Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Surgery- Delay


In Philly-
So sorry there's no
Sunday Surgery


  1. Awww too bad. I miss it and you! :) Love the pictures! :)

  2. Crying in my coffee. Have a good day.

  3. Can I ask some questions? maybe I missed these things but I have watched every episode...
    -----Where is Taggart - on social media Real' Andrews is filming The Bay so he is available to film.
    -----Did they drop the bomb on September 17th since it's October 31st now?
    ----Any explanation of where Greg and Jackie went?
    ----Where is Hayden?
    -----Nicholas HAS known about Victor? THAT is totally unrealistic/changing scripts...
    Rumor hath it that Chase agrees to say he is Brook Lynn's dad - for Maxie's sake-----that makes total sense --------- BUT does that mean Valentin moves out? and Chase moves in?
    ---Rumor hath it that Cyrus kills Martin and Sasha/Brando baby......which makes me think Brando will go work for Sonny for revenge.....and Sasha can leave...

    1. "mufasa says, Did they drop the bomb on September 17th since it's October 31st now?"

      What bomb?

      "Rumor hath it that Chase agrees to say he is Brook Lynn's dad - for Maxie's sake-----"

      Yeah I heard that too.

      "Rumor hath it that Cyrus kills Martin and Sasha/Brando baby......"

      Yeah I heard that too! I don't want Martin to die!! I don't want the Brasha baby to die either! :(

    2. "mufasa says, Sorry. Car bomb at wedding!"

      OH! Nobody is talking about it anymore.

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Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...