Friday, April 26, 2019

Fan Fic Friday-- The Barringtons

DelcoDave wrote 90% of this masterpiece!! ENJOY!! 

A new segment that may start (and end?) with this post. Some of you may be aware that Disney is starting a streaming service called Disney+ in the fall. While they have a wealth of product to refer back to, they will need some original programming. 
Who are we to deny them...May we present:

The great Linda Dano will play Amanda in flashbacks

The series starts with the death of matriarch, philanthropist, multi-millionaire Amanda Barrington. She is found dead in the bedroom of her mansion, presumably from natural causes. (She was 96) In weeks to come it will be revealed that her heart medication was tampered with and she died from the altered medication. She leaves behind the following individuals:

Michael Knight as Derek
Robin Christopher as Lorena
Derek (Amanda's son) - Ruthless business tycoon, always out to make a buck at any cost. He is married to Lorena Sharpe, the owner of a nation-wide chain of health spas called Avalon Spas. Unbeknownst to Lorena, Derek has been laundering money through her companies for decades. Once she finds out, she threatens Derek who in turn blackmails her by theatening to go to the IRS. Derek has been less than faithful to Lorena over the years and has flaunted his dalliances to her.

David Fumero as Mike
Real Andrews as Xavier
 Mike Webber (Amanda's grandson) - Derek's son with Ginny Blake. Although Ginny and Derek no longer speak, she will become a prominent adversary to him in the very near future. Ginny is fiercely protective of Mike. Mike is VP of Avalon Spas and engaged to Jennifer Hardy. They were to be wedded next month but they postponed the wedding due to Amanda's death. Mike is a closeted bisexual and has been in a very long affair with an african-american named Xavier. Mike is on the DL and Xavier is getting increasingly uncomfortable with sneaking around. This will not play out well as it will be exposed publicly right before the wedding. A large majority of their trysts have been at the spa behind closed doors. Were there cameras present to capture anything of importance??

Matthew Ashford as Malcolm
Michael Park as Jimmy Lee Holt 
Malcolm (Amanda's deceased son) - Long presumed to be dead, Malcolm was declared dead in a hiking accident and the body was never found. He survived and changed his name to Sawyer Denison. He left the country and started an environmental, green-friendly group called The Greenbelts with childhood friend Jimmy Lee Holt. Amanda knew about this and continued the rouse and silently funded their company. Malcolm is not materialistic at all. He returns to PC for his mother's will and surprises the family but insists that he wants only what he needs for his environmental group. Jimmy Lee is still married to Celia, with several children. It will eventually be revealed that years ago Malcom and Celia had a brief, torrid affair that resulted in a son. The child was believed to be Jimmy Lee's and raised by Celia and Jimmy Lee. Celia and Malcolm have known all along that he was really Malcolm's biological son. Like all secrets, this will eventually come out.

Gail O'Grady as Elizabeth
Elizabeth (Malcom's supposed Widow) - There was no love lost when Malcolm died. Elizabeth was already out of love with Malcolm and seeing another man. She has remarried (more than once) and will find herself conflicted when Malcolm surfaces.

Brian Gaskill as Rafe 
Noelle Beck as Allison
Allison and Rafe (Amanda's granddaughter) - Allison is Malcom and Elizabeth's daughter and is married to Rafe . The bulk of the estate, including the mansion was left to Allison. Derek is furious about this as he wanted to take the fortune and use it for his corporate raiding. Allison is very much like her father Malcolm. She is not materialistic. She is into philanthropy, General Hospital, education, assisting many charities, etc. She wants to set up foundations with the estate, but Derek will do anything to stop that.

David Tom as Sly Eckert

Sly Eckert  - After finding out about Malcolm, Derek recruited Sly to work undercover for him by getting a job with Malcolm's group The Greenbelts. It was easy for Sly to get a job with Malcolm as his Aunt, Jenny Eckert (formerly Hornsby) was employed by The Greenbelts in 1991 when Jimmy Lee hired her to protest the SS Tracy. Malcolm welcomed him aboard immediately and has continued to relay information to Derek.

Image result for jenny eckert gh

Jenny Eckart, played by the awesome Cady McCain will return to cause trouble for everyone. She's got years of pent up rage behind her and she's not afraid to show it. 


There will be no crossovers from the current cast of General Hospital. Prominent families from GH past and present should have their extended families be a part of this show along with long dormant characters. The locations (the hospital, bars, restaurants, etc.) will crossover, but the cast will not.

Most episodes directed by: Kimbery McCollough 

Show will be one hour a week, added to a streaming service. 

PS. No Vampires were harmed in the making of this Fan Fiction. (Much to Wubsie's chagrin but please look for her new series  "Teeth" to be added soon.  It will be the spin off of Caleb-Livvy days at Port Charles. 


  1. Oh I love this and would 100% watch. Alison and Rafe were two of my favs, only please please keep Erin Hershey Presley in the role. She's the perfect blend of sweet, sass, and ditzy. And Brian still my heart... :) Can the two of them be the one stable, solid couple on this show?

  2. I would watch too. Sounds awesome

  3. When does Jax come back? Must be soon

  4. Jax is supposed to appear the first few days in May.

  5. I think Oscar dies next week, so probably then?

  6. OMG, just started watching, new set? Sonny and Carly's kitchen? And, poor Oscar, it is NOT fun watching someone die, even if it is on TV, it is NOT entertaining. I was thinking maybe he should be getting hospice care, but, of, course, Kim and Monica are doctors. But, no mention of giving him pain medications . . .

    And I guess that Lulu was in Paris when Notre-Dame burned? . . . Really, she is back so soon, what was the point of sending her to Paris?

    1. "AntJoan OMG, just started watching, new set? Sonny and Carly's kitchen?"

      I KNOW RIGHT?!?!!?! They should show that beautiful new set more often!!!!!!

  7. I did not know that Sasha was working for Nina again. And WHY would Michael sit there with Carly and sneeze all over her when she is pregnant?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. The same with Sasha. Why would she go to work and sneeze all over the place. It was gross. Turning her head (or his in Micheal's case, won't stop them from breathing in those germs. It all goes into the same air. (It's like telling a kid to only pee in the shallow end of the pool and everyone else will be fine.)

  8. I love carly and sonny's kitchen

  9. Love the fan fic!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I hope you don't stop doing it!!!!! :) I used to have a massive crush on David Tom!!! :)

    Now onto the show!!!


    Nina, Maxie, and Sasha: RA RO! Sasha is sick as a dog!!! She must have the flu!!!! Nina is still mad angry at Hiney and won't forgive him! ROFL! Maxie looking for something to wear for her date with Hiney. Nina what the hell are you wearing? Burn it!

    Carson home: HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR KITCHEN!!!!!! I am in love with their kitchen! It's so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carson: They are skeered for the baybay! LOOK AT THEIR KITCHEN!!!!!

    Carson and Michael: RA RO! Michael is sick as a dog!!! He must have the flu too! WILL YOU JUST LOOK AT THEIR BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN!!!!

    Carson and Avery: Awww Avery overheard Carson talking about the baybay. So, they had to tell her. :) Now stop talking and let me see your kitchen!!!! They need to show it more often!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu and Hiney: Uh okay. Lulu is back. Is she back for good or is she leaving again? She seems refreshed and okay! Love their scene. :)

    Maxie and Hiney: Oh they aren't going on their date.. Well good!


    Finchy and Robert: Damn Finchy! What the hell is wrong with you? You keep thinking you lost the damn ring! Oh now you are giving it to Robert! Oh sure! Let's play hot potato with the ring!!!

    Finchy, Robert and Anna: Oops Anna comes out talking to Robin on the phone, so of course Robert can't sneak in the ring to Finchy.

    Robert and Anna: More reminiscing!!!!!!!!!!! GET BACK TOGETHER ALREADY GAH!!!! I WANT RANNA!!!!

    Robert: Hmmmm he keeps looking at the ring.. Jelly Robert? JUST TELL ANNA HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Silas and Nina: Er I mean Finchy and Nina. Nina had to tell him about Sasha being so sick.

    Sasha's private room:

    Nina and Michael: Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: You should get in there before she goes to sleep.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! And then she pushes him into the room! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She really likes Michael for Sasha! Yuck, but funny. :)

    Michael and Sasha: Poor Sasha has a fever..

    Sasha: Nina. I wish you were my real mother.


    Q home: As Karen would say, Oscar death watch 2019!!! He is dying slowly. He wants to go on Jason's motorcycle!!!!! Julian wants to see Uncle Leo! Well hello Olivia's dress and her cupcakes. :) Oscar wants to make a goodbye death video to Joss so he needs Cam's help. Oscar wants to talk to Jason alone! He wants Jason and Drew to have brotherly bond!

    Sidenote: CARSON'S DAMN BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sonya, you did see that I was FIRST to notice the kitchen, right? And, like you, I have a severe case of kitchen envy . . .

    2. AntJoan hahaha yes I did notice. :) Instead of talking in the living room, they should be talking in the kitchen!!! :)

    3. I also took notice AntJoan and I couldn't agree more - beautiful kitchen

  10. OMG, I LOVE that kitchen too. I want it. So clean too. LOL
    I think there is going to be some virus going around. Carly will get sick, and maybe Sasha's real paternity will be revealed because of this. They never show people with the "flu" or anything on soaps unless there is an ulterior motive. Robert is so jealous. They need to keep him on the show and get those 2 back together. He lights up every scene. AND, I meant to say before, give him some scenes with Mac. That is his brother and they did become close. At least humor us and show them for 2 seconds. A nice long scene would be better, but even a Mac mention.

  11. P.S. Give Anna a job. She is supposed to be a WSB consultant or something and doesn't seem to even work.

  12. Yes, people never are sick on GH unless they are dying (or it somehow furthers some plot). When Sasha and Michael got sick I figured some horrible plague is going around, because, if she gave it to him, or he gave it to her, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE COME DOWN WITH IT AT THE SAME TIME!! It takes a while to incubate something.

    I think that Robert took/kept the ring on purpose, I think he IS jealous, and doesn't want Finn to propose.

  13. Yup, Robert is jealous. He didn't answer Finns text either



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...