Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 It's a gray gloomy Tuesday here! We will not see the sun much anymore until like...May or June. Sniff. 

Q house: Drew comes in..everyone sees him. Monica gives him a hug. He explains to the the entire family about his abduction. Says it came as a price. He tells her about Jason. Says he wishes he hadn't asked for help. She said neither one of their lives matter more. Hugs him. They have Jason Memory Time. 

Carly sobs on the back patio. Sonny walks out and hugs her. Sonny and she sit and talk about The tunnel. People coming back from the dead or not. It's just exhausting (that's my take). Joss comes in. Tells her Jason is dead. Joss can't believe it. They cry. Sonny goes up to see Donna and Carly's gone when he gets back. Cyrus calls him. 

Carly is on the St. Jaysus bridge. LMAO. Where are all the other women? 

Sam throws barware in the PH. Dante helps clean it up. Sam cries about "Cosmic Joke"--now she has to tell Danny (again) that Jason is dead. 

Dr. O is having a nightmare. Britt goes to see her, then leaves. Cries in the hall. Goes to her office. Austin walks in. They talk about stuff.. he says the Q's stabbed him in the back. She says she lost one person she's finally cared about. Jason's dead. "I always thought I'd die first" she says. She backtracks to saying she didn't mean it. Anyway, Austin offers to get her a turkey burger and watch games at his house. She declines. 

Scotty comes in and kisses Dr. O !! 


Dante and Sam make out and probs will have ZEX

TONS OF Jarly flashbacks...then BRITT is on the bridge too! 


  1. Saint Jaysus gets an hour-long weepy funeral (when is the Alan Quartermaine episode again?), and Jax gets don't-let-the-departure-gate-hit-you-in-the-butt. Seems about right. And they must have spent a fortune engineering some of those flashbacks, didn't some of them pre-date LW?

    1. "Judith says, didn't some of them pre-date LW?"

      YES!!!! ROFL!

      "And they must have spent a fortune engineering some of those flashbacks,"

      Yes I am sure they did! :)

    2. I don't think cause years ago on some show, maybe Today Show- they talked about the people who are paid to go through all the old shows and pull clips like when people die and then celebrartions...and they said, "they are not paid enough." I think there are people paid to do it......very tedious work.

    3. No....so many of those scenes were with other Carlys!

  2. Thank goodness Jason didn’t show up on the bridge. That has happened too many times. Do not like him with Carly.

    1. They conveniently forget Robin was the original partner on the bridge with him. sniff sniff..

    2. Exactly. That was Jason and Robin's bridge. Helloooooooooooo

    3. Didn't we go through this crap like 5 years ago when he was presumed dead too. I am SO OVER Jason and Steve Burton. Sorry for you fans.

    4. Lindie, I so agree! Either find a body or recast within the next couple of weeks. I don't really want Burton to come back again.

    5. Linda, thanks for bringing up Robin and Jason's bridge. Best storyline right after Stone and Aids. Snarly had no business being there, and shame on the writers for disrespecting history. Made me furious. :(

  3. So Cyrus knew even though others don't? Either Drew feels guilty and will work for Sonny or Brando will work for Sonny (cause the baby dies or the medical bills will be outrageous and he needs the job.)
    HOW did Drew get money for gifts/pizza/UBER? I just can't remember------was he in love with Kim when he left/or Franco thinking he was Drew?
    Austin and Britt arriving at Gate 2022, people.
    HOW did Britt know about the bridge.............
    yesterday's question - has anyone MET Phyllis - like Curtis and Portia?

  4. They have hardly had Carly and Jason since Sonny's return. So all these Carly/Jason scenes don't hit home for most of us.

  5. Well I know they had to change things when they let SB go but that has to be the most depressing Thanksgiving in the history of the show.

    1. That was the most depressing Thanksgiving. Not anyone sitting down eating, no song nothing.

  6. The hospital:

    Dr. O and Britch: Poor Dr. O and her nightmare. :( Britch is more important than mutter's health. Awwwwwwww! :(

    Britch and Pawtucket Holtster: Awww Britch! I think it's a really great idea to go watch the game at his place and have snacks. You emailed Terri, and you visited your mutter, now leave and either go home or his place.. Something you have to do? Like what?

    Baldbrecht: Awwwwwwwwwwww! My heart exploded!! Oh hospital room zex! ROFL!

    Baldbrecht and Pawtucket Holtster:

    Baldbrecht: GET OUT!

    ROFL! They would have won the line of the day, but Pawtucket Holtster wins it!

    Pawtucket Holtster: Sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry.


    Carson home:


    Carly: Jason didn't die!! You didn't! I had a feeling you didn't die, and now I have a feeling Jason didn't die! He's the love of my life you know. The reason I breath!

    Maybe Jason is at Nixon falls. :)

    Carson and Joss: Oh yes Joss. You can cry on your mama. You can't cry on your papa cus he is gone. You can go over Sam's and cry on the Tribbles. They are there for you, you know that. :)

    Jarly flashbacks: Oh come on! ROFL! They showed when they first met, and it was Laura Wright! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Sam's home: Oh my! Sam murdered a glass. I wonder if the Tribbles are scared of Sam now.

    Sante: Sam don't want Dante to leave.. What about the kids? You going to go have the zex while the kids are in another room? I guess Rocco is spending the night. Sam's bread are heaving..

    Q home:

    Q family, Chase, and Drew: Awwww! Love that Monica kept hugging Drew!!! :) Great scene! Where is Yuri?!?! Monica didn't invite him? :( Hey! Look at the pizza! It's open and eaten! So we missed the song!?!!!?! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Well, if they won't then I will!


    The famous bridge: What in the hell is Britch doing there?! How does she know about the bridge? The only people who should be on it, is Robin, Liz, and Carly!

    1. Oops forgot to mention Cyrus and Sonny! So basically,

      Cyrus: Hello my love.. I'm so sorry about Jason. I wish I could hug you.

      Sonny: GO TO HELL!!!

      Hmmm. Did anybody see Sonny's mustache? It had a tiny piece of food on it. ROLF!

    2. Damn I forgot one another thing.. Today Drew talked about how they couldn't hear Jason's heartbeat. Geez they keep saying that. I'm thinking well either he is dead, or he isn't in the cave and is still alive!!

    3. Thank you and Karen too, for the recap. No GH at my house, school shooting (3 dead) in Oxford Michigan. Say a little prayer for the students and their familes. Awful stuff.

      I was visiting my mother over Thanksgiving so no comments from me Sonya. That's why I was so late with my congratulatory thoughts about the Tribbles! :)

      I don't want Austin and Britt together at ALL! I'd really like her with Drew. They're both fabulous looking and tall, lol! I think they'd make a nice fit.

      And I've already commented, but Snarly on the bridge? Oh hell no!

    4. Julie H said..."They're both fabulous looking and tall, lol! I think they'd make a nice fit."

      *** You laugh but it does make a differenc. The one thing I like about Sam and Dante is that she can look into his eyes when she talks, withough wearing stilts and getting a kink in her neck. lol And it has made a difference to their interactions.

    5. "Julie H says, No GH at my house, school shooting (3 dead) in Oxford Michigan. Say a little prayer for the students and their familes. Awful stuff."

      Yeah so awful!! :(

      "I was visiting my mother over Thanksgiving so no comments from me Sonya."

      Ohhhhh. Okay.. I hope you and your mom had a great Thanksgiving! :) Strange. You also said that you won't ever disappear and you didn't want me to. Or maybe it was another post.. Anyway no no I won't ever disappear. I have started a temporary job on Wednesday. Doing inserts. 8 to 4:30 so I can't watch it live for now, but when I come home, I have dinner and watch GH online. :)

      "That's why I was so late with my congratulatory thoughts about the Tribbles! :)"


      "I don't want Austin and Britt together at ALL! I'd really like her with Drew. They're both fabulous looking and tall, lol! I think they'd make a nice fit."

      ROFL! Fabulous and tall! :) Hahahahahaha!

    6. "The one thing I like about Sam and Dante is that she can look into his eyes when she talks, withough wearing stilts and getting a kink in her neck. lol"

      Oh Di! Hahahahahahaha!

  7. Monica seemed to handle the news of Jason's death pretty well!
    When is Laura back? I miss her.

    1. I miss Laura too. Genie is my all time fave since I started watching many, many moons ago. lol

    2. https://abc7.com/general-hospital-abc-genie-francis-television/11286458/

    3. Me too, Lindie. And thanks for posting, L!

  8. Saint Jason worship writing today. It's absolutely amazing how Frank and Company have ignored the toilet ratings for all these years by making his pets first and foremost. And yes, I do understand soaps have stopped counting ratings according to some, but ratings do still matter just like good quality producing and writing.

    1. I agree. All they care about are their pets.

  9. Am I a terrible person because it brings me joy to see Carly hurting? Loved Scott and his schnitzel and that bridge was Robin and Jason”s. Anyone think of telling Liz that Jake’s dad is dead? Kelly M was actually effective for once. I like new Drew. Unfortunately every time I hear “Drew” I think of that annoying Drew show after GH.

    1. I was also wondering about Liz. When will it be her turn. I think Chase will tell Finn who in turn will tell Liz and he will comfort her.

    2. Not a terrible person at all LSV422. I had joy, too! Snarly on the bridge....I strenuously object. It was Robin and the boy with no past's place. Grrrr!


  10. Kristina Wagner
    Tomorrow I head back to work on General Hospital! Lucky me. I couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of that family once again. Here we go. More to come. Felicia Scorpio rides again.😄

    1. YAY! Great news. Maybe for scenes with baby Louise?

  11. Hey I saw somewhere today where the actress that played Big Alice in the Q mansion has passed away. She was a great character!

  12. Did Drew make a comment abt high school football? Like he remembers his high school day? He was talking abt him & jason making friends in the cellar. Since last I knew he had Jason's memories/lack of pre adulthood memories it stuck out. Did they reverse the mind mapping in captivity? He still had Drew's time in PC memories but also mentioned being a SEAL and responded to soldier commands so maybe he's no longer stuck with Jason's memories.

  13. If that was really New York Carly and Sonny would be freezing and probably have snow in patio

    1. Hahaha! I was thinking aren't they cold? :)

  14. Genie is back for the holidays... (video)


  15. I vaguely recall maybe the same flashbacks the last time SB left.
    Too much Dante and Mumbles. She still has no story. Why doesn't anyone work anymore?

  16. "Julie H says, No GH at my house, school shooting (3 dead) in Oxford Michigan. Say a little prayer for the students and their familes. Awful stuff."

    Yeah so awful!! :(

    "I was visiting my mother over Thanksgiving so no comments from me Sonya."

    Ohhhhh. Okay.. I hope you and your mom had a great Thanksgiving! :) Strange. You also said that you won't ever disappear and you didn't want me to. Or maybe it was another post.. Anyway no no I won't ever disappear. I have started a temporary job on Wednesday. Doing inserts. 8 to 4:30 so I can't watch it live for now, but when I come home, I have dinner and watch GH online. :)

    "That's why I was so late with my congratulatory thoughts about the Tribbles! :)"


    "I don't want Austin and Britt together at ALL! I'd really like her with Drew. They're both fabulous looking and tall, lol! I think they'd make a nice fit."

    ROFL! Fabulous and tall! :) Hahahahahaha!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...