Friday, December 3, 2021

Blood Vials

 FRIDAY!! it's FRIDAY!! you all ok out there? 

Maxie and Drew hug and catch up. You know....same rehash. Talk about life, prison. .Scout. Louise being missing. Nothing big. Hate Maxie's orange sweatshirt .

Valentin and Anna show up to the Q house. He wants to say goodbye to Bailey. Chase and he argue. Brook storms out. Goes and gets Bailey. Val holds her. She coos. Adorable. Oh! Maxie and Drew come in when Val is saying goodbye. 

CarSon is going to see Brando and Sasha and Carly stops to bitch at Nina. Asks her why she's still there... tells her she doesn't know anything about Jason so save her "sorries'. Carly then marches off to 'cool off' and talk to Monica. POOR MONICA! Oh she only leaves her a voice mail. Thank goodness. 

Austin checks Peter out. Pater remembers that Austin delivered his daughter. Thinks that Austin might know what happened to her. Austin goes to take blood and stabs him hard LOL . Peter tells Austin to stay away from Maxie. Why did Austin take that blood? To test Bailey? They sure showed a close up of it. 

Sasha and Brando get a visit from the NICU doctor. She's called away on an emergency so Sasha explains they are going to do a EEG. Big nothing burger today. I think the baby will need surgery and maybe go to Shriner's?? It's that time. 

Carly and Britt talk about JASON AGAIN. WHY? Why not show LIZ telling Jake or something?? GEEZUS enough of Carly. I'm so sick of her. 

AUSTIN tells Britt he wants to stay Peter's doctor to keep an eye on him. 

OMG Peter talks to Nina about Falling in love with Sonny and CARLY IS STANDING BEHIND HIM!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH Monday's show! 

Maxie says "This is enough, lives have been destroyed" and storms out of the Q house. Not sure where she's going. 


  1. Maybe Maxie has gone to tell Valentine the truth although I'd rather she was going to the hospital to see Peter. If he threatens her she can put a scalpel through his brain...

    IT's beyond ridiculous the way these writers give so much power to the criminals on this show. Peter telling the guards to go and leave him alone with Nina was ridiculous.

    I really like the new Drew. I love how he always keep eye contact with those he's talking too. He even leaned over the chair and leaned on the table so that he could talk directly to Maxie.

    1. The guards would NEVER leave a prisoner.

      I really like new Drew too. Easy on the eyes as well!!!!!

  2. Funny the way Sasha was thanking Snarly you would think they had been old pals for years. Carly had what 2 scenes with her where she was nice knowing what Sasha did for Michael. The show really wants to prop Snarly up. I too am sick of her Karen!

    I liked the Valentin scenes but they seem worthless since more lies are being told.

    Half the shows characters are criminals and they definitely get away with too much. But the scenes with peter were just dumb... until Carly overhears Nina. Let's hope she heard!
    I was hoping Nina would have said to Snarly Oh I think everyone knew about how you felt about Jason!

    1. They never say what we'd like to say either.

    2. OMG! 59 years on air and the Q’S have a kitchen

    3. The Q's have a TINY kitchen. Very weird.

  3. We WISH Maxie is going to go kill Peter. Couldn't be so lucky

  4. I think on Monday, Peter will spill the "juicy stuff" to Carly. Valentin just broke my heart. And, so stupid they would never tell Valentin and Anna about the baby.

  5. What they have done to Valentin is vile and needless. Grief and sadness are an integral part of GH. No matter which way a story goes.
    When Nina was leaning in to Hiney all I could think of was that she should calmly make a fist and jam it right into his throat. That would have been so good. He is repulsive. They will never kill Hiney.:(

  6. The Q breakfast nook:

    Drew and Maxie: What?! Maxie doesn't live there. Why would she get a glass of water? She couldn't go home to get one? Why didn't she get a glass of water at the Q mansion? Hmmm nice Drew and Maxie hug. :)

    "Karen says Hate Maxie's orange sweatshirt"

    Yeah she looks like a pumpkin. All she needed was a pumpkin head. :)

    The Q mansion:

    Chase, Brooky, and Vanna: I am SO glad Anna was there!!! Chase I love you, but shut up. V.C. wants to say goodbye so stop it! I'm glad Brooky gave him Bailey.. V.C. wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Do you regret feeding the Thanksgiving dinner to the family dog?

    V.C. Not really.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect. :) Oh no when V.C. said
    au revoir to Bailey, I got emotional, and then when Vanna left, and she hugged him, I cried! GAH! Poor V.C.! :(

    The hospital:

    Carson: Deja vu!!! They had that exact scene in the elevator! Was it on mother's day? 4th of July? Some holiday. I thought it was a repeat at first. :)

    Carson and Nina: Oh Cujo calm the hell down. Better be careful or you could get a stroke.

    Carly leaving a message to Monica: Wow! 3.2 seconds Cujo is gone and a weeping willow Carly arrives.

    Sasha's room:

    Brasha: Awww pictures of Liam!!! I want to see! :)

    Carson and Brasha: OH! Donna had spina bifida.. I forgot all about that.. Does she still have it?

    NiCU Doc, Britch, and Brasha: Wait the NICU doc had an emergency?!?! That is so rude. You can't leave them hanging. Oh wait Britch knows okay good. Glad the writers had Britch there, or the scene would not work.

    "Karen says I think the baby will need surgery and maybe go to Shriner's?? It's that time."

    Oh no I hope not! Then we are going to have to watch GH do their commercials. "Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of 22 non-profit medical facilities across North America. Children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family-centered environment, regardless of the patients' ability to pay." *Facepalm*

    Hiney's room:

    Dr. Pawtucket Holtster and Hiney: Yeah what WAS that all about with the blood? Very strange.

    The hallway:

    Dr. Pawtucket Holtster and Dr. Britch: Dr. Pawtucket Holster spy.. :) What ARE you going to do with that blood? :)

    Carly and Britch: Blah blah blah Jason. Blah blah blah Jason. Blah blab blah Jason is amazing..

    The baby's ward:

    Brando and Sonny: Awwww great scene. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 7th 2001* Laura demands Sonny pull out of Deception.

    1. Oops forgot a couple of other things.

      Maxie: Yeah where the hell is she going?!!?

      Nina and Hiney: Hehe great scene. Did Carly overhear Hiney tell Nina about her wuv for Mike? :) I hope so! :)

    2. Gee Sonya....You don't like the Shriners commercials. They're one of the few that I watch. Love that the lids from years ago seemed to have little apprentices the last year or so, getting groomed to take over. T I look forward to seeing them again.

    3. lol That should be kids, not lids. I think it's past my bedtime and my lids are talking to me.

    4. "Di says, Gee Sonya....You don't like the Shriners commercials. They're one of the few that I watch. Love that the lids from years ago seemed to have little apprentices the last year or so, getting groomed to take over. T I look forward to seeing them again."

      Oh wait no no no! I love the Shriner commercials! I just meant the "commercials" on GH. When they talk about Shriners. Remember when Carly and other people were talking about it? It just felt forced and commercially.

      "lol That should be kids, not lids. I think it's past my bedtime and my lids are talking to me."

      ROFL! Good night. :) Sleep well.

    5. Very forced and you can always tell when they are trying to "sell" something.

    6. Don't get me wrong, I think Shriner's itself is absolutely wonderful

    7. I always FF through most of the ads except when they do ones for a good cause. And I love all the kids. I find it less commercially than say raving over a certain health drink that was actually written into a storyline. lol

      And I was sure you liked the Shriner's ones Sonya. that's why I was surprised.

  7. I really like Britt and Austin as friends; NOT A COUPLE

    1. Austin wants to make things up to Maxie. I think he might protect Maxie against Peter???????

  8. I just LOVE Scott and Liesl. They are a great fit. Both quirky characters. So cute

    1. That provide great relief from the dark aspects of this show. Both are funny and really into their scenes. Love 'em.

  9. The doctor doesn't draw blood, but I did love that scene with Austin stabbing Peter. I think Austin has a very dark side to him too. He is definitely on Maxie's side.

    1. Totally agree with that. I want to see more of Austin doing this sort of thing.

  10. Donna got awfully big. She looks like Sonny.

    1. Maurice really is good with the kids. Wonder what he does behind the scenes to make them comfortable.

    2. Maybe he just spends some time with them. It's really hard for a young child to be totally comfortable hugging a stranger. They've been taught to be weary. When my young niece and nephew were in a scene once an actress that was in the scene spent time talking with them between takes and making them comfortable.


    Better acting from everyone 8 years ago.

    1. Definitely. I like that Carly was given lines and allowed to act rather than shriek, and Sam had the energy to get through a dramatic scene. ( The change in body image still makes me want to weep though. :(

  12. It is completely INEXCUSABLE that we haven't had a scene with Elizabeth yet reacting to Jason's death. And also telling their son. Ugh.

  13. I just read what I think may be a rumor. That Trevor St. John has been hired at GH. Possible recast. Anyone else read or hear that?

    1. Just googled. Lots of 'rumors'. Mostly alleging he will be the new Jason. IF it's true we will have the 'two Todds'. LOL

    2. I think he'd be a terrible Jason. And from what I read they're not replacing him.

    3. I read they're not replacing him. Others need more airtime anyway. Although, NOT Carly or Sonny.

  14. still screaming TELL VALENTIN THE TRUTH! I don't get it - it would be SO good that Valentin could get in Peter's face (down the road) and say, "I KNEW where your baby was, Peeee-Taaaa"
    that would be amazing!!!!

  15. Check out something fun.

  16. Wish we could hear him sing and play again



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...