Monday, November 29, 2021

Turkey Lurkey

Drew and Sam hug. Drew says he's in once piece and thanks her for going to look for him. She says Monica is going to be so happy (has no idea Jason is gone). Then Dante brings down Scout and Drew is so happy. Scout doesn't know who he is and turns away. He brought her a unicorn. She loves it. She goes to show the boys. Drew says he has to tell Sam and Dante about Jason. Sam is like: OMG Scout gets her father back and Danny loses his! 

Marshall talks to TJ in the GH chapel ...saying the same thin g over and over and then OOP! He says Curtis is his son! TJ can't believe it but he shakes his hand. Curtis walks in and isn't happy. tells TJ to leave. He and his dad banter and Curtis keeps saying he doesn't want anything to do with him. Marshall leaves and says he hopes they can be family one day. 

Nina and Phyllis see each other at GH. Phyllis is going to volunteer today because it's so hard for her without Lenny. They both end up going to Porita's. Portia tells Finn, Violet, Nina and Phyllis there's a change of venue. TJ and Curtis are also going to Poria's who's having it catered. 

Carly sees Britt and wants to know if she found her mother and she can't wait to hear about their adventure from Jason. Asks about Peter, yada yada. Then says: Everyone is safe, right? RIGHT??  Britt says she's sorry but Jason saved she and her mother. Carly's like I Don't CARE! WHERE IS JASON?!! Britt tells her he's gone. OMG... such a good scene. Carly says no body means he's still alive. She's going to Greece to dig him out LOL.. Britt says no, he's gone. Carly yells; BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! She yells that she wishes Britt never met Jason. Storms out of GH

Anna goes to see Sonny..she tells him about Jason. She wants to sit down. She tells him the entire story. He's reeling that Jason is dead. Anna and he hug. She leaves...he throws stuff. 

AND...this guy makes an "appearance" -- LOL 

Ned, Brook and Chase. Monica comes into the foyer and is all HI CHASE!! Brook Lynn says 'Um, he's family now". Monica looks fantastic. Then Olivia is there, can't believe what's happening and Chase is Bailey's daddy. THEN VALENTIN walks out!! ahahhaaha!! He's there too! :Clapping: OMG He had the contract Nullified about the ELQ shares since Brook Lie and he's still Prez of ELQ!! Then he tells everyone he ate the turkey and gave the rest to the dog (which Franco gave Jake but it stays at the Qs) !! Olivia screams. Then Val tells Brook she's the runt of the family and can't even sing. Chase punches him!!  Val gets up and leaves ...says Have a Nice dinner! Monica says we are calling Luigis for pizza! 


They surprise Curtis with a thanksgiving at the Club since he wasn't sure if he was going

Carly sobs at the house; sits on the patio and Sonny watches her through the window

Pizza shows up at the Qs...Monica wonders how it got there so fast. DREW brought it!! 

GOOD SHOW~~~!!!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. ditto, I like Laura, I think she's doing an amazing job, but the writers are to blame for her dialogue, really, when she confessed to Sonny, that was so not Carly.....she would have lied through her teeth. Why doesn't Willow throw in Michaels face Carly lying about his paternity?

  2. Portia says "dig I " and nothing is there. Lol

  3. I feel sorry for Britt. Never thought I'd say that. She has changed. Dark Valentin is back.

    1. Kelly T was just fabulous again today. She has become one of my favorites, next to Maura W.
      JPS, as always, was great today too.

  4. Snarly, Snarly... I hate that she has yet another reason to snarl at someone else I like. Poor Britt.

    Violet is just so dang cute.. is it just me or did Sam & Dante next to Drew looked like little children?

  5. Love Monica's new hairdo. Looks nice on her.

  6. Anna knows something is wrong. Hope she goes over to see Valentin immediately

  7. I KNOW it's TV, but Drew had time to buy a gift - and how did he know a unicorn? Does he stay at Monica's?
    when did they get home? Britt just goes back to work? Anna saw Sonny before Val and yet it's Thanksgiving?
    I like nice Val - not dark Val.
    I know - it's a show but weird timing.......

    1. I agree. Quite strange that Drew went to buy a gift. He did remember that she collects unicorns but still. Right, Britt goes right back to work? Anna wouldn't go to Sonny's before seeing Valentin. I don't like dark Valentin at all. The toothpick in the mouth needed to go too. lol.

      Weird timing is right.

    2. Drew could have gotten it at the gift shop at the airport. He would have remembered she liked unicorns and picked it up with his tax free liquor. lol

    3. "lindie says, The toothpick in the mouth needed to go too. lol."

      He had to get the remnants of turkey out of his teeth! ROFL!

    4. Thought it was more weird that Drew had a nice mobile phone already.


    The hospital:

    Little V, Finchy, and Liz: Little V is adorable!!! :) She really wants Fiz to be together. :) Hey did she lose more teeth? :)

    Nina and Phyllis: Awww great scene.. Yes yes Phyllis shouldn't be alone on Thanksgiving.. Glad Nina invited her to Portia's Thanksgiving dinner. :)

    Mr. Hat guy and TJ: Boy Mr. Hat guy! You are going in circles. It's very dizzying.. JUST SPIT IT OUT!

    TJ: Who is Curtis to you?

    Mr. Hat guy: He is my son.



    Would you like to go on the roof of the hospital and yell that? :)

    Mr. Hat guy and Curtis: Come on Mr. Hat guy just tell Curtis the whole truth! Were you in the witness protection agency? Was someone after you? Man I hope Curtis tells Stella soon, so that she can go talk to Mr. Hat guy and slap him in the face and tell him off!!! She better not have known that he was alive!

    TJ and Portia: Great scene. Glad TJ was able to talk to Portia about grandpa hat man.


    Carson home: Now that I know where the Tribbles are, I can enjoy the kitchen again.. :) All the food! YUM! I want to eat them! :) The flowers are so pretty. :)

    Sonny and Anna: Anna respects Jason?! UGH! *facepalm*

    Sam's home:

    Sam and Drew: Awww nice hug. :)

    Sam, Drew, Scout, and Dante: Poor little Scout is so confused.. She has to get to know her daddy and get used to him.. The Tribbles needs to hug her.. No Drew you can't tell Monica about Jason yet! They still need to sing then they eat! :)

    The Q's mansion: There were a lot of funny one liners today, but Olivia wins it.


    BAHAHAAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA! Olivia you should have known something was going to happen to it.. You should have made 2 turkeys. :)

    Brooky, Chase, and Ned: Oh! Dessert from Eckhart's! :)

    Brooky, Chase, Ned, Monica, Olivia, and V.C.: Nothing surprises Monica anymore. ROFL! Especially on Thanksgiving! ROFL! Oh look it's a piecaken! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Too bad we didn't get to see what this hybrid looks like. Monica looks great. Love her new hairdo. :)

    "Karen says He had the contract Nullified about the ELQ shares since Brook Lie and he's still Prez of ELQ!!"

    HA! I don't blame him one bit! :) Brooky get over it? You have no right telling V.C. that bitch! You hurt him deeply!!! Chase punches V.C.!!! Chase wuvs Brooky. :) Oh hello Drew with the pizzas. :) Great timing.. Loved Monica's shocked face. :) And she said nothing surprises her anymore! ROFL!

    V.C.'s hotel room: Awwww he is all alone. :( Tell Anna!!! I just want to hug him! :(

    The Savoy: PARTAY! :) Happy Thanksgiving! :)

    1. Sonja said... Little V is adorable!!! :) Hey did she lose more teeth? :)

      *** lol The actress is 8 so she'll be losing more soon too.

    2. "Di says lol The actress is 8 so she'll be losing more soon too."

      Hahaha I know. :) It's so cute. :)

    3. Sonya, I saw an ad for a piecaken a few days ago. The one I saw had a pecan pie for the bottom layer, a pumkpin layer for the middle layer, and a layer of spice cake as the top layer. All three layers are covered with cinnamon buttercream topped with apple pie filling.

    4. Gary, I now want a piecaken! Good grief that sounds yummy!

      As others have said, Monica's hair was perfect and she looked fabulous! Loved her expression when she saw Drew.

      And Sonya, others have said it, but I also IMMEDIATELY thought of you when I saw the Tribbles last week, lol! Yay!

      Val deserved that punch in the face, but him picking the turkey out of his teeth was hilarious.

      Snarly-Cujo needs to dial it down about 400 notches when it comes to Britt. They write her like a bitch, Laura delivers it with a nasty snarl, and I'm supposed to try and find some liability or sympathy for her?? Not in this life time. It pains me that she's supposed to be the female lead of this show.

      Hat-man is a good actor but he needs to explain himself now. Really tired of the same old conversation with his "family".

    5. likability, not liability, lol!

    6. "Gary says, Sonya, I saw an ad for a piecaken a few days ago."

      WHAT?! IT'S REAL?!?!?! :0

      "The one I saw had a pecan pie for the bottom layer, a pumkpin layer for the middle layer, and a layer of spice cake as the top layer. All three layers are covered with cinnamon buttercream topped with apple pie filling."

      Oh yum!!!! I wonder how it tastes.

    7. "Julie H says, And Sonya, others have said it, but I also IMMEDIATELY thought of you when I saw the Tribbles last week, lol! Yay!"

      Yeah I am so happy!!!! :) YAY! :) Hey where have you been? ROFL!

  9. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the pies Chase brought from Eckerts Bakery. Nice nod to the 90's even though all of the Eckerts are dead or left town, lol.

    1. Oh I mentioned it, but just didn't expand on it. :) Yes great nod to the 90's!

  10. I noticed that immediately too. No Eckerts but there bakery is still running.

    1. A lot if people didn't like the Eckert clan. I did. I especially liked Jen and how spunky she was

    2. I liked Bill Eckery until they turned him into a jerk just to make way for Luke and Laura to return. I like Jenny too.

    3. "lindie says, A lot if people didn't like the Eckert clan. I did."

      I liked them too!! I didn't have any problems with them.. People didn't like that they were on a lot. Well, how else are we going to get to know them? :)

  11. I also don't understand why the writers don't even attempt to make Carly likeable. She has zero rooting value.

    1. I liked Carly way back when. Not for a long time now though. She is just too nasty. I don't have any care for her at all.

    2. Yeah same here.. I liked Laura's Carly with Jax years ago that's about it. Sarah was my favorite and I could tolerate Tamara. They are all great actresses... its just the writing making her so snarly.

    3. Carly was never meant to be a likable character. She always was a parasitic narcissistic individual; the Nelle blueprint if you will.

    4. bigdoodah...great phrase. "Parasitic narcissistic individual". I like it!

    5. I agree she was not meant to be likable but Sarah brought a vulnerability and somehow you found yourself sometimes rooting for her. With Laura the past 5 years I have been over it. I know she's a good actress I wouldn't take that away from her. You would just like to see some growth.

  12. Monica did look great, but it was a wig, you could tell.

    1. Like so many actresses today, wigs and extensions are as prevalent as makeup.

    2. Di Yes! She may have some thinning hair or something like so many of us during/after menopause. Heck if I had the means I would get a few extensions myself for fullness.

    3. "mufasa says, Monica did look great, but it was a wig, you could tell."

      I couldn't tell! Well, she looks great in the wig. :)

  13. I couldn't tell it was a wig. She can have some of my hair. I have enough for 3 people. Lol


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...