Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thursday GH Jammin'


I'm getting my hair done today so I won't be around to blog. 
I will watch on Hulu tonight.
What do you think... should I go with pink or silver?



  1. The silver for New Year's Eve celebration.

  2. "Beauty School Dropout". Lol Now I want to watch Grease

    1. I want to watch it too, lindie. It took me a few seconds to recognize the scene. I loved Frenchy and Grease.

  3. So insanely bizarre. I was singing this song this morning, for no reason whatsoever. It just popped into my head. Really strange!

  4. Pink unless you can get a silver tinsel wig!

  5. GH was good. Ok. Regarding Sonny. Will he or won't he?

    1. Drew was so much fun with Scout that I didn't even mind Sam today.

    2. I just read that Wally Kurths son has autism IRL

    3. Also the actor who plays Leo has autism IRL

    4. The actor didn't speak until he was 4. Yay GH for tackling this storyline.

    5. Here's a link to the article with Wally and it also contins a short video from the boy who plays Leo.

      And you got lots of smooching today, Sonya. lol

    6. I had read about the actor playing Leo having autism but didn't know about Wally's son having it. My almost 30-year-old son has autism, and I am glad GH is doing this storyline right - even Olivia's denial. My then husband and I went through the denial phase but luckily not as long as Olivia did.

    7. "Di says, Here's a link to the article with Wally and it also contins a short video from the boy who plays Leo."

      Yeah I've read the article and seen the video today. I didn't know Wally has an autistic son.. And that little boy playing Leo did a great video. So sweet. :)

      "And you got lots of smooching today, Sonya. lol"

      ROFL! Yes I did!!!! YAY! :)


    Liz's home:

    Liz, the boys, Finchy, little V, and Scotty: Awww great scene. Scotty gives the boys each a cd. All the music BobTodd loves. He wanted to give it to them for Christmas.. He didn't know little V was going to be there so he didn't give her one.

    Scotty: Who doesn't need 5 bucks?!

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Awww he gives little V 5 bucks. Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Liz, Scotty, and Finchy:

    Scotty: And you! You gotta watch your step, because this is my family. Their my heart.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Finchy: I know mine too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Scotty: But don't tell anybody I have a heart.

    ROFL! Oh Scotty. :)

    Liz and Finchy: Washing dishes time. Put that wedding ring up to keep it safe, but no it's not safe. Oh no! Finchy went to go retrieve it. Liz doesn't think Finchy knows what he is doing.. ROFL! Oh but wait Finchy says he worked 2 years in a plumbing company while he put himself in medical school. HUH?! He did? REALLY?! Then why did all the water go on him? :) Well, he found the ring anyway.. Liz decided to put the ring in a drawer.. Awwww! She's ready to move on!!!

    The Savoy:

    Dr. O, Maxie, and Nina table: Maxie and Nina are dressed like twins. Nina realized that it was Dr. O who told Scotty about Sonny and Nina.. Dr. O wins the lines of the day.

    Dr. O: Guilty! Pity.

    ROFL! Oh oh Scotty sticks his foot in his mouth again, and Nina is not happy with him, so she had to leave. Maxie isn't happy with him either. Dr. O is upset with him.. OOPSY! :) ROFL!

    Dr. O and Scotty:

    Scotty: Oh! Are we having a little love spat?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Scotty so much. :)

    Marty and Lucy: Oh oh are they going to have to hide their relationship because of V.C.? I hope not.. Just fire V.C. geez Marty! Now they are stuck because Vanna are there. Maxie had to help!

    Curtis and Portia: OH! He is in wuv with her!!!! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR KISS!!

    Vanna: Whoa! Happy new year kiss. Which they are not stopping!!!! HOLY COW! :) Well, Marty and Lucy were able to sneak out. :) WHOA! VANNA! Both of your lips will dry out! WHO CARES! :) HUMINA HUMINA! :)

    Curtis or Portia's bedroom: Whomever's bedroom it is, they are making wuv! :) HAWT HAWT HAWT!!! YOWZA! :) My tv is melting.

  7. Continued.

    Carson home:

    Mildew, Carly, and Joss: Carly is all whiny and all yelly at Willow. Then Carly goes outside yearning for Jason, then comes back to apologize to Willow. Carly now has to go for a walk to clean her mind. Need some soap Carly? Joss had plans with Cam, but decided to stay with her mom, but now that her mom left, Joss decides to leave. Willow asks if she is going to follow her mom. Joss brings up how Carly drives. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Fast and is probably already where she wants to go hahahaha.

    Mildew: Mildew is not in the mood to celebrate new years. No of course not. They are going to be all mopey watching the fireworks.

    Sam's place:

    Sam, Drew, and Scout: Awwww New Years stuff that Drew has given Sam and Scout.. :) Scout wants her daddy to stay until midnight, he can't. Oh my! I see a lot of chemistry between Sam and Drew!!! :)

    Sante and the Tribbles: HI TRIBBLES! :) Sam thinks she has to explain to Dante why Drew was there. :) Sante is spending midnight together.. :) Along with the Tribbles. :) Course Sante have to talk about Sonny. Dante took his papa's keys because he was drinking.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Dante and Sonny: Sonny is still denying that he is in wuv with Nina! Sonny talking about Mike from Nixon Falls.

    Sonny: I still carry a small piece of his heart. That small piece of Mike's heart, in some way, belongs to Nina.

    AH HA! AND THERE YOU GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Sonny and Nina: Phyllis not there? Awwww! :( Sonny drinking.. Can't find his keys. Nina offers to take him wherever he needs to go.. Oh sure. You can take him to a hotel. :) Let him do the rest. ;)

    Jason's bridge: Carly yearning for Jason.. Missing him so much. Wishing he was there. Oh look! Black shoes.. Who is that? She probably hopes it's Jason.. Nope it's Drew. :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1967* Oh look!!! It's Scotty's bio mom!!! YAY! :)

    1. Oops forgot one other thing.. Drew picked Scout up and she became an airplane! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    2. That was just the cutest scene of the airplane ride

    3. "lindie says, That was just the cutest scene of the airplane ride"

      Yeah!!!! Adorable! :) Great scene! :)

    4. Love the airplane ride. My husband did that with our son when he was little.

  8. Loved Sonny admitting Nina has a piece of his heart, Loved Leisel, and Loved Scott even more. But most of all? VANNA!

    Really enjoyed todays show!

    1. VAnna is my favorite too. Wish they showed more of them today.

  9. I finally watched today. I have been reading sonya's posts for awhile. did anyone else hope carly would jump the bridge or just me? and Drew run for you life. ur too good for snarly.

    1. Ya, Snarly will try to snare Drew in next. Especially since Sonny will probably cheat with Nina too.

    2. I thought for sure that Carly would show up at Charlie's and see Nina there with Sonny.

    3. "witch says, did anyone else hope carly would jump the bridge or just me?"

      ROFL! She is too stubborn to do that. :)

      "and Drew run for you life. ur too good for snarly."


      "lindie says, I thought for sure that Carly would show up at Charlie's and see Nina there with Sonny."

      Yeah I thought so too!!! :)

    4. There are way too many others I would like to see Drew with. Def not Carly, please writers. This is a veteran actor who can mix with any other of our PC ladies!

    5. I do NOT want Drew with Carly. Sam is even better than Carly IMO.

  10. Silver with some pink highlights!
    So perfect, NOT, that Carly was the last screen shot of 2021. Why do they showcase her so darn much. Plus I do not believe that any actor could have such a strong influence that would govern who lives or dies(Hiney). That is just crazy. But still they will never kill him.
    Sam was all goofy over Drew. Sorry Dante.
    No Smike, just no.
    Love is in the air. The way it should be on GH!

    1. LW and Carly are the "Queen of GH" unfortunately.

    2. LW is not worthy of queen. so many better actresses on GH. genie francis, finola hughes, rebecca herbst, amanda sutton, kelly thiebald and maura west.

    3. I completely agree with you witch

  11. I can’t stand whispering whiny Nina but no way she can live with a mob king. They never mention that. Mike is gone. It’s over. Move on.

  12. I wish Carly would get the hell off Robin and Jason’s bridge. Loved the kissing couples1. Curtis and Portia make a gorgeous couple. Finally Vanna! Sonny takes bipolar medication-shouldn’t he not be drinking?

    1. I was thinking that exact thing. He's not supposed to be drinking alcohol

    2. Yes. Carly needs to get off Robin and Jason's bridge

  13. I wish they would have the Nurses ball a d VAnna can do a song and dance number. That would be cool.

  14. So, a couple of disturbing pieces of news about "GH."

    Kelly T. (Britt) and Kirsten (Maxie) have both tested positive for COVID-19. Hopefully, it will be mild and they will be better soon.

    Also, Kin Shriner (Scott) tweeted that his character "is done" and he is going back to Florida to ride his Vespa. I hope he means temporarily and not permanently.

    Happy 2022 to one and all!

    1. They better not fire Kin Shriner. The man has been on the show for like 40 years or more.

    2. The 2 actresses will be off for a little bit then. Hope more don't wind up positive. But we do know they are all vaccinated.

    3. Strange that's not in any news online today. I know Kelly had a false positive in April. Want to post the link, please.

    4. The shots are working. Fully vaccinated people can still get the virus, and spread it, but not get seriously ill and/or die. Most deaths now are the unvaccinated.

    5. I read the article. The title and opening said he " was done and going to Florida.

      Then at the bottom it said...

      " General Hospital has not announced that they’ve let the actor go, or that Scotty will be exiting. But the year is over, this latest stretch of storyline is done and it’s time for him to take a break back home in Florida — Vespa, warm weather and all!"

      "So rest easy, friends. This isn’t the last we’ve seen of Shriner or Scotty. "

      I'm sure this was nicely placed at the end of the article so that those who just read the title and speculation will get in a tizzy and start lots of speculation and feedback.

  15. I forgot Tristan Rogers and Emma Samma dated in 1984-1985. Saw some old pics online.


Sunday Surgery: Cooking with Gas

  Well it was a week for me personally for sure. Worked, got sick, missed live GH a few days. I did think it was a decent week overall and e...