Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Surgery: All The Cheers

 It was a pretty fun week on GH when it wasn't being interrupted by ABC News. Geesh!  I'm keeping it short and sweet because it was a short  4 dayer and yesterday was Christmas so I'm burned out. 

THIS Sunday Surgery will be all the GOOD on the show. It can happen once a year, right?? 

Candy Canes today!! 

A giant wrapped gift for @Flutterby on twitter. She's the master of screenshots. 


WUBS FAVE PART OF THE WEEK:  I had hoped this would happen and it did! Lucy and Martin. I love them. Lynn and Michael are so fun and such great actors, what could go wrong? Plus she'll be related to Doc and Laura!! Family DINNERS!! Cute scenes in bed and walking into the Metro. MORE PLEASE!! 

LINE OF THE WEEK: MAXIE to Nina: Do you know what I want for Christmas? Peter to die!! 

NUCAST OF THE WEEK: I'm sad that our old Scarlett left GH but hey, let's look on the bright side. Charlotte was around and Vanna were together being cute. I'm willing to give it a go! 

FEELS OF THE WEEK: FINALLY! Elizabeth talks to Drew about life, Franco and her boys. I am loving Cam with everyone on the show and Becky is no exception. Glad she supports Cameron at work. She used to work at Kelly's remember? 

JOYFUL JOY LAUGHTER OF THE WEEK: Our Laura is just dying laughing at Cyrus' "finding God".  Genie played this perfectly. SO fun to watch. Find it on YouTube if you can. Jeff and she are just gold. I hope Cy gets out on some technicality like everyone else in PC and they can all eat Hummingbird Cake at the Grey Fam Dinner!! 

SPIT TAKE OF THE WEEK: Scotty finding out about Mike and Nina!! OH YES!! I'm so glad Liesl told him the deal!! He's going to get Willow up on that stand and let it rip!! WHOOP!! 

DAVIS GIRL FUN OF THE WEEK: Yeah! They were all there and had a blast giving Danny and Scout noisy gifts! Alexis is thinking of going back to college (??) and all is right with the world. LOVE THEM. 

GREAT IDEA OF THE WEEK: So many people are like: WHAT?  Shawn bought The Invader with his non-profit money. Come on..he'll be a big publisher and can use the digital paper for good. Or just to get some stories going. I'm just glad he's not a "private eye" like everyone seems to be after not knowing what to do with themselves! 

CHEM TEST OF THE WEEK: Oh lah lah. Ava? Victor? Ok, I can work with this. I mean Ava has chemistry with a chair so... and I thought the line about his British accent was hilarious. 

PINK PROP OF THE WEEK: Aw, Cameron ...I'm glad you came to the show. Just a little Drew appreciation. Again. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Scotty, you devil you!! Nina is shocked!! SHOCKED I tell you!! But hey, when you hire a shark, what do you expect? Poor Willow will have go get up there and tell the world about MikeSonNina. Heh. I can not wait. 


Alexis tells Shawn she is thinking about going back to college

Shawn tells Alexis that he bought The Invader with his non-profit trust. 

Laura visits Cyrus and gets a good laugh when he says he's found God

Martin and Lucy sleep together

Victor is just into everyone's business; especially Spencer's

Spencer gets 500 hours of Community Service, has to pay restitution and spend 30 days in jail under a plea deal 

Esme is determined to get the kids all in a cabin in the new year

Drew is reconnecting with everyone in town

Willow is going to have to testify about the Nina/Mike affair

SPOILERS:  Well, it will be the New Year soon and Ned and Olivia will finally have some answers regarding Leo. Victor will go see Peter and The Savoy hosts a New Year's Gala! Rumor: When Felicia comes back to town she ends up needing surgery! 

That's a wrap! Cheers to you! I will be out of the 'office" Wednesday and Thursday next week so we will have some goodies up for you.  Tomorrow I will publish THE 2021 WUB AWARDS so take a look for those. What a way to start your last week of December!!


  1. I'll be back later, but two things early this morning:
    EVERYONE will now hate Nina and Sonny and feel sorry for Carly.....that is how it works.....a new twist of poor Carly and like a MAN, Sonny won't want Nina NOW that it is out in the open.
    if the rumor is true - and it better NOT BE - that Tracy comes back because Luke is dead, I may stop reason to kill Luke-------kill PETER for cryin out loud----not LUKE!
    Back later....

    1. Peter will never die. So stupid. And Luke dying would make NO sense since he's not on the show anymore

    2. Yes. Makes you wonder if the British accent line was an ad lib. Seems too cute for the writers

  2. My favorite part of the week was Victor's remark about his newfound British accent. He and Ava *do* make an interesting couple.

    I am looking forward to Monday's show. Here's hoping that Scott shreds Willow on the witness stand.

  3. Thanks for the great SS, kd. We loved the same scenes. And I loved the abundance of humor that was added and the fantastic work by the actors who carried it out. I can't wait to see what Scott pulls off in court.

  4. Thanks for a joyous SS! Considering the shortness it was a good week. At least for Lucy/Marty and Scotty/Leisel,
    I agree about Ava's accent remark. Adlib for sure. And a darn good one!

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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...