Friday, December 31, 2021

Wed/Thurs Shows

 So it's a rerun today so I can watch Wed-Thursday today and...

Alexis doing Sociology of Crime! NICE!! Joss and Spencer are there too. Oh I loved Professor Khan!! And Alexis nice!! 

I'm so Team Nina it hurts. I hate Willow.  Cynthia was SO great in those scenes. 

Scotty and Michael. He decked Scotty for saying the truth! LOL POOR Mikey. 

Mashall and Curtis.. good stuff and I'm glad they are building up the Marshall family. He needs to stop talking in riddles. 

Oh Sonny and Carly. "Maybe you didn't want to remember me" Um, YA THINK!!?? ahahaha.  She throws him outta "HER" House!? Okaaayyy.  "Did she make you happy"?? Great line right there!! YEP SHE SURE DID!! I LOVE the lines Sonny had about Nina. 


Oh Martin and Lucy are out!!  The Savoy is humming!!  Lucy trying to sneak out with Maxie LOL 

Dante found Sonny... lol. And I love they have some meaningful scenes. They don't have enough. It was a great convo and Sonny admitted a lot. 

CARLY kicked Sonny out!! LMAO and is pissed at Willow. :Clapping:  "Where ARE YOU JASON" wah wah. 

Scotty handing out presents at Liz' house!! And 5 bucks to Violet. LOVE...he's like the uncle. Li loses her wedding ring!! Finn worked at a plumbing company? an he got her ring. 

Maxie and Nina dishing on the trial ..trying to figure out how Scotty found out about the affair. AHAHAHA AND Dr. Walks in!! She's happy she told! LOL 

Dante is jealous of Drew! LOL 

Portia and Curtis make ze wub.




  1. 100% team Nina with you Karen (although sometimes these ladies here get their claws out at me for it). We all have our favs. I just can't help it. Its soapy, it's with a legacy character, and it makes Snarly unhappy. I wanted to smack Willow, STFU. Your own mother just got out of jail. You lied. You hurt people. You had an affair. And you didn't tell because you didn't want to hurt them. Duh. And no I do not condone what Nina did, but I love her connection to Sonny (even though no one ever mentions they know his real name is actually Michael!). I love his softness towards her and Maurice looks like he is enjoying himself. I do wish Phyllis was the one there at the bar. She was missed but I did enjoy him confiding in Dante and loved that Dante took his keys setting up Nina to drive him.

    I love how the show has brought people together in the past few months. And seeing Felicia in the previews makes me a very happy fan. And can Scott get any more lovable/funny? Leisel's line of "Guilty" was one of my favorite of 2021. Along with Valentin and "Darling". SWOON!

    1. Dante took his keys so he didn't drunk drive. I caught that right away.

    2. Yes, I was concerned before that, thinking oh my gosh people are going to write in and complain that he left him there to drive himself home drunk. But then he grabbed the keys.

    3. Ya, I thought that would be a terrible drunk driving story mess at New Year's; especially after the horribly sad baby Liam story at Christmas.

  2. TEAM NINA!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, doesn't anybody bring up that Carly would have been In Jason's pants if he survived,,and now drew? ewwwwwwww, When is Willow turning to Michael and telling him, this is your family's mess, not mine

    1. Exactly. I don't feel sorry for Sonny at all but he could have mentioned her feelings for Jason. IDK

    2. Yes Sammy, and I cringed hearing her call for Jason on Robin's bridge yet again. Enough already writers!

    3. Exactly. How does Carly not understand the double standard? Mike fell in love with Nina & Carly fell in love with (and married) Jason. Do the writers think we don't see the hypocrisy? I just want to scream at Carly!

  3. Karen, I think you might be the only one liking the Curtis/Hat man blabber.
    Today would have been a perfect day to have a stand alone tribute show for Stuart Damon. But of course they had to show another repeat of a Hiney episode. They are obsessed with him. The best thing about the past 2/3 weeks is that he hasn't been on. The show has been noticeably better.
    Let's hope that Kin Shriner meant that he taped all of his scenes and is off to his home in FL just for the winter.

    1. I FF any scene with Marshall. Zzzzzzzzz.

    2. Kind of sad because I liked the whole Marshall thing at first. Thought it was going to be good but just a big snoozer. Had such potential. They need to get their act together and save that story fast.

    3. I like Curtis, and I like Stella separately. not sure I like them all together since Stella gets too preachy. On the other hand any time you give someone of color a story its a good thing and a step in the right direction. I wish they included Phyllis too to intertwine her more.

    4. Yes. I like Phyllis. Need to give her a story.

    5. I read the article. The title and opening said he "was done and going to Florida".

      Then at the bottom it said...

      " General Hospital has not announced that they’ve let the actor go, or that Scotty will be exiting. But the year is over, this latest stretch of storyline is done and it’s time for him to take a break back home in Florida — Vespa, warm weather and all!"

      "So rest easy, friends. This isn’t the last we’ve seen of Shriner or Scotty. "

      I'm sure this was nicely placed at the end of the article so that those who just read the title and speculation will get in a tizzy and start lots of speculation and feedback.

  4. I read that Betty White died today :( She was 99 and would have turned 100 on Jan 17. She was planning a big party and going to have some kind of movie special. So, so sad. On New Year's Eve too :( Will need to watch The Proposal or another Betty White show in tribute.

  5. So if Kin is off for awhile then no Scott and Leisl. Boo.

  6. I’m not Team Carly, but I am Team Not Nina! Can’t stand her.

    1. Me too. Not team Carly or team Nina.

    2. Happy New Year to all my GH blog friends. May 2022 be healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous. AND may it be a better year for our beloved show

  7. If Jason was alive hopefully he would be spending NYE with Britt and not running to Carly. I’m not crazy about Nina but I really detest Carly. Vanna looked like they were really enjoying that kissing! Love them! Scotty will always be around - he is a national treasure. Liesl looked stunning!

  8. I'm so over Marshall. His constant repetitive babble is annoying and makes me not care one bit about him. Why all of a sudden is the chemistry lacking between Portia and Curtis when it was there in the beginning?? I'm all in on TeamNINA for two reasons...I despise Carly and she definitely needs to be knocked off her high and mighty pedestal. It's long overdue. She's been a hypocritical beotch who has gotten away with way too many things with no consequences. The other reason I'm TeamNINA is she actually makes me like Sonny, but the Mike version of Sonny. That's the only version I will accept now. Sonny Corinthos should have stayed "dead". Mo plays Mike so much better. I'm so over Michael and Willow. They are boring AF. Michael getting all bent about Nina is absolutely ridiculous. It's none of his damn business. That's between Michael's father's killer and Nina. There, I said it. The elephant in the room that Frank and Company want to ignore even though the better storyline would be Michael despising Sonny and wanting to avenge his father's murder. Michael was far more interesting and layered when he had a short stint as a full on Q. Going to miss Scotty. Hope he returns soon. I do enjoy he and Dr O together, they're fun to watch. I really don't care about Sam. She's become wallpaper. Liz needs some damn POV and she needs it NOW. I did like the chemistry I saw with her and NuDrew. That was nice! But of course, they'll try to pair her with boring Finn who actually had excellent chem with Anna. I don't know why I'm not feeling Valentin and Anna....something is off with that, not sure what. I'm looking forward to where Alexis is headed. Loving Chase and Brook, great chemistry there. Love GH is tackling an Autism spectrum situation and employing one with Autism. Ned and Liv will shine in this storyline. And we need much more of Lucy, Laura, Martin, Felicia, Mac. Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox now. Happy (let's HOPE) New Year my soapy pals!

    1. Agree with all you comments! I do love Vanna but their appearances have been so sporadic that they lose momentum.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...