Wednesday, December 1, 2021

World Aids Day


December 1st. World AIDS Day. And you know that means a visit back to Robin and Stone. Best Daytime story to happen in forever. Such a poignant story and so timely. 


Sante making out. They go to the bedroom --hootchy Cootchy ensuses. They make ZE WUB. She wants him to stay the night because she wants to be with him, not because she's lonely.  Good scenes, I admit it. 

Sonny throws his phone when Cyrus hangs up. Says there's "gonna be a WAR"!  He calls Spinelli to trace the call and find out where Cy got the phone. OMG--wow, Spin doesn't know about JASON!! Sonny gonna have to tell him!! Spin reels and says they have to get tons of equipment to get him out. Sonny says it's a lost cause. Spin cries and Sonny hugs him. 

Carly and Britt on the bridge, both remembering Jason. It's actually more of a Jarly fest. How much they meant to each other. Carly is being nice to Britt. Whatever. I don't like this. It's forced and that bridge is Robin's then Liz's with him. Carly DOES say she's sorry to Britt. That's something. 

Ned is strategizing the whole ELQ Stock thing and Valentin news. Mac shows up! Val called him!! Said Chase assaulted him. Chase is in trouble. Oh he's suspended for SIX MONTHS!! 

Monica and Drew talk about life; Oscar dying..yada yada. Monica talks about Family and moving on. Monica wants him to live at he mansion! YEAH!! 

Alexis' house: Spencer, Esme...Shawn. They are eating Chinese food. Esme and Spence go to do the dishes. Alexis says she doesn't trust Esme. Then Valentin comes in. Spencer is pissed he's there. They argue. Spencer says: You aren't even a Cassadine!! (HAHA HA he doesn't know)!! Nikolas and Ava show up with PIES TOO!! OH lordy!  THEN VICTOR COMES IN!! The weird thing about all this is neither Molly or Krissy are there!! GEEESHHH. Ok, so Victor comes in and everyone is mad that Nikolas didn't tell them he was alive. THEN Valentin tells them all Victor is HIS FATHER!! Jaws drop!! YOU HAVE TO WATCH THESE SCENES. I can't do them justice. Victor yells at everyone and says things are going to be different and no one is going to fight anymore. AHAHAHA.


  1. I guess they have to have Chase off the force 6 months so that's there's no police action. Just mob stuff and feuds and and acts of vengeance. I think I need a break.

    1. Now don't be disappearing like the Tribbles. Sonya would miss you. And me too. I enjoy your snark, lol!

    2. lol Thank you, I think. haha

  2. I thought Sante scenes were well done. I like Victor taking charge of that dysfunctional family. Nice Drew and Monica scenes. I like CM a lot as Drew. Poor Spinelli. How many times have we been through this same scenario?

  3. Chase gets suspended from doing nothing.
    Sam just annoys me. Maybe if they gave her something to do and if she would speak more clearly.
    I liked Carly and Britt on the bridge. Everybody hates Carly's snark and for once she's being nice.
    LSV422 says: "How many times have we been through this same scenario?" Uncountable...and so many other scenarios repeat again and again. Not very creative times.

  4. do you hear me screaming----------
    do you hear me screaming--------
    LOVING Victor! (although HOW did he get money - like Drew - and be able to move around the city? He was declared dead.........maybe offshore accounts.)
    I thought Nicholas has known about him for a long time - why did he lie?

    I am sorry - I don't like Sam, I am ------no matter who she is with.....brings nothing to the table...
    Spinelli crying-----------I crying............
    Carly and Britt scenes were amazing!

    1. I'm loving Viuctor too. He's a baddie I can love to hate. lol

      Carly and Britt scenes were great, and we're on the same page with Sam. I FF'd through those scenes.

    2. I can't stand the Sam scenes, alway FF through them no matter who she is with. Love Britt! Really like Victor so far.

  5. I liked seeing the people at Alexis's place. Obviously we're missing more about Nicholas and exactly what he knew about Drew being on the island.

    I didn't mind Sante today. I would have told Carly to Bite me, but that's just me.

    1. You might need shots if she did that. lol

  6. I haven't watched BUT WHERE IS ANNA?

    1. I love VAnna, but seems they hardly show them

  7. "No, really, it's OK. If you push Carly off that bridge, none of us will tell."

    P.S.: Loving Victor, loving Drew.

    1. HAHAHAH! I would NEVER tell!

    2. I'm Canadian. I would be polite and help. *snicker*

  8. Sam and Dante have zero chemistry in that love scene. Horrible.

    1. I know. At one point she raised her hand which was balled into a FIST and when she touched him it looked like she was pushing him away. I wasn't getting any sense of her even wanting to be in that scene.

  9. Yup, I like Victor and Drew too.

  10. Ya, Britt should have thrown Carly over the bridge. Too much forgiveness of the Three Musketeers. What will the do without Jason??????

    I hope they finally give other people the air time that are so rightly due. Glad to see Mac.

  11. Carson home:

    Spinny and Sonny: Wow I can't believe they hugged!! Spinny just kept talking about the equipment they can use to see if their is life! Why isn't Spinny telling Sonny that maybe they can't feel any life because Jason could have walked out of the cave!!! So frustrating.

    The bridge:

    Carly and Britch: WHAT?!?!! When Britch and Jason were on the run, they had down time and he talked to her about the bridge? You expect me to believe that? Carly telling Britch that she shouldn't of said that and she is sorry?! WOW Carly really has changed. :)

    Q mansion:

    Mac, Brooky, and Chase: MAC YAY! :) OH OH Chase in trouble? :(

    Brooky and Chase: WHAT?!!?! SUSPENDED FOR 6 MONTHS?! WHAT THE FRESH HELL IS THIS?!!? What is Chase going to do now?!?!!? UGH!

    Nedlia: Awwww I'm glad they are getting along and she is on Ned's side about V.C. :) I love mom and dad. :)

    Monica and Drew: Awwwwwww! :) Great scene.. Drew is going to stay there? YAY! :)

    Drew and Ned: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww nice hug. :)

    Sam's home:

    Sante: I was thinking well geez are they going to have the zex downstairs on the couch in front of the Tribbles, and the kids can come downstairs at any moment? Oh wait no they are going upstairs.. Okay. :) Hot hot hot!!! :) I bet Sam's bread is happy. It's been a long time.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Shaun, Chad, Vampira, V.C., Nava, and Victor: GREAT SCENES!!! :) I love that Victor showed up and said that there will be no more in fighting hahaha. Love that V.C. said that Victor is his father.. :) When I first saw Vampira, I thought it was Molly at first. Alexis wins the lines of the day.

    Alexis: What fresh hell is this? Who could that be? Satan?


    1. lol That was my pick for line of the day too.

    2. "Di says, lol That was my pick for line of the day too."

      Hahahaha. It was perfect. :)

    3. Lol, yup best line ever! I say that a lot...what fresh hell is this? Especially at work! Victor was the best. He can stay and I wish him luck in trying to rein in that crazy bunch! :)

      Can't get excited about Sante. Think I might start a free Dante club.

      Getting a little tired of Spence and his I'm being persecuted tour. Jeez, will somebody throw in his face WHY Nik gave him the boot. Little stalker.

      I am really liking Drew, which surprises me.

      And enough of the bridge. Makes me furious.

  12. The only way this Cassadine family reunion would be better is if Helena or Stefan walked in, and if Molly and Kristina were there. That scene was golden.

  13. FYI: The line "What fresh hell is this" comes from the writer Dorothy Parker. She said that often when her doorbell rang. My guess is NLG adlibbed that line. A great one it is!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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