Monday, December 27, 2021

2021 General Hospital Wub Awards

We got through COVID year 2 with a flourish. The usual ups and downs for a daytime soap running on all cylinders for 5 days a week, all weeks of the year.  We made it through Nixon Falls, Jarly wedding, death of Franco and rebirth of Roger Howarth, Cyrus being locked up, baby switches, fake romances, births, name it. Please remember these are my opinions and you certainly have your own! Sound off in the comments! 

BEST ACTRESSES: Yes, two AND a runner up! Why? GH ladies deliver. Period. I had a hard time finding an actor but no problem with this category. First, Nancy Lee Grahn for her amazing work and stand-alone episode. :clapping: Yes, she languished in Spa-Jail for awhile her performances were always on point and never phoned-in. The next actress is Genie Francis. Great stuff with her brothers, especially Cyrus. Genie can always take one line and spin it into gold. 

RUNNER UP:  Cynthia Watros. For someone that wasn't a fan-fan, she turned me around this year for sure. Nixon Falls work: On point. Every subtle turn was there. She seems to the be only one that can tame Ol' MikeSon. 

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS:  Lisa LoCicero takes it home this year! The Leo story is also one close to my heart. She's really done a remarkable job playing the mom in denial who finally sees the light. I also adore Ned and Olivia so win-win. 

BEST ACTOR:    James Patrick Stuart. He's just sublime in every scene. Even when over-crying about Bailey, I loved it! I believe he's considered "supporting" because of episode counts but I don't care. He gets ACTOR for me! 

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR:  Jeff Kober as Cyrus Renault. He's one of the best villains and also has that edge of softness for his family that makes a great character. Glad he's back even if it's for a little bit here and there while he's in jail. 

BEST NEWCOMER:  Nickolas Chavez as Spencer Cassadine. We were all upset that the original Spencer couldn't be SORAS'd enough to do the part. BUT--surprises awaited us because NC is just the best. His Spencer is part brat, entitled, violent and yet there's that goodness sad-boy streak that makes the perfect character. Doesn't hurt he has chem with almost everyone he's in scenes with. 

BEST YOUNGER ACTOR:  Sydney Mikayla as Trina Robinson. Whether being kidnapped or just hanging out at the gallery, Sydney plays every scene perfectly. Trina has become the sage-wise teen on screen and I couldn't be happier. Sad she's in college and ergo doesn't have the screen time I'd like her to have. 

BEST CASTING:  Charles Shaughnessy has taken the role  Victor Cassadine and made it his own since his firs day on canvas. He's slick, charming and ready to head up the entire Cassadine Family!!  And, according to Ava, even practiced a British Accent for the role LOL. 

BEST SURPRISE CHARACTER: Ms WU!! Let's hear it for our newest mobster that actually might make me want to watch the mob scenes!! Lydia Look? Superb. Love her. She can also put Carly right in her place. Wu also got Brad out of jail AND poisoned Peter. MORE PLEASE! 

FAVORITE COUPLE: Going with Liesel and Scotty. They delight me!! Both are excellent actors and how could you not love Scotty falling to the ground to interrupt Liz and Finn?!!

UNEXPECTED HOTNESS: I have to mention Kelly Thiebaud  because I loved her in almost every scene she was in this year. Whether it be comedy, terror or zexy zex, she was delightful. Fully "there" and ready to deliver. I give this pair hotness because their sex scene was one of the best done in years on this show. Kelly brings a sparkle to the show we need badly. Long live The Britch! 

BEST SIBLINGS:  They are called CYBS (get it) on Twitter and I loves them. I mean, they all play so well off each other and were just what we didn't know we needed. MEK, JK and Genie are superb. Hummingbird Cake all around!! 

BEST/WORST STORYLINE: Bear with me here. While Nixon Falls was a thorn in my side for a long time (no movement, no extras, making no sense)--in the end it became one of my fave frustrations of the year. Lenny's death was done really really well. The fire was exciting and Sonny's transformation was interesting to watch even if he did get his memories back. Why? Well, his return to PC has been awesome.  One of the worst moments (see below) has turned into some of the best TV for me. Sonny's slow-burn on Jarly came out in unexpected ways: his sage advice to others, his generosity to Phyllis and his bond with Nina. As a Jarly fan I was happy to see that part of the relationship explored.  Yes, it was also the worst  in that it took so damn long. It was maddening at times.  So... that leaves me in this spot. Best-Worst. Loved-Hated. 

BEST MOMENT:  Liz and Sam "bury the ghost of Jason's past" with fire! That's right..they got really drunk and just trashed him. Enjoyed every minute of it. 

WORST MOMENT:  When Sonny burst in on Carly and Jason I think we were all expecting something absolutely spectacular. What we got was like the firecracker that just fizzles out. Collective: WTF happened on the Twitter timeline. It was just-- a big ol' nothing burger. Even though I almost understand the reason why they didn't have him go off, it was still so disappointing. 

BEST RETURN:  Not only did Drew return...he was tanned, buffed and ready to roll after being in a secret prison for so long! I wasn't a Drew fan, didn't see why we needed the character but Cam M has breathed new life into him. 

BEST SEQUEL: Come on. Annabell 2 eats Thanksgiving dinner! Inspired!! Kudos for remembering she existed and for giving us a great reason to get the Pizza again this year. 

GOOD IDEA GONE BAD:  Maxie/BrookLyn baby switch. At first glance, it all fit! Brook isn't really pregnant and just give her Louise to raise. Only.. well, Maxie went through zero 'grief' over Louise which hardly anyone noticed. She also was reckless seeing Bailey. THEN... for some reason, when Peter is captured CHASE Steps in to be "Daddy". This is instead of Maxie telling at least Anna or Robert the truth. Just not remotely believable. Plus, we never see Brook Lyn really bond with the baby much. Valentin cried a river but it was hollow. Not only will Brook face the fact she has lied to so many, everyone will also find out she was never pregnant!! 

WORST IDEA GONE WORSTER: Yes, I said WORSTER!! Who shot Hayden? On the one hand it got us back Shawn...on the other hand it was just completely wrong. EVERYONE knew who shot her. And it wasn't that long ago (plus it's on You Tube) so why recon it at all? Glad you dropped it ...I mean, I HOPE you dropped it? 

BEST GUEST APPEARENCE:   John Reilly's tribute was one of the best parts of GH. Loved the little mini-mystery that played out. And his own daughter, Caitlin played on screen daughter, Annie. She did a wonderful job too!! Also, within that episode, Sharon Wyatt (Tiffany) made a rare voice-cameo. 

WORST DEATH: Franco. I will never understand this. Who's choice? Why? I know there was a huge contingent of fans that would never accept Franco as his character was because of his past. Over the years, Roger crafted a new Franco and was becoming something worth watching. His relationship with Scotty was so fun. Thing is: he was dead and then popped up as Austin way too fast, imo. WAY too fast. Just wasn't done well. 

MISSED EVENT: No Nurses' Ball. Due to COVID, it's understandable but... still sad. 

BEST PROP: Well, we had to look at it enough so I'm going with FREEZER. It held Peter's body...or not for a long long time. This, coupled with Liz and Finn's obvious total lack of knowing when someone was dead made for a GH Propaganza. 

BEST PLACE FOR A DRINK: Well, it wasn't The Tan-O unless you wanted to sit all by your lonesome!!  We have The Metro, Charlie's and Port Charles Grille to choose from. Oh! Wait, I know, let's go to the new Savoy with Curtis as manager! Also home to one of my fave new characters: N'neka played by Alondriah Lenyea.  She's the bartender extraordinaire! 

BEST YEAR END SURPRISE:  Oh, Lucy and Martin. Divine! 


 Gregory and Jackie? In a really weird twist, they just disappeared midway through Chases' poisoning. Like evaporated. In December it was mentioned they could "fly in" to meet Bailey. I guess they left?? 

MOSS IN THE KITCHEN?  OMG a collective scream went up. We did see a smaller version in Sam's apartment but that's about it. 

Marcus Taggart: MIA for how long? Remember Portia's whole speech to Jordan about Trina's baby-daddy? Um...??? We actually had a temp recast for a bit. If Real can't come in-- hire the other guy! 

Peter Dying? I mean... what happened? It's going to be 2022 and that guy is still around "Emoting" all over the place!! Read the timeline-- LOL. We want him gone. And not in a "Faison-Helena Gone Yet Not Gone" more like a head on a stick lets see him gone...gone. 

THINGS I WANT IN 2022 based on things "teased" in 2021:

1. Jeff Webber. He called, now get his body in PC!!!

2. Nurse Amy campaign for Deception. It had better happen. I think it would be awesome. 

3. Portia/Trina baby daddy story? Hello!? 

4. Hayden return? You say her name enough--get her in there. Maybe bring Jeff back? 

SEE YA LATER: Bye to Ingo and Steve. Hope you find Happy Trails out there. Good luck on your Disney lawsuit bucko. heh. 

That's a WRAP on 2021!!  

Here's to a HAPPY and HEALTY and GREAT 2022!!  



  1. Agree with all, thank you for another year of recaps for us!!

  2. Thanks for this Karen. I mostly agree, but have some of my own faves. Two that have grown on me this year are Britt and Ava. Never was a fan of either, but they have really done an excellent job this year IMO. Lucy and Martin is a great pairing and so much fun. VAnna is my fave couple followed by Scott and Leisl. I didn't want a new Spencer, but he has done an excellent job playing a young adult Spencer.

    1. Oh, forgot to mention that I love the addition of Charles Shaunessy as Victor. I loved The Nanny because of him.

  3. Your opinions are spot on. I would like to give you a WUBS award for totally enhancing our GH viewing. THANK YOU and my fellow posters. It is all so much better because of you. Looking forward to 2022.

  4. Thanks for that, kd. Well said. I agreed with all your choices. I hope we see more onscreen appearances by these fine actors next year and less of the chaff in the field.

    Wishing you all be best in 2022.

  5. I wanted to say that Maura West is usually a lock for best actress but I felt this year, she wasn't on as much and it was time to spread the wealth. I could have given almost all the actresses awards!! Harder for the actors LOL

  6. Excellent choices! I am hoping Vanna gathers more steam and becomes one of the best couples of 2022. I would also add most underused and underappreciated - Becky Herbst.

    1. I am hoping on VAnna and Liz too. Less Carly and Sonny.

    2. Maura is my girl but Becky being a legacy character and mom of 3 and nurse to all, I too hope she gets something juicy to work on for 2022

  7. Excellent awards! Thank you! Now, let's bring Heather Webber back to kill off Peter; she gets clemency for doing what everyone else wants and gets out of prison... just in time for Jeff Webber's return!

  8. Excellent! Such a fun read, and I agree with most of your picks. Thanks for doing such a great job every day! Much appreciated :-)

  9. great column; superb awards!
    i disagree on Hayden though; no use for her!
    thanks for your columns and forum, and as we begin a new year,
    here’s to “Love in the Afternoon”!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...