Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Steaming UP

 BRAD IS OUT!! Ms Wu doesn't like Britt...but Britt invites herself to sit with them at the Metro LOL "you been working out bestie"?? AHAHAHA Selina isn't happy. Britt and Brad talk about where he's living (With his Aunty) ... and Michael storms off the elevator WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? He yells at Brad. Brad and he go to talk alone. Michael tells him there are no second chances with him. 

Wu tells Britt Brad is going to get to know his family "Very well" this time around. 

Chase and Finn are in the steam room--all OLTL Ford Brother type. Talk about Bailey and Liz kissing Finn. Finn says Liz ran away from him. Then Brook busts in and Finn leaves. She tells Chase the whole town hates her and he has to stick up for her. 

Willow sees Brook and Olivia in the park. She was all snotty faced to Brook. Like SHE has a leg to stand on. Brook blasts her because Willow cheated on Chase when she was married to him! Willow says she kept her son from Shiloh to protect him, not for money like Brook did. Brook kinda cries because she can't tell the truth. Then leaves. STUPID WILLOW..ok, Olivia leaves too and then Harmony comes out to see Willow sitting by the tree. Willow tells Harmony she can visit Wiley. 

SO Sam's PI gig is:  Todd Worth.. CFO of DNE Shipping Partners. Oil Spill...this is what Alexis is helping her with. Sam is looking for Worth's daughter. Alexis thinks it's the whistleblower he's looking for.  And KRISSY AND MOLLY ARE THERE TOO !!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Sam and Alexis argue a bit--Alexis doesn't think the PI thing will work. Molly wants her to review her opening statement for court. She's critical then backs off. Alexis gets anxious. I guess the PI thing is over. Alexis says she has to leave. I think she's going to an AA meeting. 

Yoga with Terry. Liz is flashing back to almost killing Peter. She tells Portia and Terry she kissed Finn. "I didn't plan on it"!! She's still got her Franco wedding ring on. 


Willow invites Harmony to see Wiley at some point. 
Harmony tells Alexis she can be her friend. 


  1. Sounds like another boring show. Is Brooke wearing her heavy winter coats in the sauna? lol. I guess they are chem testing she and Chase??

    1. If it brings me more Brookie on my screen I am good with that. I love this actress so much. She needs someone strong though, Chase can be a bit too ordinary, but they certainly look great together. I am just happy to see a normal sized woman on a soap.

  2. Franco was killed and taken from Liz unexpectedly only 9 months ago. And they think it's weird that she's still wearing his ring. It takes time to get over the loss of a loved one.And with a grieving family to support she needs time to do that for herself without peer pressure to "get out there". I know this is the age where going on a date means hopping into bed, even if you just met the guy but I wasn't impressed with Terry's comments at all. It's like she thinks Liz has to have an "itch" and she needs to go scratch it. And it's somehow wrong if she doesn't feel that way too.

    OK Vent over.

    Now on to Brad. After his initial chat with Auntie Wu I'm even more convinced that he didn't poison the PP. I think he was just delivering the meals as usual. I'm also glad that Britt is having a serious talk with him about his aunt. I think he and Britt need each other now, and I don't want Ms. Wu grooming him to become a "family" member.

    I'd also like to see Alexis hang out with Harmony. She knows her issues and would be an unbiased shoulder to lean on.

    1. I think you are right. Brad probably didn't know he was poisoning Peter. I think Brad wants to keep his nose clean, however with Auntie Wu around that won't happen

    2. Hahahahah! Agree with your vent. I was too busy being grossed out by the yoga mats laid out. Hope they were wiped down, lol! Don't you usually bring your own?

  3. Okay so WHO is gonna be Worth's daughter? This is gonna mean something---I just feel it.

  4. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Brad and Aunty Wu: WOW!!! I thought Brad was supposed to come out of jail in a few days!!!! Not the next day! ROFL! Well, anyway, YAY BRAD IS OUT! :) Oh Aunty wu is his bio Aunty. :)

    Brad, Aunty Wu, and Britch: Oh my! Aunty Wu really really HATES Britch. :) Love how excited Brad and Britch are to see each other. Love the hugs!!! :) Oh no! MICHAEL!!!!

    Michael and Brad: Oh Michael shut up and leave Brad alone. You are acting like he has been following Wiley! If he was hanging around Wiley then I can get your fury! But he isn't! GAH!

    Michael and Aunty Wu: Michael you best be careful around her.. Get rid of that attitude toward her, or you will pay!

    Rice Plaza:

    Olivia, Brooky, and Willow: OH WILLOW SHUT UP!!!! Yeah Brooky you tell her what a hypocrite she is being!!!

    Willow and Awwwww. :) This is more like it. :) No animosity.. :) and Alexis: BESTIES!!!!! Lovas? :) Kiss under the mistletoe? :)


    Chase and Finchy: Ford brothers.. Hahahaha. Chase and Finchy in the sauna YUM! :) They both lookin goooooooooooooooood. :) Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: Valentin. Who doesn't want to punch that guy in the face. I wanted to punch him a few times myself.

    ROFL! Finchy can't stop thinking about the Liz kiss. :) The look on Chase's face when Finchy told him Liz kiss him hahahahaha.

    Chase, Finchy, and Brooky: Geez Brooky can't you wait outside?

    Brooky: I've seen it all before.

    Not with Finchy and certainly not with Chase... Not yet anyway. ;)

    Brooky and Chase: Yes Brooky it IS hot in there.. It IS a sauna.. :) When she closed the door, I was thinking what if it gets stuck.. HA! I was right. :) Seen soaps wayyyyyyyyyy too long. ROFL!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Sam, Sam's bread, Krissy, and Molly: Sam and Sam's bread just can't wait for the Tribble agency to start. :) Oh wait there won't be a Tribble agency now? Oh rats. Too bad. :( Hmmm Molly looks different again.. Did she do something to her eyes? Hmmmm. She did something.

    Sam, Sam's bread, Krissy, and Molly: Sam and Sam's bread is worried that mama Alexis is floundering.. You mean like a fish Sam? Can bread flounder? Hmmm.

    The hospital:

    Terri, Portia, and Liz: Since the class was cancelled, shouldn't it be locked? Why all the mats on the floor spread out? How odd. Well it was a great scene.. Wait only Liz kissed Finchy? I thought Finchy kissed her back hmmm. Anyway let's see. I looked up how long it was since BobTodd died.. 9 months. And by the way Liz was talking about how yesterday was, I thought she was going to make excuses about why she kissed Finchy. Oh wait she did. ROFL! YOU LIKE HIM SILLY!

    Liz and Finchy: Man Finchy looks so good! :) Yummy!

    1. sonya said: "Hmmm Molly looks different again.."

      I can't even stand to look at her any more. Whichever agent or so called friend told that poor girl that ruining her lips like that would make her sexier should be ashamed of her self. Maybe Sam is her role model. *gag* No wonder poor Alexis drinks.

    2. It is so very sad that a 23 year old would do that to herself.

    3. Loved the Davis girls together, and I agree about Molly looking different. And why oh why did she do whatever she did. Mumbles needs to dial down the defensive snark to Mama Alexis. She's still a little shaky. I would have gone to a meeting too!

      Seriously Willow needs to hush up and take a seat. Little hypocrite.

      Is Madame Wu on contract? I sure hope so. And why does she have such the hate for the Britch? So great to see Brad again, I've missed him. And we now need a red carpet event so he and Britta can watch it together, eating ice cream and laughing themselves silly! :)

  5. So, I just looked and Haley Pullos is only 23 years old. A year older than my daughter and already messing herself up with plastic surgery of some sort. How sad is that?

    1. Not to be disrespectful, but I find it sad what acting and Hollywood does to these women (and men) about their body images

    2. Yeah she is too young for all that.. :(

    3. Yes, Sonya, waaayy too young. She is a natural beauty, no need for any of that, especially at 23!

    4. I think her eye brows looked different this time maybe?

    5. "Kathy M Yes, Sonya, waaayy too young. She is a natural beauty, no need for any of that, especially at 23!"

      Yes I agree!!!

    6. Maybe she wanted her lips to look like Kemo's lips. She sure is pretty, and I think I am just going to try and concentrate on her eyes

  6. Does anyone think that Alexis and Harmony are headed for a romantic relationship? It's not uncommon for older women to find love with other women. Alexis and Harmony both have miserable histories with men, and it might be an interesting story for Alexis

    1. No. Alexis isn't gay. And neither is Harmony. And having miserable histories doesn't change your sexuality. You're gay or you're not. We've finally convinced people to stop trying to "re-educate" their gay children because you can't change who they are, and now we've got a generation who are being told you can- if it's in reverse. Fact of life_ Men have male friends and women have female friends. Some of these BFF relationships last a lifetime. Let them be friends.

    2. What I'm talking about has nothing to do with forcing anyone to be anything they are not... and re-education?!?! God,no! My goodness this went sideways.
      They sure can be platonic friends,and that's likely what happens - however there are MANY instances of straight women falling in love with ONE particular woman and embarking on long fulfilling relationships. That's also a fact of life.

    3. Actually, I was thinking the same thing. They could be headed for a romantic relationship. We shall see.

    4. Harmony is another one that has no use on the show. She is on my list of needs to go. Sorry.

    5. A lot of shows are going in this direction. Grey's Anatomy and A Million little things both have straight women becoming interested in gay women in current story lines. Not sure if it's a trend in real life, but to each their own.

  7. Who is Todd Worth? Should I know him? I’m confused.

    1. I was wondering the same thing.

    2. Same here. Another AMC or OLTL reference? Didn't watch those much.

    3. "Julie H says, Same here. Another AMC or OLTL reference? Didn't watch those much."

      No there was no Todd Worth on OLTL or AMC. :)


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...