Monday, November 1, 2021


 HELLO!! I'm here!! Had a nice time.. it was a whirlwind!! Philly is great. PRETZLES!! YUM!! 

METRO: Dante/Sam... Carly and Sonny. They are happy Dante and Sam are 'together'. They all go over the Greece trip, Drew..yada yada. Sonny and Dante talk about the families. Carly and Sam talk about Drew. 

Gladys is visiting Valentin!! To tell him about the baby??~~ Maxie and Britt rush to get there first. Gladys is ready to spill and Brook runs in and stops her. Brook says in the hall that Gladys will lose her blackmail leverage if she tells. Gladys says to get Sasha and Maxie on board then. Brook finally gives her her private credit card and tells her to keep her mouth shut. 

Spencer is talking to Nikolas about Hayden. Spinelli and Shawn are listening in the van. Nikolas says he didn't have Hayden shot. Spencer doesn't believe him. Nikolas lunges at Spencer and throws his phone in the river. Says he's trying to record him saying that he had Hayden shot. Spencer yells back: NO! I'm trying to get you to say you didn't have her shot at!! So, they go on and on and basically when Spencer out and out asks Nikolas about the shooting he says: LET. It. GO. Spencer says he knows he did it but..WHY? 

Spin and Shawn say they don't have enough evidence against Nikolas because he didn't confess. 

Cassadine Island: Britt and Jason snorkel up!! ahahahaa. OMG. Peter wakes up Liesl but kicking her. Grrrrrrrrr. She says he's taking advantage of his fathers' genius. They are in Cassadine lab. HE wants Dr O to "condition" Maxie to forgive him. WHAT? So weird. Anyway, Liesl spots poison. oh IT'S ACID! She throws it at him and it gets his arm and hand. He radios guards.

Britt is alone in the boathouse-- she drops the radio and makes noise. The door opens and she shoots...a harpoon? Not sure what that is lol 


Britt shot her mother!

Jason has a gun on Peter!

Maxie and Brook plan to make Gladys shut up 

Sonny will visit Cyrus in jail 


  1. Ya'll don't hate me, but I can't stand Nina and her sudden 'whispering voice'......CW's portrayal was great at one time, but now it's overdone/whiny....
    NOW Carly said these words last week: You and Nelle may not physically look anything alike, but you both act the same...
    DING DING DING - I foresee Nelle ain't your daughter and Willow is - WHY would she say you all look nothing alike? Just seemed out of the blue.
    AND therefore, I am so sorry, but I like Carly - I like her snarky, snarling don't cross me------I don't like whiny people or mumblers (i.e. SAM), so go Carly........
    I hear screaming but sorry that is how I feel......
    I guess in a month, Diane saw Sonny in person.......and we missed it...

    1. THIS IS ME SCREAMING. jk. You like who you like.

    2. What does that have to do with this week's episode. Old news.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sorry Di, t was on my mind this morning - I tried to post Thursday but I couldn't get it to post.

    5. Di I was replying to Mufasa about liking Carly. Easy, tiger.

    6. I was replying to Mufasa too, Linda. I just came from a site where I gave up trying to read comments on the episode because people were going on a hate rant and continuing it back and forth for half a page. Then I open this site and the first post is a hate rant not related to the episode.

    7. "mufasa says, I tried to post Thursday but I couldn't get it to post."

      OH! I've been having problems posting too!!!

    8. I like Laura, I think she's made an excellent Carly, but sorry, the writers seem to have amnesia about her past, last week when she was honest with Sonny.......that's NOT Carly, she would have lied, I expected honesty from Jason, but that's not Carly. She seems to be the victim in everything......why does she dictate who can see Wiley...
      I hope she sees Sonny kissing Nina or something.

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  3. I was hoping that Liesl would have done more damage....sigh. I hope she's ok.

    And you need to shoot him, Jason!!! Now.

  4. Please do away with Gladys and Peter!

    1. To me, Gladys is funny irritating. Peter is nauseating, unwatchable irritating. If the Wizard of Oz could grant one GH wish, it would be to Get. Rid. Of. Peter!!

  5. Cassadine Island:

    Jason and Britch: Yeah they were snorkel swimming hahahaha. Steve Burton all wet! Yum! :) Other people talking another language. I'm glad they showed the words on screen. Jason making an excuse to not turn around when Britch has to change. Jason you pig! ROFL!


    *Dr. O throws acid at him and Hiney turns into the incredible hulk*

    Too bad it wasn't the face!!! :(

    Jason and Hiney: SHOOT HIM JASON!

    Dr. O and Britch: Oh sure Britch. Shoot first before you even know who it is. Stupid! I thought it was Jason at first. Then I saw the shoes.. A woman? Huh? OH~ DR. O! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Is she going to die? Is she leaving the show? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :(

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: I'm just waiting until he asks her if it's okay to kiss her. :)

    Gladys and V.C.: She still has a crush on him. :) V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Can you get this bear out of my face?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That thing IS huge. I don't know what he is going to do with it. Gladys just spit it out! Oh hi Brooky!

    V.C. and Brooky: Oh sure. Yes tell him that Gladys is drunk! ROFL!

    Gladys and Brooky: Yes please shut Gladys up. Maybe she will make out with that card you gave her.

    Brooky and Maxie: Maxie you are too loud. SHUT THE HELL UP!

    Pawtucket Holtser and Gladys: Gladys should just give the huge bear to Pawtucket Holtser. :)

    The pier/The van:

    Spinny and Shaun: WORKING TOGETHER YAY! :)

    Chad and Nik: GREAT SCENE!!!!! :) Uh where did Chad put the bug? In his underwear? Wouldn't he feel very uncomfortable and wouldn't he sweat? Love the yelling!!! :) Check this out. Nicholas Alexander Chavez on twitter made a video with Marcus Coloma about this scene! :)

    Shaun and Nik: GET HIM SHAUN GET HIM!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carson: Oh yes time to visit Cyrus in jail.. That will be fun. :)

    Sam, Dante, and Carson: Will Sam have welcome back I'm glad you are alive sex with Sonny? Will Sante have sex soon? Then Sam can say who is the betta lova! Sonny or Dante! :) Sante flirting and Carly loving every minute of it hahahahaha.

    Carly and Sam: Oh yes Carly, Dante is a great guy isn't he? Too bad you never jumped his bones huh? ROFL!

    Dante and Sonny: Oh look. Sonny approves of Sante.. How sweet. :) I'm surprised Sonny didn't talk about how he and Sam used to sleep together.

    Sante: Oh yes. You got Carly's approval and Sonny's approval. Now you can officially date. YIPPIE!

    1. Sonya, Spence wasn't bugged, Spinnelli said he had a long range mic somewhere when he was in the van with Shawn.

      Mumbles looked good yesterday and I could actually hear her until she was at the table with Carly. Improvement there, lol! And she and Dante looked good together. I MIGHT get on board with that pairing.

      Yay for Dr. O tossing acid at PLP, she made us all proud. And of course Stone Cold won't shoot PLP, he'll just talk him to death. Mostly because it's still early November and we have to keep the most anticipated death in soap history under wraps just a little bit longer....sigh...!

    2. And I forgot to mention that spear in Liesel's gut looked bad. Very bad. They better not kill her off. I need Britta to save her today, asap, now! :)

    3. "Julie H says, Sonya, Spence wasn't bugged, Spinnelli said he had a long range mic somewhere when he was in the van with Shawn."

      In his underwear? ROFL!

      "Mumbles looked good yesterday"

      Yeah she did. :)

      "and I could actually hear her until she was at the table with Carly."


      "And she and Dante looked good together. I MIGHT get on board with that pairing."

      Carson got on board VERY quickly! :)

      "Yay for Dr. O tossing acid at PLP, she made us all proud."

      YES! :)

      "And of course Stone Cold won't shoot PLP, he'll just talk him to death."

      Yeah probably. I hate when characters do that!

      "Mostly because it's still early November and we have to keep the most anticipated death in soap history under wraps just a little bit longer....sigh...!"

      UGH! I don't want to wait anymore!

    4. "Julie H says, And I forgot to mention that spear in Liesel's gut looked bad. Very bad. They better not kill her off. I need Britta to save her today, asap, now! :)"

      Yeah it did look very bad. :( I don't want her to die either! :(

  6. But Willow doesn’t look like Nina either.Nellie does more than Willow.

  7. There is a similarity between Nelle and Nina. Even though it seems Nina's actions in Nixon Falls have been totally minimized it takes a psycho to behave the way she did.
    When will GH realize that NO ONE CARES WHO HIRED A HIT MAN TO KILL HAYDEN. Even though everyone knows from years ago who did it. Nik is right. She's fine. Doesn't matter. Except to the new bully Sean.
    Everything lately on GH seems the same all over again. It is really not good.
    Love Carly's outfit.
    I read that Chloe Lanier is on NCIS:Hawaii tonight. FYI.

    1. I agree about the Hayden storyline, nobody cares.........
      Nina did nothing criminal, sure spiteful, yes, but not you know Carly's past? when Michael was born, she lied about his paternity.

    2. Agree about the entire Hayden BS. Shawn is coming across as a bully regarding Nik/Spence. He was a hitman and a poor one at that because he missed, AND he lied to protect Sonny. So yeah, it was legit that he went to jail. I couldn't have cared less about Hayden back then, less now and it's just too dang bad Nik missed, lol!

  8. Dislike Alexis and Shawn's holier than thou attitude. Shawn was where Hayden was shot because he was sent to kill Jake/Jason.Alexis is making him out to be a saint. This storyline is making Shawn unlikable especially using a man's son to rat out his dad.Hope this ends soon.

  9. I am so sick of seeing that disgusting, smirky Peter. He should have been gone months ago and I guess he can thank his GF for keeping him employed. Worst depiction of a villain ever and not even laughable. Dante and Sam do look cute together. I couldn't help but thinking how many guys have had her from the same "family" - Sonny, Jason, Jax, Drew.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...