Monday, November 8, 2021


 Cassadine Island: Peter tries to talk to Britt about being "family". Says she'll have to earn the right to see her mother. She tells him Maxie hates his guts. He says he wants to find his daughter. She said she's kidnapped because of the psycho HE hired. 

Jason and Drew are chained up in the cellar. They talk about what Drew did on the bridge since he doesn't remember. Jason explains everything. Drew said he should have killed him. Jason said he needs to get home to his Daughter, Scout. They need to kill Peter. 

Sonny and Carly talk at the Metro over lunch. Then MS WU COMES IN! He thanks her for saving Jarly and tells her about Joey. Gives her half the Novak territory. She has a favor to ask him. OMG OMEOIJROIEUORIU!! BRAD IS HER NEPHEW!! She wants him OUTTA JAIL!! They talk about him and the baby/Nelle thing. She says he's very sorry and he's going to not make it in jail soon. Sonny says he won't go to the parole board. 

Alexis is packing to leave... Sam and Diane come in to congratulate her. Harmony is sad. Wah. Nikolas shows up and says he got Alexis out. He talks about Nikolas giving up his money. Alexis is happy. 

Harmony offers her phone number to Alexis... :) NICEEEEEEEEE little spark there I think LOL 

Spencer has to tell Esme that he told his father to go take a hike. She wants to go to a cabin with his friends. She takes a phone call. Spencer asks Cameron if he's STILL a virgin. They talk about boarding school vs being in a small town yada yada. Cam says they aren't ready yet. Esme comes out. They talk about the Niagara Falls road trip and Oscar dying, yada yada. He says that he and Trina were close then. Esme is all @@ Spencer finally tells them that he gave up the money. Cam thinks he's dumb to do that. Spencer says Trina talked to him and she made sense. 


Alexis goes free

Peter takes Britt at gunpoint to the cellar

Sonny agrees not to hurt Brad if he gets out of jail


  1. Yes. You go Mrs. Wu. Get your nephew to come home.

    1. Yes. I love Parry so I'll be really happy to have him back. I hope he goes back to work at the hospital.

    2. Glad to hear this tie in (maybe they said it before and I missed it). Hope to see more of their family.

  2. SO I haven't watched yet, but how is Drew himself again? I missed that.
    Esme PRINCE last name and NO ONE questions that? Googles it, etc. ANYTHING?
    When is Laura back - and Marty?
    I've given up ever seeing MAC as police commissioner and Felicia helping Maxie with 'losing her baby'.

    1. You missed it because you haven't watche it yet. lol

    2. Because the writers made him be...Drew that is.

    3. John J. York posted online that he was back filming at "GH," so that probably means Mac will appear in late November.

    4. Thanks, Kevin. That's good news.

    5. I don't think Mac and Felicia are coming back much. Have to make room for Hiney and Three Stooges.

    6. So in agreement with needing Mac on screen and Laura and Marty back. Love them all! Seriously, Esme Prince?? I don't think Google works in PC land. Nobody googled Smike either.

  3. I'm hoping this means we get Brad back on our screen soon.

    1. I think we're going to get Brad and Britt together again.

    2. I hope so. I loved their friendship.

    3. Oh me, too! I was so excited that Ms. Wu is his aunt. I miss Brad!

  4. Okay I hope my comments stay and not disappear!

    Cassadine Island:

    Hiney and Britch: I. I. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Wine Celler: Hmmm are the Tribbles there?

    Drew and Jason: Oh quit talking about killing Hiney. All talk and no action. Man this scene is so boring.

    Drew, Jason, Britch, and Hiney: Enough with the threats you guys! You aren't going to kill Hiney.

    Port Chuckles:


    Chad, Vampira, and Cam:

    Vampira: A weekend away for you and me, Cam and Joss, and maybe Trina and, somebody.

    ROFL! She was going to win the line of the day, but Cam wins it.

    Cam: I hope you know that this new true self of his is quite boring.

    BAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA! Hysterical. :) Cam's advice to Chad was spot on! Cam has really grown up! I mean his speech sounds like his mother. :) Awesome.. And the look on Vampira's face when Cam was talking, it looks like she has a crush on Cam. She pretends that she agrees with Cam and looks heartbroken when Chad talks to Trina about his problem and not her.

    Cam and Vampira:

    Vampira: What is wrong with me that Spence can't talk to me about his problems?

    Oh man! She is good. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane and Carly: DIANE! :) Oh Carly don't forget that Jason told you to leave Nina alone too!! Thanks to Nina Jarly's friendship dynamic has changed!!! *Evil look*

    Ms Wu and Sonny: MS MU! Love her shirt!


    WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :) Sonny won't help the parole hearing, true, but he will not stop it from happening! YAY! Smike came out a bit there. :) #FREEBRAD! Brad has been in jail for 18 months. :(

    Spring ridge:

    Sam, Alexis, and Nik: Oh Nik hush stop whining, and go sit in the corner with a fidget spinner..

    Sam and Nik: Sam stop sucking up to him.

    Alexis and HarmunyCOM: Trying not to get my comments to disappear.. Have to say Harmony's name a little bit different. :) Hmmm besties? New womanmance? :) Alexis is going to miss her?!?!?! Awwwwwwwwww. :) Yeah like she said you can have her number, and you two can get a cup of coffee. :)


    Sidenote: Oh no!!!!! Brandon Barash Reveals That He Tested Positive for COVID-19! But he says he licked it. YAY!

    1. "She pretends that she agrees with Cam"

      Oops. I mean she pretends that she DOESN'T agree with Cam.

    2. Congrats on your comments staying up, Sonya! :)

      Lines of the day were a hoot! I think some of the writers have a really good sense of humor!

      Mumbles ticked me off. Talk about her personality switching on a dime. One minute she's snarking her holier-than-thou tripe, the next minute she's sincerely thanking Nik. I go whiplash!

      Mrs. Wu being Brad's aunt? Yay!!!!! She and Leisel need to do lunch and talk trash. Can you imagine?!

      Esme really is a piece of work. She plays everybody, and pretty well at that. I need her background and connection to Ryan explained. :)

      And as I've said many, many times, PLP needs to die and not by being talked to death. I'm with Gary who said a few blogs ago, his demise needs to involve a vat of acid, lol!

    3. "Julie H says, Congrats on your comments staying up, Sonya! :)"

      Haha thanks. :)

      "Lines of the day were a hoot! I think some of the writers have a really good sense of humor!"

      Hahaha. Yeah they do. :)

      "Mumbles ticked me off. Talk about her personality switching on a dime. One minute she's snarking her holier-than-thou tripe, the next minute she's sincerely thanking Nik. I go whiplash!"

      Yeah maybe she is having hot flashes. ROFL!

      "Mrs. Wu being Brad's aunt? Yay!!!!! She and Leisel need to do lunch and talk trash. Can you imagine?!"

      OHHHH! That would be great!!!! :) That needs to be done.

      "Esme really is a piece of work. She plays everybody, and pretty well at that. I need her background and connection to Ryan explained. :)"

      Yes we need it explained ASAP!

      "And as I've said many, many times, PLP needs to die and not by being talked to death. I'm with Gary who said a few blogs ago, his demise needs to involve a vat of acid, lol!"

      ROFL! Acid is good. :)

      "I "got" whiplash! Lol!"


  5. Funny all of Drew's bruises cleared up in the 2 days (that lasted 3 weeks).

  6. This back and forth with Nik and Spence is really tired.
    So Drew and Jason will overtake Hiney and then he will escape them and disappear. Presumed dead. Again. Sound about right? Hope I'm wrong.
    Sam was dressed like a hooker to pick up mom from the slammer. LOL
    YAY Brad. I just love Parry.

    1. I have to agree about Nik and Spence. Even when the performances are excellent it gets so dang old.

    2. Yeah, what was up with Sam's "blouse"? If I may use that term, lol!

  7. Did I miss the Diana & Sonny scene? I think they just skipped past those 2 seeing one another?

    1. No, he was busy with Ms Wu.. Diane was going to reschedule.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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