Wednesday, November 17, 2021



Unfortunately Bergen passed away... Maurice Benard tweeted about her. She had Wilson's disease. I loved her as Alice. RIP. 

We start with DANTE IN THE SHOWER. Thank you. Olivia tries calling him about Leo being missing. He gets to the gallery in about 2 seconds. That was just a nude scene for us LOL .. Everyone tries to find him.  They look at security footage, he's walking to the harbor. Ned figures out he was looking at the octopus and Fish pictures. Olivia and Ned find him on pier 54..he's laying on the docks. I think he's looking at the fish. He's on his stomach. Doesn't look up when people say his name. He was looking for an octopus like in the pictures. Acting very spectrum. Kid did a good job. Ned says he knew to look by water because he was reading about spectrum kids. First responders are taught to look by water and Dante says it's true. Olivia is sobbing, says "I'm scared Ned". 

Sasha's water breaks. Then contractions. Gladys is being calm and helping Sasha. Pounds and Pounds.. finally Brando gets in. Says the door was wedged shut. Gladys thinks Brook Lynn did it because that was the last face they saw (she was searching for Leo). They make it to GH. 

Sonny and Alexis hug in GH. He tells her he forgives her for stabbing Dante with the needle. Gives her advice, they talk about Kristina. He was totally "mike" in that scene!! They keep talking about him being gone and not being in crime... VERY GOOD SCENES. 

Carly goes to Charlie's to talk to Phyllis about Nixon Falls. Phyllis is going to live in the backroom for now. She wants Simple. Carly asks about Sonny in NF..Phyllis is wary. They have coffee. Talk about running a bar. Phyllis says that it was great when Mike came along. Then apologizes for calling him Mike. Carly says, well, you didn't know, but NINA did. She says she is so angry with Nina, yada yada. Phyllis asks why she wastes so much energy on this anger.  Says that Sonny and Nina are moving along and Carly should too. 

Austin and Maxie talk about Brook Lynn and Gladys. Boy, Austin just isn't doing anything for me. Maxie is all afraid that Austin will find out from Gladys but she sure is showing her hand!! 

Willow and Wiley in the square. He sees Nina and runs "GRANDMA"!! Willow is like: Um... They get hot cocoa. Then Willow tells Nina that she's not to see Wiley, and steer clear. Nina is like Ok, I'm sorry, it was an accident (which it was). Willow trying to act mean was laughable. 


Gladys tells Brook she's done and whatever happens next is on her

Sonny looks sad when Alexis says he must miss Nixon Falls

Carly sees Nina and Wiley in the PARK!! 

The baby is a boy...Brando says he looked at the gender on the phone. (not born yet tho) 


  1. Austin is more like the town “busy body” than a doctor. He does nothing for me either. Love the actor just not his new character.

    1. So true. At least you like the actor. I really liked him on OLTL, but on GH? No thanks.

  2. Just saw that our local zoo, Zoo Knoxville (Tennessee), announced the death of one their turkeys. This turkey was photographed for the Photo Ark project.

  3. Bergen Williams! Awwww. :( I miss her as Alice. :( RIP! :(

    Dante's bathroom: DANTE SHIRTLESS! :D Wait is he home? Who the heck has a swinging door in their shower? ROFL! Is he at the hospital? Oh wait no no he is home. :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Stuck room:

    Gladys and Sasha: Sasha's water broke! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sasha is 18 months preggers and that baby is huge, but yet the water breaking was a teeny tiny puddle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! Sasha is so shaky too! Well it is a huge baby. Is the baby going to be 10 pounds? Gladys was way too nice and helpful hmmm. Oh hi Brando. Glad Sasha didn't have to have the baby there with the teeny tiny puddle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Art gallery room:

    Vampira, Chad, and Trina: Chad talked about how he ran away when he was a kid. Trina wins the line of the day.

    Trina: Joss and Cam told me that you had a chauffeur named Chandler that was with you most of the time.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Can you BE anymore right? :) I remember him.. Wasn't be bald? Trina just HAD to mention his name! :)

    Vampira and Chad: Boy she got turned on quick. She wants him. Must have turned her on thinking of him as a boy getting into trouble a lot. :)

    The pier: THERE HE IS! THERE IS LITTLE UNCLE LEO! I thought something happened to him when he was laying like that. Whew. :) Awww are mom and dad back together? Awwwwwwwwww. :) Now it's time to get your son tested Olivia!

    Plaza park:

    Wiley, Willow and Nina: Awww love that little Wiley ran up to his grandma and said GRANDMA! :) It's not her fault Willow. I hope Michael doesn't blame Nina. Great scene. :) Great pumpkins! :) The Tribbles are missing out on the pumpkins. :(

    Charlie's pub and restaurant aka Lenny's:

    Phyllis and Carly:

    Carly: Nina Nina Nina. Whine whine whine.

    Phyllis: OO

    Carly: Whine whine whine.

    Oh I can't WAIT until Carly sees Nina and Sonny together in a room. I really want Carly to see those pictures of them.

    The hospital:

    Sexis: SEXIS YAY! :) Great scene. :)

    Sasha's room: Brasha and Gladys: Time for that baby to pop out and be a 15 pound baby. Or maybe she is having twins. Gladys all talk talk talk and reading a magazine! ROFL!


    Waiting area:

    Gladys on the phone with Brooky: Oh oh!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: Is he going to ask her out or what? When will we find out he has autism too?

    1. Sonya, I think we should tweet Frank Valentini and ask him who kidnapped the tribbles and when they are going to be rescued. They need to be freed and come home.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, I think we should tweet Frank Valentini and ask him who kidnapped the tribbles and when they are going to be rescued. They need to be freed and come home."

      Yeah! I want them back! The Tribbles babies are gone too. Someone of the babies are on Y&R, and someone are with Oprah! Her interview with Adele!! Did you see the interview? I didn't see it, but saw the commercials! They were there on a table outside!

    3. OMG, I'm dying about the little puddle. I was surprised they even showed it, lol!!

      The Alexis and Sonny scenes were great. Loved when she scratched his belly when they said good bye!

      Looks like good old Carly gets in Willow's face tomorrow about Wiley being with grandma Nina. That should be good, she said sarcastically.

      I remember Chandler. Little Spencer used to ditch him all the time. :)

      RIP to Alice. She was a great character.

      I'm with Gary, tweet Frank, and bring the Tribbles home!!

    4. "Gary says, Sonya, I think we should tweet Frank Valentini and ask him who kidnapped the tribbles and when they are going to be rescued. They need to be freed and come home."

      Hahaha.. Okay I did it.. Your turn. :) Well, I didn't ask him who kidnapped the Tribbles and when they are going to be rescued, but I did say the only surprise I want is the Moss back in the Corinthos kitchen. When are they coming back? :) I posted that in his tweet he put on November 12th when he said Lots of great #GH laughs and surprises on an all-new episode! @GeneralHospital... :)

      "Julie H OMG, I'm dying about the little puddle. I was surprised they even showed it, lol!!"

      Hahahahahaha. Did they really expect us to take that seriously? ROFL!

      "The Alexis and Sonny scenes were great. Loved when she scratched his belly when they said good bye!"

      I always love their scenes. :)

      "Looks like good old Carly gets in Willow's face tomorrow about Wiley being with grandma Nina. That should be good, she said sarcastically."

      ROFL! None of your business Carly!

      "I remember Chandler. Little Spencer used to ditch him all the time. :)"

      Hahahaha he did. :)

      "RIP to Alice. She was a great character."

      She was!!! :(

      "I'm with Gary, tweet Frank, and bring the Tribbles home!!"

      I did it!!! Your turn!! :)

  4. Brando looked so surprised when he saw the e-mail that I was thinking maybe it was going to be twins.

    1. Big enough fake belly for twins. lol

    2. "lindie says, Big enough fake belly for twins. lol"

      Twins with a teeny tiny puddle. ROFL!

  5. Please don't pair Maxie with Austin. IMO she has no chemistry with him OR HINEY for that matter. Maxie is fun... give her someone fun or have her bring out the fun in someone else.

    1. I agree about Maxie. Not Austin or Hiney. Plus, they both delivered her babies. It's too weird.

    2. Honestly, I think Maxie has some chemistry with Dante. And if Lulu ever returns, we have a good triangle.

    3. Ya, Maxie has better chemistry with Dante and with Michael actually.

    4. I saw a spark with Michael too a while back. Dante is an idea but they failed on that front.

  6. I loved what Phyllis told Carly. I also liked the talk between Sonny and Alexis. But they need a better actor to play Wiley, STAT.

    1. I agree about the new little Wiley. He looks scared, but he was a good little hugger!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...