you may have missed. 

Get out your Ouzo and Feta and... ooopah! 

People were wondering about the rerun that aired Wednesday and I'm pretty sure it was because GH had quite a gun fight. With the shooting in Texas and part of the country watching news updates on that, I think they decided not to air the show. That's a good thing, imo. On another note, we did get a lot of Anna and Robert doing a caper in Greece! Hooray!! 

UNMASKING OF THE WEEK: Who was shooting at our pair? DREW!! Drew was "activated' by a tarot card that Peter happened to have handy.  Why Victor needed to keep him for that many years to have him become soldier boy is beyond me. Can't you hire people for this? Many fans are hoping Drew is faking it. Me? Don't really care either way. I am liking Cameron as Drew though. Sorry not sorry. 

RETURN OF THE WEEK:  "You bloody beat me here" Says Robert in his opening line. Ah, yes!! Scorpio is back!! He and Anna question Nurse Chloe together and then go and get the baddie at the bar. Quips! Gunfire! Having each other's backs! How wonderful. All is right with the world. 

WHO'S YOUR DADDY OF THE WEEK: We all knew it; they made it official! Victor and Helena did the bop years ago and.. out POPPED... Valentin!!  Do the ages quite work? Hell no. But go with it. I'm just thrilled he's a Cassadine again and won't have to get his tatt lasered off !! 

MONTE CARLO OF THE WEEK:  Dallas tells Dante and Sam that she was paid to fake a plane crash. Later, Sam and Dante kiss. That's about it for that. 

CUT-OFF OF THE WEEK: Spencer is disowned by Nikolas and forced out on his own. He and Esme hold up at the Metro for the night until Nikolas cuts him off from all his credit cards and bank account. Esme must not have any money of her own because once they are thrown out on the streets, they have no where to go. Spencer asks Britt for help but she's like, I live here too! Carly puts the kibosh on that and says Spencer can't stay at the hotel at all. What's a homeless couple to do? Maybe wash dishes at Kelly's and live above? Go back to Gram's place? Better get there while she's gone because once she finds out what you did? You'll be back on the pavement again! 

FORGIVENESS OF THE WEEK:  Curtis and Nina. He and she have been friends since she came into town. He defends her with Millow and tells her that everyone messes up.  So far, Nina's gotten a pretty good rate of return telling people the truth. 

BOX OF THE WEEK: Phyllis comes to PC to see Sonny and then find Nina. She has Sonny's belongings from Nixon Falls (Must be fireproof) and Carly opens it for all to see. Thank goodness Phyllis leaves out the photos of he and Nina. Best part of all this? Sonny and Phyllis. He's way more "Mike" than mean bar ware throwing mobbie guy with her. Loved their talk. Hope she stays and works at GH or runs Charlie's. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Joss confronts Nina about not telling anyone Sonny was alive. More than anyone else, this seemed to cut Nina the most. Joss took the grad gift she was given (a journal) and ripped out the pages one by one explaining the pain over thinking Sonny was dead. SO well done, I really loved this whole exchanged. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: seeing Phyllis walk in. Oh my gosh he IS IN THERE PEOPLE!! 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  The Tower of Tarot. Danger, Crisis and Liberation is it's meaning. 

NEWS:  Scarlett (Charlotte) is coming back to GH! She had 2 broken arms and many broken teeth after a bike accident in March. She Knows Soaps has all the details.  Scarlett is also 12 now! wow! 


Robert is in Greece to see Nurse Chloe; he and Anna work together

Valentin is taken, and then told Victor is his father

Peter "activates' Soldier Boy Drew who proceeds to have a shoot out with RnA

Sam and Dante find out Drew's plane crash was fake...and they share a kiss 

Phyllis comes to PC bearing gifts for Sonny; flannel and a cowboy hat

Spencer is cut off from Cassadine funds; is homeless at the moment

Esme tries her wiles on Cameron

Trina apologizes to Ava; Ava says no apology needed

NAva spend the night together and are not splitting up

CarSon make wub 

Britt gives Nikolas some advice, so does Carly and neither one really helps

Curtis and Portia have a date night

WUBS WISHES:  I want Trina and Joss to have a little dorm room. They can talk there, have parties etc. We need that way more than when they built the PC Grille (when have we seen that place!!?). Also, please have a scene where Ms Wu finds out Sonny is alive. He owes her big time. Maybe she can be in the Corinthos' organization by proxy. Cameron and Spencer are cousins; maybe they can rent a cheap place together. Finally: Get Brad and Alexis out of jail. Thanks.

SPOILERS:  Britt asks Jason for help, Esme goes to Nikolas to try to patch things up with he and Spencer, Monica has a talk with Austin. See all the scoops at Diagnosis Daytime! 

THAT'S A WRAP! Not a whole ton of things happened this week. I guess the Greece story moved along but boy, there was a lot of going over past stories. So glad Phyllis is around town. Liking the Esme/Spencer no money idea. The Drew stuff? Meh. I was so over the mind-melding before that I can't imagine it grabbing me now. I'm more interested in Drew's REAL past which we never knew. He only had Jason's memories. The cast is moving around quite a bit and we are getting familiar faces like Robert to make me smile. Valentin is a Cassadine which also makes me very happy. So all in all, the show is going in a decent direction. Get Mac on doing Jordan's job, let Carly find out Nina and "Mike" were in wub and get the baby story cleared up! Not too much to ask, is it? 

SEE YA MONDAY....which will be a Friday show so that's something to look forward to! 


  1. I love your mash name for Robert and Anna. RnA Love it. They are my first choice to be a couple again, but it will never happen. I do love VAnna now though.

    Thanks for SS. As always, like this blog better than the show!!!!!!

    1. PS. I do like Cameron Mathison as Drew. Don't like the tarot card brainwashing crap though. Move on from that stupidness. I too would like him to have his old memories back. That could be very interesting.

    2. I agree -- I would prefer to see Drew return to Port Charles and see how he reestablishes his life. Will he want Aurora back? We he welcome Austin into the Q's because he can relate? Who will be his new love interest? (Hayden, I bet.)

    3. Yes, the brainwashing is unwatchable now.

  2. I like all of the recent cast additions (NuDrew, NuVictor, NuSpencer and Esme), and I agree with all of the Wub Wishes.

    I wish the show's pacing was better. There will be one or two days that are really good, then back to several that are not. If "GH" wants to keep viewers, fix this.

    It's always a pleasure when Robert is on. Let's see more of Kristina, Mac and Felicia. Get rid of Peter, Brando, Sasha and Willow. I still hope that Jax and Willow would die in a mob hit. It would open up some good story possibilities.

    1. BTW, I think the actress who plays Esme is the spitting image of a young Helen Hunt, back when she was a teenager and guest-starred on every TV series imaginable.

    2. Oooh Kevin, I can see that, great observation!

    3. That's who she reminds me of. It was driving me crazy. Thanks.

    4. I agree about Brando and Sasha. I like them, but wouldn't miss them. They can take Gladys too.

    5. I think Gladys is good comic relief now and then. Great actress. But a little goes along way.

  3. As always, a great SS. Thank you! I absolutely agree with everything you said. RnA were fab, and Robert always brings a smile to my face. I really enjoy the actress who plays Esme. She's one I love to hate, so she's doing her job well. Nik and Spence have been bringing it, too!

    I could care less about Mumbles and Dante or Drew, but I'll survive. 😁

  4. Thanks for another great Sunday Surgery. I agree with all your wishes except cameron and Spencer together. Too much Esme influence would be there and Cameron is easily lead and has studies. If Esme were gone it would work for me.

    So happy Robert's back. Want Mac at the Station now as commissioner. And am still hoping Drew is faking the conditioning so he can gain his freedom and take Peter out!

  5. Another great SS! Thank you. I love that WUBS is the first post I see when I open my FB on Sunday mornings.
    I agree about almost everything. Don't care at all about the Drew story but CM seems to be fine in the role.
    Not too sure if the writers etc. have a direction in mind.
    The Joss/Nina scene was terrific. Most realistic reaction so far. Best scene of the week, the month...maybe the year.
    Tomorrow is a holiday. New show? Lately the Friday shows are pretty much like the every other day shows anyway.
    Enjoy the nice autumn Sunday here in the Northeast. Summer returns this week.

  6. I love the title; Greece is the Word.

  7. waiting on Sonny to see
    Brook Lyn
    Mrs. Wu
    and CYRUS!

  8. Ingo fired which we all knew was probably coming.

    Happy to hear Jason will accompany Britt to Greece to help Her mom. Make him work for it Britt!!

    1. Where did you see/hear this? Do not think he has been fired.

    2. Is Ingo really fired? I saw something that is probably old news.

  9. I think that is what I saw Lindie, so sorry


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...