Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Britt finds out Peter is in the ER "More dead than alive" says Austin. She's like that's the only good news I've had LOL. Austin talks up Britt and her professional abilities. Weird. 

So Liz is ready to knife Peter and she flashes back to him being a jerk..then we are interrupted by CARSON Looking at their Christmas Tree!! WTF! REALLY? Ugh.. whatever. OMG FINN stops LIZ! damn it. UGH FINN!! Austin comes in. They leave. Austin sees the scalpel. Finn leads Liz away in a daze. She's not well. She wishes he wouldn't have stopped her.  She cries about Franco and Jason. But Finn says she'd be in jail and the boys would be left alone. 

 CarSon stand around and look at Christmas decorations. FFS. Avery and Donna come out. Sonny says he's going to be home this Christmas. Avery wonders why he wasn't home last Christmas. "It wasn't my fault" he says. "Who's was it" asks Avery--Carly gives big eyeballs. Later, Carly looks at the ornaments and finds a key chain that says "Caroline". (Jason gave it to her years ago) Sonny tells her it's ok to let him know her feelings about Jason. PFfffffff.t She says she puts it on the tree every year. They hang it together. 

Sasha thinks Love can save Liam. Brando goes to find Britt and wants her to talk to he and Sasha. Britt explains again that Liam isn't going to do anything on his own. Sasha won't accept that. Thinks they can care for him. Britt is like: NO, no you can't. Brando realizes they have to talk him off life support. Sasha sobs. 

Michael and Willow are at Brad's parole hearing. Ms Wu tells Michael Brad will never go near their family again. Michael says Brad will never see the light of day. Michael talks to the board and tells the baby switch story. Ms Wu is glaring at him. Brad gets up and says he's better than his worst mistake. Parole goes off to decide. 

Stella sees Marshall. Curtis mentions the shock of seeing Marshall alive. "She thought you were dead". Stella: Um, that's not necessarily true".. OY!!  Then Marshall makes it sound like Stella didn't know he was live ...giving her an out if she wants one. Stella sits down and gets some water. Curtis tells Marshall to leave for good. Marshall thanks Stella for taking care of his family. Marshall goes to leave. Stella says no, that he's Curtis' only father. Marshall said he put Curtis and Tommy at risk every day he stayed with them. Marshall leaves. Stella apologizes to Curtis. 


Brad is released from Jail. Sonny doesn't tell Carly 

Finn and Liz kiss..Liz runs out


  1. Quite a depressing show for the holidays. Bet everyone wants to watch this. Sonny is in big doo doo when Carly finds out his 2 lies. Michael will be livid too. Guess that is when he turns to Nina???

    1. Glad Liz mentioned short staffed since it is a very real national crisis in nursing right now.

    2. "Sonny is in big doo doo when Carly finds out his 2 lies. Michael will be livid too. Guess that is when he turns to Nina???"

      Oh I hope he turns to Nina!!!!!!

    3. I want him to turn to Nina more to bug Snarly!

    4. Ya, I don't like Sonny and Nina, but I wouldn't mind Carly having a broken heart. Oh, I know; that is so mean of me

    5. I still don’t understand this story because Sonny had amnesia. I can’t stand Nina. I don’t know what I want to happen, but don’t want Sonny with Nina. He knew the answer to Avery’s question . How could he ever be with Nina?

    6. I am all about Sonny and Nina getting together, mostly because Carly has it coming to her. LOL

    7. Oh Kevin we think alike. They don't have to be a new couple (or not for long) but just make some Wub and have Snarly find out about it please!

  2. Dreadful. Especially because today is the 9th anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting here in CT. Very bad timing IMO. This story line, at this time of year, has taken GH into it's lowest place.
    At least they could have killed Hiney. They never will.

    1. Bad timing indeed about same day as Sandy Hook. What is TBTB thinking about this baby Liam story. So wrong

    2. I am holding on to the chance of a Christmas miracle. Not likely for this type of brain damage though but hey this is a soap!

      Those poor Sandy Hook parents. They will never be the same as long as they live

    3. Beyond dreadful. There are no words as to how unappealing this story is. Why??? Who decided this was a good idea?

    4. Maybe Robin will come to the rescue. She is all about performing miracles after all. (no disrespect to Robin; she is one of my faves)

  3. The parole hearing:

    Brad, Mildew, Ms Wu, and the parole board: ENOUGH MICHAEL!!! #FREEBRAD!!!!! FREE BRAD DAMMIT! FREE BRAD!!

    The Savoy:

    Curtis, Stella, and Mr. Hat guy: Okay Mr. Hat guy must have been in the witness protection, and Stella must have known, because Stella is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to calm and not angry. So if Mr. Hat guy is able to come back, then the threat is over right? So why not just tell Curtis?!

    Curtis and Stella: Live his life? Move on? Sure! But tell him the truth first!

    Carson home: A CHRISTMAS TREE!!! :) Hanging stockings!!! Is Morgan's hanging too? :)

    Carson, Donna, and Avery: Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) They are adorable. Avery getting big! Does Donna still have spina bifida? Do the girls miss the Tribbles? They can go to Sam's! :)

    Carson, Wiley, and Mildew: Sonny gives Wiley a high five? No hug? ROFL! The Caroline key chain.. I thought the writers made up Carly's story about how she got the key chain. It DID happen. I forgot! The writers did really good. :)

    The hospital:


    Hiney and Liz: DO IT LIZ! DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!

    Hiney, Liz, and Finchy: Ah crap! Why did you stop her? Oh hi Pawtucket Holtster. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and scalpel: Pawtucket Holtster wins the line of the day.

    Pawtucket Holtster: Oh hello. What are you doing here?


    The scalpel: I'm here to kill Hiney.

    Liz and Finchy: Poor Liz!!!!! All upset because Hiney killed BobTodd! But wait I thought she was pining over Jason!

    Finchy: If you want to be angry then be as angry as you want to be. That's not going to drive me away from you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) OH MY THE FIZ KISS! YAY! :) Wait Liz why are you running away again?! UGH! Well I love these two so much!!!!! :) #Fiz!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Britch: Uhhh. Is he interested in her?

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: Man! Maxie really really REALLY wants Hiney dead. Hahahaha. Yeah I don't blame you Maxie. :)

    Previews: KRISSY! YAY! :)

    1. I'm surprised Maxie didn't go in there and try to kill Peter.

    2. Ok, I’m ashamed to admit I was touched by Austin’s talk with Britt.

    3. So Sonny tells Snarly that it's ok to talk about her feeling about Jason. Are you effing kidding me??? That's all we've heard for 2 weeks. Nonstop. Ad nauseum. Help me Jesus and take the wheel. Take the whole car! Just help me.

      I feel better now. Thank you.

      Liz and Finn are way too cute together. That smooch made me happy. And I'm with Maxie. Please tell me Pee-tah is dead. Haahahahah!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm thinking Auntie Wu won't want Brad to be leading any life of virtue, but hopefully he can get support from Britt. It will be nice to have him back.

      I wonder if any of us will still be alive by the time they decide what Curtis's back story is, and they let him spit it out. It definitely won't be this year I'm sure.

    2. And that should be Marshall's back story. dum de dum dum

    3. It'll probably be anti-climactic by the time Mr Hat Guy says what happened.

    4. Lol Di. Yes, it is taking forever to explain Curtis’s back story.

    5. Agreed. Hat guy needs to spit it out already. I feel Curtis's frustration. Auntie Stella so knows the truth. So many side eyes from her yesterday! :)

    6. Oh ya. Stella knows the whole truth whatever it may be

    7. "Julie H says, So many side eyes from her yesterday! :)"

      Yeah you think? ROFL! I'm surprised lasers didn't come out of her eyes accidentally! :)

  5. What is with gh and killing off babies in the past few years they've killed off Gabriel, Wiley and now Liam. Why can no one have their baby in the hospital without issues and body the baby home.

    1. Hopefully he never gets anywhere near that baby.

    2. "Kathy M says, But Peter’s baby is fine."

      Oh yes.. Perfectly fine, while little Liam is going to die UGH! *Facepalm*

  6. I think they are laying the groundwork for a murder mystery involving Peter. Anna, Maxie, Liz and Austin will all be suspects.

    1. There is also Finchy, Mac, Sonny, Carly, Nina, Brad, and the Tribbles. :)

    2. Wouldn't this be nice. We can dream anyway


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...