Monday, December 20, 2021



I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for all your comments about little Liam’s storyline on GH. I loved the challenge of acting out this beautifully written and heartbreaking story. I’m reminded to hug everyone I love extra hard this holiday season and never take a day for granted

Here we are, another week coming up! That's a nice tweet from "Sasha" for all to read.. I guess she heard everyone's comments loud and clear! 

Laura visits Cyrus in jail before going home to PC. He swears he didn't order the hit on she and Martin. He says he's 'given himself to a higher power" ...Laura laughs HARD lol He goes on and on about being sick and the lord saving him. She's still laughing. She says she doesn't believe him but she's going home anyway. She's done hiding. 

Willow talks to Chase and Brook Lynn about Liam and losing her own baby. Willow said it was long ago. Brook says how strong she was. Willow goes outside for some air. Chase follows her. Oh lord, I do NOT need to see this. She cries about her baby. They go back in and Brook makes coffee.  Willow apologizes to her about the whole Rice Plaza thing. They make peace. 

Sonny is talking to Phyllis in Charlie's Bar about the baby..and NINA walks in! Phyllis takes a call from Lenny's sister and Nina asks Sonny about Peter. He says he's glad he's in limbo not able to hurt anyone. He leaves. Phyllis comes out and Nina gets coffeee. Phil says she thinks Nina is still in love with MikeSon. They joke about "Mike" being in a suit and he really should have his cowboy hat on. 

Carly and Dr O talk about Jason at the Metro Court. Dr. O says Jason saved her life and she's sorry. Then Michael comes in and Carly talks about being Sad about The Baby, Jason, being angry, about life, the universe and blah blah. Then they talk about Wiley. Then they say what terrible people Brad and then Nina are. NOW they are really mad Brad and Ms Wu had the NERVE to eat at the Metro yesterday!! 

Dr O tells Scotty that Nina and Sonny fell in love. Scotty spits out his water. He figures things out a bit and that Phyllis must know. HE goes over to talk to Sonny and Carly. Michael says something stupid. Liesl tries to stop him from saying anything. In the end Scotty doesn't say anything, he's saving it for the trial. They leave. Michael tells Sonny he told off Ms. Wu. Sonny just stares at him LOL. 

Scott tells Liesl he's going to have Nina testify under oath about Sonny and she! Oooo...! Liesl is worried Carly will basically kill Nina LOL She convinces him to find someone else : Think Phyllis!! 

Spencer and Victor. Victor says he can help with Spencer's legal stuff going on. He's proud of Spencer for going it on his own. But you know he's going to want something in return. Victor also says he'll pay for a room at the Metro for Esme and Spencer. 

Victor is the one that did the attempt on Laura and Marty's life. He's glad she's coming home as she's a worthy adversary. 


  1. I think Phyllis should be a relative of Mary Mae Ward!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I loved the scene with Laura and Cyrus. her laughter seemed almost spontaneous and it was so real that it was hard not to laugh out loud with her. As for thatDeputy Mayor, I said i didn't trust her as soon as I saw her. lol She has one of those faces that speak to me in hushed whispers. lol

    I think Nina's trial might actually be interesting now.

    I'm glad that Miss Side-Eye made up with Brooklyn.

    1. "As for thatDeputy Mayor, I said i didn't trust her as soon as I saw her. lol She has one of those faces that speak to me in hushed whispers. lol"

      Hushed whispers! Hahahahahahaha!

      "I think Nina's trial might actually be interesting now."

      OH YEAH! :) *Evil smile*

    2. "Miss Side-Eye" HAHAHHAHA! That's perfect. She was making me sick crying on Chase. Blech!

  4. Lenny's bar:

    Sonny and Phyllis: YAY! It's been awhile since we got a scene with them. OH! Lenny's sister! :) I'm glad she still calls Phyllis.. I wonder what she wanted. :)

    Nina and Sonny: Oh kiss already! :)

    Nina and Phyllis: Oh! I'm glad Phyllis isn't telling Nina to pursue Sonny. :)

    Q breakfast nook:

    Brase: Glad Chase gave her the coat. :) Chase you just want to keep talking about the steam room, and she just wants to talk about your nakedness ROFL! Oh hello Mildew. :)

    Willow, Blazer Lynn, and Chase: Hmmmm. Willow looks jelly. Does Willow still love Chase?

    Chillow: Dammit! I'm still in love with Chillow!!!! They are still sparkly. Love the hug. And Blazer Lynn looks jelly.

    Willow and Blazer Lynn: I'm glad Willow apologized to her.. Willow is over protective of Chase.. Awwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Visiting center:

    Laura on the phone: I was thinking who the heck is that lady that Laura is on the phone with?

    Laura and Cyrus: First of all, love Laura's shirt. Second of all, it's great seeing Jeff on here and on big sky! I'm in heaven! :) Wait wait wait! You didn't try to kill your sister or your brother? Then who is trying to kill Ceara and Tad?!?! (AMC names.) Hmmm. Helena? Victor? Some unknown? Cyrus found God! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! lIAR! Or maybe he IS telling the truth? Hmmmm..

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Dr. O: Dr. O is wearing a sexy dress. :) Great scene. That was nice of Dr. O and I'm glad she said she didn't agree with a lot of things he does.. Good good.

    Balbrecht: I love when he calls her his schnitzel! :) Awww he misses her. :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Your

    *Scotty moves his hands to show her figure*

    Scotty: figure is a little distracting.


    Corinthos table:

    Carly and Michael: I'm surprised Michael didn't tell her about Ms. Wu!!! :)

    Carson, Michael, Scotty and Dr. O: Yeah go ahead Scotty. Tell Carly about Nina and Sonny in wuv!! :) Then we can finally have a Nina and Cujo fight!!! *Evil smile*

    Carson and Michael: Oh yes Michael. Stay about from Selina Wu! :) She is deadly. You don't want to mess with her!

    Balbrecht continued: Yes yes. I was thinking about the trial.. Wait to tell the secret in trial! :) Get the pictures too on Nina's desk!!!! Get Phyllis too! Then what? When Cujo comes out she will kick Sonny out of the house, and say it's over, and then he will turn to Nina? Oh that would be delicious.. :)


    Victor and Chad: Great scene!!!!!!!! :)

    Victor and Mayor Ashby: Oh! That's who she is. Okay. :)

    Victor: Seems the failed attempt on her life has flushed her out just as I planned.


    1. Seriously, I had no idea who that deputy mayor lady was. I was so confused. And of course it was Victor messing with Laura and Marty. They made it obvious today, but I didn't even think that last week. :)

      Laura's laughter at Cyrus was just aces. I howled right along with her. Those 2 are something together. :)

      I cannot love Scotty and Liesel more. Another pair I could watch all day.

      I'm like you, I really want to see a Neener/Snarly brawl. Come on GH, bring it on! (evil laugh like Sonya!)

    2. "Julie H says, Seriously, I had no idea who that deputy mayor lady was. I was so confused."

      Yeah Laura should have said who she was. That was so dumb.

      "And of course it was Victor messing with Laura and Marty. They made it obvious today, but I didn't even think that last week. :)"

      Yeah I didn't think that last week either!!! :)

      "Laura's laughter at Cyrus was just aces. I howled right along with her." Those 2 are something together. :)

      Hahahaha. Her laughter felt real. Like Genie was laughing and they kept it in. :)

      "I cannot love Scotty and Liesel more. Another pair I could watch all day."

      Me too and me too!!!!!! :)

      "I'm like you, I really want to see a Neener/Snarly brawl. Come on GH, bring it on! (evil laugh like Sonya!)"

      Hahahaha. I want one so badly!!! Come on writers! :)

  5. I am just so glad that Genie is back. Can't wait to see her and Charles Shaunessey acting together. Will be great.

  6. I love Victor, too, but I have watched for 45+ years and Victor tried to freeze the world-Luke stopped him, but I can't remember anything earth-shattering that would make Laura compare Victor to Cyrus or even Helena.......and Victor didn't have an on-going feud with Laura that was horrible..
    and yes - Victor and Ava - we ALL see that coming in 2022

    1. I think Victor is upset that his family members' obsession caused so much grief for his family -- first Stavros, then Helena for revenge, then to a lesser degree Stefan.

  7. Genie Francis and Jeff Kober could get Emmy’s for reading the phone book. Their scenes are always eclectic and multi-layered and fascinating to watch. What a treat that we get to watch a character and actress that started on GH in 1977 as a 14-year-old teenager.

  8. I am SO here to see Laura vs. Victor. I wonder if he will eventually try to rope Esme into his plans, if our suspicions about her parentage are correct.

    Y'know, I wish the producers and writers had the courage to take Michael down a darker path. At this point, it would make him more interesting.

  9. I can see Victor wanting to kill Laura now. He plans to use Spencer and Nic in his evil deeds and Laura is the good influence that could stop that or at least try to stop that.

  10. Another stupid thing on the part of GH. OMG

    1. Yeah. I saw that on twitter yesterday and showed Wubsy!!! :(

  11. I 'm thinking Cyrus just might save his sister and brother! He did seem concerned....

    1. Maybe that is how Cyrus "redeems" himself. Or tries to anyway


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...