Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Good Day to Nap

 Alexis and Shawn ...just going over the entire Spencer story. Will he tell Alexis about his suspicions with Nikolas? Oh yes, he does. She is not happy about that but can see how Nikolas could be involved. 

Brando and Sasha. Her baby is good. They are going to tour the delivery room. Gladys shows up. UGH She's upset no one called her about Sonny being alive. She wants Brando to work for Sonny. Brando is like: Bug off. This is so boring. 

Ava and Nikolas. He wonders where Spencer is. Ava says he just missed him.  She hedges telling him she had him arrested. She finallytells Nikolas that Spencer will need a lawyer.  Nik can't believe Ava had him arrested. Then he kinda can. She tells him it's tough love and Spencer has to recognize that actions have consequences. 

Nina and Phyllis. Phyllis gives Nina a photo of she and "Mike".  Phyllis says that Mike was very real. They both saw him. Oh and Phyllis found Mike's smashed watch. Thought it was in the river. Oh, Riverwalk. 

Jason and Carly. Carly's trying to sabotage Crimson to hurt Nina. Jason's like don't do it. Carly screams and yells. She hopes Millow doesn't forgive Nina. She also says they have to sit Sonny down and tell him how they felt on their wedding day. She must want Sonny to know because if they don't tell he never will. She also isn't sure the Sonny that came back is "her" Sonny. Carly decides not to do anything about Crimson. 

Jax and Sonny. Same old same old. Jax says Sonny should forgive Nina because she gave him her heart. :eyeroll: He tells him about the Sauce connection. Sonny is going to give Jax a CASE OF SAUCE to thank him for finding him. LOL Geezua. They talk more about Nina..Nixon Falls, Yada. 


Phyllis tells Sonny to be kind to Nina

Shawn is going to investigate Nikolas with regards to Hayden's shooting.

Gladys horns in on Brando and Sasha's baby tour moment


  1. SEVERAL questions:
    At any point, were Carly and Jason told PETER tied up Phyllis and Nina? NOT ONCE have they uttered his name....
    No MAC Sighting at all? No one cares anymore about the car bomb?
    GLADYS knows about Sonny? Does Diane and Mrs. Wu and Cyrus?
    WHAT day IS IT? I count days after the September 17th wedding........
    WHY was Portia angry at Nicholas who didn't know Spence did anything?
    Does Shawn work at all? He's been out of jail for a few months and we are STILL talking Hayden/Her mom/Nicholas---------
    WHY are we not back in Greece?
    The End.

    1. I think this show is a hodgepodge and they paste it together. Probably why sometimes it makes no sense. No one is a perfectionist on this show anymore. Gloria Monty would be horrified.

    2. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many questions about that, and about Liz and her pining over Jason.

      "lindie says, Gloria Monty would be horrified."


    3. Why do they think Liz is pining over Jason????? That was 14-15 yrs ago! She's been married since then and she's kinda moving on with Finn now. Odd....

    4. "Michelle L says, Why do they think Liz is pining over Jason????? That was 14-15 yrs ago! She's been married since then and she's kinda moving on with Finn now. Odd...."

      That's what Britch told Carly! You didn't see that scene yesterday? Britch said that Liz still carries a torch for him. And that there are rumors at the hospital about it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! I mean I love Laison, but I even know that's not the truth.

  2. BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS: Nixon falls spinoff has been cancelled. I repeat. Nixon falls spinoff has been cancelled. Only lasted 9 months.



    Nik: First love. First lust. He'll outgrow it.

    Hahahahaha. He would have won the line of the day, but Ava wins it. About forgiving.

    Ava: Spencer and you. I didn't say anything about me.


    Spring ridge:

    Alexis and Shaun: I.. Well.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. *Sigh* Where are the Tribbles?

    Carly's office:

    Jarly: Come on... We need to get some good Carly and Nina fights going.. Is she going to? Oh she is so close.. Oh crap she won't.. CRAP CRAP CRAP.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jax and Sonny: Hey Jax has a smudge on his top lip. Strange.. Oh Sonny's sauce. That means Sonny wuvs him. :)

    The hospital:

    Brasha and their doctor: Okay another day of Sasha's fake baby bump, and I still can't watch without laughing. ROFL! Come on change it into a better bump.

    Brasha and Mama Gladys: Burn Gladys's dress. It's too red. Like blood. I think it glows in the dark.

    Gladys and Brando: Love that Brando is sticking up for himself. Gladys needs to go away already.

    Nina's office:

    Phyllis and Nina: BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS! Phyllis found Sonny's watch. I repeat, Phyllis found Sonny's watch.. Oh hi Sonny.. I guess she didn't give it to him when she left?

    Sidenote about Young and the restless: Ashlond Locke who is played by Richard Burgi has the same storyline that Carly had. Best friend car accident. Take best friend's name as their own. Are former writers from GH besties with the young and the restless writers?

    Sidenote part 2: "General Hospital’s Tyler Christopher Celebrates a Momentous First: Not Just a Turning Point, But It ‘Felt Great’"


    Did anybody see this article? He looks good. :)

    Hey wait where is Liz? Is she thinking about Finchy and pining over him, while pining over Jason? I have so many questions.

    1. Tyler does look great. I wish he would come back!

    2. Breaking news...hahahahah! Stop! :)
      Yesterday was kind of a snooze but all of the scenes with Nik/Ava were great. However, it took her two thirds of the show to finally tell Nik that Spence was in jail.

      I refuse to comment on Liz pining for Jason. That was a load of buffalo bagels.

      Now I can't look at Sasha because of everyone's comments on the "bump!" Thanks for that, lol!!

    3. "Julie H says, Breaking news...hahahahah! Stop! :)"

      Hahahahaha. But but but there are a lot of breaking news. :)

      "Yesterday was kind of a snooze but all of the scenes with Nik/Ava were great."

      Yes.. Nava scenes were awesome.

      "However, it took her two thirds of the show to finally tell Nik that Spence was in jail."

      ROFL. That's soap 101. :)

      "I refuse to comment on Liz pining for Jason. That was a load of buffalo bagels."

      Load of buffalo bagels.. Hahahahaha. I have so many questions about Liz pining over Jason. Oh yes I can really tell Liz is pining over Jason when she was at the park with Finchy talking about dead Hiney while Jason overheard. *Roll eyes*

      "Now I can't look at Sasha because of everyone's comments on the "bump!" Thanks for that, lol!!"

      Hahahahahaha. It looks very weird and alien. :)

  3. "Paul773 says, Tyler does look great. I wish he would come back!"

    Yeah I miss him being Nik. :( I hope he is feeling better.

    1. I think I read something that said he's too big a risk...besides I like Marcus in the role. He and Spencer look alot alike.

    2. I like Marcus with Ava, but Tyler is Nik to me.

    3. I'm just wishy-washy, lol! I like Tyler (who did look great and healthy!) and Marcus.

    4. I miss him too. He had the acting chops to play a cassadine and a dimera and really sell both roles.

    5. he will always be Nik to me, too. At times he was kind of disengaged but probably due to personal problems. I've met him twice and he is a really nice guy. He loved the old Spencer.

  4. Tyler was always my favorite. Marcus is good but I think Tyler's Nicholas and Maura's Ava would be amazing together.

    1. I like Tyler too but after a bit he was just phoning it in like KeMo

  5. I don't like Sonny's old man look. He looked silly dyeing his hair but with the beard grey, too, he looks more like Mike than Sonny. And Carly's dress looked like a bathrobe. I love Phyllis - hope she stays on.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...