Friday, November 12, 2021

Gallery Goodness



FRIDAY is here! Is it a FRIDAY GH...??? Not sure. 

AT THE HOSPITAL: Maxie had to give Bobbie a ride there. She runs into Austin. Then Chase finds them and wants to question them about Louise. Maxie resists. Austin tells him to bug off. Then Austin agrees to talk to him about the night she had Louise. 

Gladys goes to visit Valentin. He butters her up. Invites her in to get info about the Brook Lynn thing. She says she can't tell him anything or someone will get hurt. She leaves. 

At the Savoy: Wow, Portia is there again! They talk about the Linc Brown thing and getting the bands. He thinks the mob wants a foothold in the joint. He will put a STOP TO THAT ASAP! :eyeroll: She leaves. Linc calls and he's going to come in and talk to Curtis. Linc then confirms that Mystery Hat Guy is the one that asked him to go to the Savoy. "I owed a favor" 

Kelly's... Sonny talks to Spencer about working. Yada yada..Sonny's proud. Spencer says a friend. talked to him and made him see he needed to be his own man. Yada yada.. Sonny says he's proud but Spencer needs to make up for all the damage he did. 

Gallery: "The Photo Ark" exhibit is tonight..Ned knows Olivia is still mad. He then goes to the Coffee Corner with Brook. They are talking about the shares. They talk about Olivia...Leo. Brook says that Olivia is probably scared (oh, see below what Robert said!! LOL) 

Gallery... Trina puts out the Photo Ark Book... Esme comes in. Disney Plus plug. Then Esme asks her what she wants from Spencer. Trina's like: NOTHING, he asked for MY advice, I gave it to him, that's it. Esme thinks Trina is trying to 'steal' Spencer. 

At the Qs...Robert is there to visit Livvy.. he says the kiss was NOT meaningless. He then says its' obvious Olivia uses him when she doesn't want to solve problems with Ned. He says he's a fantasy figure to her and larger than life. He also thinks she's not dealing with the Leo situation because she's scared. 


Ned walks in on Olivia and Robert hugging. Robert leaves. Ned gives Olivia the invite to the Gallery show

After talking to Valentin, Chase starts to put the night that Brook Lynn had her baby together with Maxie's night SHE had HER baby. 

Chase tells Brook he knows she's lying about when her baby was born

Esme leaves the gallery and is shown to have been so mad she drew blood in her palm with her nails. 

Hat Guy comes into Curtis' Club and confronts him FINALLY. 


  1. Gee....I'm now wondering if we should be worried about something happening at that gallery opening. Miss Firebug was beyond pissed. Good thing Trina doesn't have a car.

  2. The actress that plays Esme is pretty good.. I'm not rooting for her but she's fun to watch and dislike. Gladys on the other hand is annoying me.

    Poor Valentin! The heartache coming is way is so sad. Would be nice if Maxie allows him to coparent Louise.. I am not seeing any chemistry with Maxie and Austin.

    It's a good week to have Robert on our screen more than 1 day!

    1. I love the idea of Maxie coparenting with Louise. He adores that baby. He is going to be devastated when he finds out she isn't his child. At the very least she should ask him to be her Godfather.

    2. Or they make Val her grandfather...when Val gets a DNA test he will find he is not the father but the grandfather...and Peter is his son with Alex...making Peter a Cassadine and the grandson of Helena and Victor.

    3. "Michelle Steele says, Or they make Val her grandfather...when Val gets a DNA test he will find he is not the father but the grandfather...and Peter is his son with Alex...making Peter a Cassadine and the grandson of Helena and Victor."

      Ooooooo! Soapy delicious. :)

  3. The Ark Project looks interesting.
    Maxie and the pretend missing baby is so totally ridiculous.

  4. Ava's art gallery:

    Trina and Vampira: Oh Vampira! Trina can't steal your man. He can't be stolen. Your man has choices. OH MY! Bleeding on the hand time!!!! Vampira can make herself bleed and I bet she can make Trina bleed!

    Central perk:

    Ned and Brooky: I think it's time to face the fact, that my marriage is over.


    Q mansion:

    Olivia and Robert: Robert is right Olivia! Listen to him! Yes Robert you ARE a fantasy figure.. To a lot of us! :) *Drool*

    Olivia and Ned: Stop him from leaving Olivia!!! :(

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie with a side order of Chase: Why do people keep calling him Austin Gaitlen Holt? Call him Dr. Holt! Not Gaitlen Holt! Is Maxie sticking up for Pawtucket Holtster for him, or just protecting herself? Hmmmm.

    Pawtucket Holtster, Maxie, and Gladys: Maxie are you jelly that Pawtucket Holtster and Gladys are friends? :) Gladys wins the line of the day.

    Gladys: You really should try lightning up Maxie, or you are going to need a ton of Deceptions wrinkle cream.


    Gladys and V.C.: Man just ask him out already! :) V.C. very suspicious now. :) Dig a little deeper V.C.!!!!

    Chase and V.C.: Chase is so smart figuring things out! :) You two should work together to get to the truth!


    Sonny and Chad: Working will be good for Chad. He will learn a lot! And when he gets more of his money in the paycheck, that will feel good.

    Sonny, Brooky, and Gladys: Gladys is such a suck up! I'm glad Brooky sees right through her.

    The Savoy:

    Linc and Curtis:

    Linc: The mob? No. Absolutely not.

    OH! So mystery hat guy isn't in the mob? Hmmm okay.

    Mystery hat guy: LET HIM BE! You! Get lost.

    Oh my! Linc are you sure he isn't in the mob?

    Mystery hat guy: I'm the one you want my man.

    OH MY! *Grabs a seat*

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to May 2nd 2012* Carly and Connie fight!!!! I just had to watch it again. It was beautiful and still is. :)


    1. Did anybody watch big sky last night? The actor Jeff Kober who plays Cyrus was on there last night!!!! :) So surprised to see him.. He was so good wow! We see that his hair is short now on GH, it is the same on Big Sky.

    2. The Tribbles! They were on Y&R today! Or maybe it was their cousin, cus they were small.

    1. Oh wait! They are the Tribbles's babies! They were kidnapped and then brought to Y&R! :(

    2. Why do I have the feeling that Vampira is going to do something bad to the exhibit to get back at Trina? And I have been lusting after Robert since his dapper self showed up back in the Ice Princess caper. That is one fine looking man.

    3. "Gary says, Why do I have the feeling that Vampira is going to do something bad to the exhibit to get back at Trina?"

      Yeah she could very well do something! Yikes!

      "And I have been lusting after Robert since his dapper self showed up back in the Ice Princess caper. That is one fine looking man."

      Yup! I have always loved Robert. :) Always loved his accent too. :)

    4. I said that right after the show yesterday, Gary. First post. lol I felt the threat through the tv. lol

    5. "Di says, I felt the threat through the tv. lol"


  5. Robert is like Genie in my book. The best ever from GH. I am going to add Finola. She is my fave too.

    1. Got those mixed up with characters and the person but same to me.

  6. Did anyone else see Jeff Kober (Cyrus) on The Big Sky? Small part but he was very good.

  7. Whatever happened to Emma Samms coming back? I know she had long COVID but I see her online that she got married, she's doing PODCASTS etc. Anyone know?



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...