Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Holiday Cheers and COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!

 Kevin is Santa at GH. Elves are Cam, Esme and Spencer. Laura is home!  Lucy is there too! Laura hugs everyone and surprises Kevin with a replacement Santa so they can go make out LOL giggle. Martin is the new Santa!! Lucy doesn't know that he's the new Santa LOL. She sends the kids off to Kelly's for snacks. Lucy goes and sits on "Kevin's" Lap "Hey Santa, baby...guess what I want for Christmas"?? OMG! YES! Lucy and Marty LOVE IT. 

Liz sees Drew at Kelly's...they hug. Sit and talk about Jason and Franco dying. A lot. Liz says she's not over Franco. Drew says as someone that was loved by her, the guy will be missing out. 

Nikolas asks Trina outside of Kelly's which bracelet to give Ava: emerald or ruby? She says BOTH!! Then she asks about why he's so mean to Nikolas. Spencer walks by. 

Metro dining room: Violet, Finn and Anna. They are going to have High Tea. Anna asks if there's anyone special in Finn's life.  He laughs.. talks about Liz a bit. He asks her if she's over him "because you look over me". 

Quartermaines: Brook talks to Bailey under the tree. Valentin and Charlotte come in. ALERT NEW CHARLOTTE!! I just saw on IG she was leaving. DAMN. This girl is about the age of SORA'd Rocco and Danny, btw. She seems like she's not a brat. BOO. I want a brat.  Yuri sent Champagne for Monica via Val but Brook reminds him she doesn't drink. Valentin asks why she's sad. "you should be happy" . Brook says she didn't only do the Bailey thing for stocks. Valentin says "Well, it's not like the real father was dangerous and  you were protecting her"...Hmmm. INTERESTING! 

Charlie's Bar: Ava orders a dirty martini --so does Victor!!! He has gifts to give her for Wyndemere. I see some flirty going on!! He says there's a surprise for Christmas. Should bring Nikolas and Spencer together. (Helena?). They go to walk to the Tree lighting. Ava says: "British accent, nice touch" ...Victor: "Thanks, I worked hard on it" AHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Dead. 

OMG DAMN IT!! COVID NEWS interrupted the SHOW!!!!!!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!! It was so fun!! I'll watch the rest tonight on Hulu. BaHUMBUG 


  1. Nothing against the new actress as we will give her a chance, but first impression
    is no where near Scarlette.

    1. I agree. And I didn't see chemistry with JPS like he has with Scarlette. Stupid move on GH part. She's not even much older if at all

    2. Maybe the decision was made by the actress or her family and not the show. She's had a hard year and she may just want to stay home with her family and be a kid. It's not like she's on a lot anyway.

    3. Di, I had forgotten about her real-life accident. She is probably still recovering.

  2. Some really good stuff during the interruption. I won't comment till everyone sees it.

    I love Lucy being flirty with Marty. lol That's the kind of humor I like in the show. And I agree. They'd make a great couple.

    Spencer's reaction when he sees Nicholas tells me he still has a lot of growing to do.

    I liked new Charlotte. Was shocked when I first saw her as her demeanour was so different but by the end I was sold.

    Wait till you see the end with Uncle Victor.

  3. OMG I see SO much chemistry between Ava and Victor. Tons. I loved the comment on the British accent.

  4. Lucy and Marty could be hot too IMO. And Caneron Mathison is just having chemistry with everyone on set. He is a great Drew. Not feeling the new Charlotte at all. They made a poor choose there. I think Valentin is very suspicious now. Did you see his looks at Brooklyn as he was leaving? Only 5 seconds of little Charlotte? And they actually had real cake and drinks at MC .

    1. I meant 5 seconds of little Violet.

      Oh and I think I'm in love with Charles Shaunessy again. Lol

    2. Wonder what was missed at the end? Was it Helena? Was it anything good?

    3. I didn't like Lucy today...her hitting on who she thought was Kevin, who she knows is married to Laura, was cringeworthy. I thought her days as a homewrecker were over.

    4. No Rae!! I thought so too, but she thought he was Jeff! Why she thought he was Jeff Webber is beyond me! Is Jeff supposed to be in town? Hmmm.

    5. I didn't hear Lucy say Jeff. I think she really thought it was Kevin. And that scene was inappropriate as that Lucy has been long gone.

    6. I too did not hear her call him Jeff but I could have missed it. She had to know it wasn't Doc since martin had blue eyes and Kevin has very dark. Oh well.

    7. "lindie says, I didn't hear Lucy say Jeff."

      I looked online yesterday and heard it over and over and over again, and it sounded like she said Jeffery. I'm so confused.

      "I think she really thought it was Kevin. And that scene was inappropriate as that Lucy has been long gone."

      Well, that was dumb and makes no sense.. Make it make sense writers!! Come on! There were a lot of ways for them to have a scene together without her flirting and thinking it was Doc! She could have said did you have fun being Santa Doc? Then Marty could have said I'm Marty. I mean they have met before when she was helping him find a place to live.

      "Linda says, I too did not hear her call him Jeff but I could have missed it. She had to know it wasn't Doc since martin had blue eyes and Kevin has very dark. Oh well."

      *Facepalm* Are the writers going to say she is color blind now? *Facepalm*

  5. Q Breakfast nook:

    Blazer Lynn, NuCharlie, and V.C.: NEW CHARLIE! NO NO NO! The voice over didn't even say who this actress is! GRRRRRRRRRR! It was nice that NuCharlie wanted to give a gift to Bailey. When V.C. first came in, he looked drunk! :)


    Blazer Lynn and Drew: Chem testing? I don't want them together.. Blazer Lynn should be with Chase. Oops the alcohol that Yuri wanted to give Monica IS non alcoholic after all hahahhaha!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna, Finchy, and little V: This was a sweet scene.. Awww love the friendship.

    Anna and Finchy: I like the scene. They have a nice friendship. Finchy is interested in Liz and Anna is interested in V.c. :)

    Anna, V.C. and NuCharlie: OH MY! The looks that Anna and V.C. were giving each other! :) Go under the mistletoe somewhere and kiss!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Chad, Vampire girl, Cam, Lucy, Laura, and Doc Santa: Chad, Vampire girl and Cam all look adorable! :) Love the scene with Laura and Chad. Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: You guys go and entertain them would you? Just like juggle, throw things. I don't care.


    Doc Santa and Laura:

    Doc Santa: Rudolf's nose isn't the only thing that glows.


    Lucy and "Santa Doc": LUCY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Unless you know he isn't Doc.. Hmmm. Oh she doesn't..

    Lucy: You are NOT Jeff..

    HUH?! Lucy thought Santa was Jeff Webber? Why?!

    Lucy and Marty: OH! A date!!! :) OH YES!!! A new couple.. :) We can call them Larty.. Or Mucy..

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Victor and Ava: Oh the flirty looks they are giving each other. :) Nice!!! Working hard on his British accent! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    Cam, Liz, and Drew: Great scene!!! :)

    Cam and Liz: Great scene!!! Yes Liz don't work!!! Listen to Cam!

    Drew and Liz: Hmmm chem testing? Nah I want Liz with Finchy.

    Nik and Trina: THE RED ONE! PICK THE RED ONE!!!! :) Oh both? Meh okay.. Yes Nik, Ava and Trina have some nerve hahahahha!

    Nik, Trina, Chad, and Vampire girl: Oh boy. Get rid of that chip on your shoulder Chad.. if not, give it a name please. Maybe call it Chip. :)

    Rice Plaza tree lighting ceremony: Great scene!!! Love Victor's deal for Chad. :) Better than a lot of time in jail. Oh little V likes Fiz together. :) Love how Laura was talking to Chad while the interim Mayor was talking in the mic. :)

    1. Nope, sorry Sonya! Line of the day goes to Doc and his "glowing nose". I could NOT believe he said that. I died!

      I approve Trina's jewelry choice. I would have said the same thing, lol!

      So happy we finally had Liz/Drew scenes and it was worth the wait. Seriously that actor has chemistry with everybody!

      Such inappropriate chemistry between Ava and Victor. My goodness! Reminded me of Ava and Julian, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Nope, sorry Sonya! Line of the day goes to Doc and his "glowing nose". I could NOT believe he said that. I died!"

      Hahahahaha. I know!!!! I couldn't believe he said that too!!! Naughty Doc! Naughty!! Hahahaha. But what Lucy said about Cam and his gang to throw things and that she doesn't care. That really got me hahahahhahaha. I can see them throwing things at people and the looks on their faces hahahahahaha.

      "I approve Trina's jewelry choice. I would have said the same thing, lol!"


      "So happy we finally had Liz/Drew scenes and it was worth the wait."

      Yeah took long enough geez. :)

      "Such inappropriate chemistry between Ava and Victor. My goodness! Reminded me of Ava and Julian, lol!"

      ROFL! I miss Ava and Julian's inappropriate chemistry!!!! I miss Julian. :(

    3. Sonya, I miss Julian, too. Probably not as much as Ava though! :)

    4. "Julie H says, Sonya, I miss Julian, too. Probably not as much as Ava though!" :)

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah probably not as much! :)

  6. OMG I just loved the look on Spencer's face when he heard 30 days. He thought he was going to get off completely.

    I find his character has shown a lot of growth but after Victor told him he was going to intervene on his behalf he started to revert to his arrogant ways again. There was no need for him to verbally attack Nicholas for being outside his workplace and make snotty comments. That's why I smiled broadly at his shattered look when he got the news.

    I wonder who Esme will stay with when he's gone. lol I so want Laura to send her on her way. Tell her to go home till Spence gets out of jail and watch what happens. lol

    I loved Liz with Cam and with drew. Drew seems to be one who has chemistry with everyone too. And I love his calm demeanor. Liz needs someone with his quiet strength.

    1. Totally agree about Liz and Drew. And a big fat YES, that Drew has chem with everybody. It is a gift!

      I snickered at Spence when he got the news. Serves him right. He is just too snotty to his dad.

    2. Completely agree that Cameron Mathison has chemistry with everyone he has scene with. Excellent decision hiring him and he's easy on the eyes. Lol

    3. It helps that they are not shoving him down our throats either. Baby steps with everyone. Cameron is a pro, thank goodness!! More Drew less Snarly please

    4. Not just baby steps, but also pleasant adult steps. They aren't having him act like a h.. teenager every time he talks to a female on the show.Nothing irritates me more than them having middle aged adults act like middle school kids.

    5. His acting is good. He delivers his lines well. He is happy in his scenes etc. That doesn't always happen on this show

  7. What is Victor's surprise? That Nicholas gets a month in Spring Ridge????

    1. His surprise is that his nephew is going to be locked up for a month with Ryan and his psycho girl friend will be there to help him learn to communicate with him so that they can hone their skills, while Spence learning to control the face he presents to the world. muyhaha


    3. Ya. I meant Spencer. I was hoping that Spencer would turn over a new leaf. Guess not. Why is everyone going to Spring Ridge on this show.

  8. "lindie says, Ya. I meant Spencer. I was hoping that Spencer would turn over a new leaf. Guess not. Why is everyone going to Spring Ridge on this show."

    So that I can finally remember the name of it! ROFL! I will have to think of spring rolls.. Spring rolls, spring ridge.. ROFL!

    1. I never remember either. Sounds like a spa, or a nursing home. Lol

    2. "lindie says, I never remember either. Sounds like a spa, or a nursing home. Lol"

      Hahahaha yes it does sound like a spa or a nursing home!!! :) Where did the writers come up with that name?! :)

  9. Replies
    1. GH tomorrow, a new one..

      Friday, a repeat.

      From February 23, 2021.

      Michael and Willow process everything that has happened over the past few days.

      Maxie offers Nina her support.

      Britt makes a plea to Obrecht.

      Anna reaches out to Peter.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...