Wednesday, December 12, 2018

GH Fantasy Couples

Shall We play a Game? 

Here is the way it works. Pick 2 GH characters (or 3, a triangle could be fun...) from any era of the show and pair them together. And tell why. It doesn't necessarily have to be a hot romantic pairing. It could be for other reasons people get together and are paired up, maybe for evil instead of good? 

The characters can cross the spectrum. For example, you can have Diana Taylor with Chase or Griffin. Probably not plausible, if you ask me, but just an example.

Here goes (NOTE: Dave and I both worked on these!!) 

Jax and Holly
Back in the day when Jax first came on the scene and Ingo was younger, I thought a May-December romance with Holly would work. They could have rounded up accomplices like the Oceans movies and pulled off capers together. Today, it would have been really great to see them rob the Jerome Gallery blind, just like the Oceans movies. I think their romance would be limited to a one night stand during one of their heists, but they would have a long standing friendship and help each other with their escapades. Holly could have been a nice diversion for him with his corporate takeovers, etc.

Related image

Helena and Curtis? 
Think about it.. he'd be a GREAT sexy villain to pair with her. He could be working her for all her money (and the Faberge Eggs)--plus duping Jordan at the same time! 

Logan Hayes and Lulu
Logan Hayes and Lulu. Ok, this really happened. Sort of. Then they killed the guy off. Why? Why did they do this? You have two enemies in Luke and Scott who loathe each other, both pining for the same woman, and then their children hook up. I mean, this is soap glory. What happened? Plus, he would be Franco and Serena's brother. History there. I have to assume something happened behind the scenes because this sounded like gold on paper, especially between Luke and Scott trying hard to break these two up. Plus, there names started with the letter "L". That right there says it.  NOTE FROM WUBSY: I'm taking ownership of this by making Lulu Julie Berman again! 

Georgie and Chase
Georgie Jones and Chase. C'mon, how adorable would these two be together? It's like an episode of Full House. This is a big grand pull-out-all-stops soap wedding waiting to happen. Both characters have hearts of gold and I can definitely see the two of them in a very romantic courtship.

Alkazar and Ava 
Nothing would be better than two baddies who look and smolder like they do teaming up to take down Port Charles.  Ted King and Maura West? Yes please!!  DOUBLE A's all the way. 

Michael and Faith Roscoe 

This is a REAL fantasy. Remember Faith? She could totally "Dorian" Michael and seduce him. Sonny seeing those two together? And Michael being groomed by her?? OH MY!! 

Helena and Edward
 I always wondered about this. It would have been great in the 2000s if these two would have gotten together (finding out they actually had a torrid affair in Monaco in the 60s) and the Qs and the Cassaindes merged into one big giant cluster Fk LOL.  Between financing medical experiments and hating most of the town it would have been a win-win.

Serena Baldwin and Kristina Davis and Valerie Spencer: 

Why? Because it hooks three families together and GOD KNOWS We all want Serena back.  And FUN!! 

Please add yours, it's not fun unless others contribute!! Thanks and see you tomorrow--I HOPE! 


  1. I know we didnt add it at the bottom, but this is also the blog for the day so whatever happened on the show, please also comment and let us know what is going on. I trust that everyone knew that already, but still...

    (Sonya recap...)

    Thanks everyone!

  2. "delcodave said...I know we didnt add it at the bottom, but this is also the blog for the day so whatever happened on the show, please also comment and let us know what is going on. I trust that everyone knew that already, but still..."

    Yeah I realized it is the blog for the day, cus it's 5:47 and Karen didn't put up a new one! :)

    "(Sonya recap...)"

    Aye Aye Co-Captain! :)

    Metrocourt elevator:

    Anna and Finchy: UGH! They talk about how they wuv each other. When is RayRay coming?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Maxie and Hiney: Having breakfast! Talking about the almost kissy poo! Maxie wants to press the reset button..

    Anna and Hiney: Awww she is talking to her rewrite son about Dr. O. :)


    Nina and Sasha: Oh my gosh Sasha!!! Just leave town already and stop talking about it! And don't be calling her mom you fake bitch! Oh and stop encouraging Nina to get back together with V.C.!!!!

    Sonny and Spencer: This was a great scene!!!!!! You gotta see this! Spencer talks to him about the election tampering!!! Sonny is so good with him!!!!! Spencer wins the line of the day.

    Spencer: I have heat on me.

    ROFL! Spencer wants Sonny to get rid of V.C.!

    Sonny: Taking another person's life is wrong.


    Sonny: I want better for you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Spencer: I love you.

    Sonny: I love you too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    The hospital:

    Carly and Ryan:

    Ryan: Carly! Stop talking!


    Ryan: Has she done horrible things? Yes. Have you done horrible things? Oh yes! Have I? Well we all find reasons to justify our actions. But noone is all good or all bad. Not even Ava.

    Ryan just goes on and on!! WOW!!! She is so right about Carly! GO RYAN! YOU TELL HER!!! Of course Carly doesn't answer his question! :)

    Ava's home:

    Ava and Laura: Laura brought flowers.. Are they poisonous? Ava is defensive. Laura sees Ryan's tie. She warns Ava that Ryan has changed.

    Rava: Is he going to want some bed fun? Ava walks away and Ryan says,

    Ryan: Oh you won't pay for it Ava! Carly will!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Can't wait to see what Ryan does! :)

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Finchy: Bro bro bonding. :) Chase offers him leftover food from his date!!! Yum! I am waiting for my invitation!!!

    Chase and Griffin: Awwww Griffin is all drunk and sad. Hmmmm a new bromance? Chiffin?

    Chase, Finchy and Griffin: Great scene!!!!! Finchy understands what Griffin is feeling, since his wife died. He is there for Griffin. Chase is drinking OJ and offered a glass to Griffin. He declined.. He is leaving. Finchy got a car for him. Hmmm uber? Lyft? Griffin is going to the hospital. Chase wonders why Finchy didn't go with him. Finchy has got someone else in mind and texts the person.

    Hospital part 2:

    Griffin and Anna: Ahhh. Finchy texted Anna! Anna is there for a sad sad sad Griffin.

    Carly and Laura: Ohhhh I hope they join the crime fighting superheros agency and find out about Ryan and take him down! :)

    Police station:

    Dr. O and V.C.: Dr. O knows all and sees all!!! She saw V.C. take DNA out of Madaline during her funeral service! And now the fun starts with blackmail!!!! Free me or I tell all! :) GO DR.O!!! :)

  3. sonya said....Sonny and Spencer: This was a great scene!!!!!! You gotta see this! Spencer talks to him about the election tampering!!! Sonny is so good with him!!!!!

    *** I absolutely loved that scene. Spencer needs a strong male role model and I'm glad Sonny acted as that for him today.

    I also can't wait to see what Ryan does with regards to Carly.

    I loved the scenes with Griffin and Chase and Finchy. And also the scenes with Carly and Laura at the end. I want to see them take Ryan down.

  4. I was so cheering Ryan on when he was yelling at Carly! As far as Fantasy couple goes my vote is for: maybe Skye and Franco (only if they were both giving in to their "bad" selves!)

  5. Would have been fun if Luke and Helena really hooked up. They were always weird and "kinky" with each other

  6. I want to see Carly, Laura and Felicia go "bad ass" on Ryan. Would be SO GREAT

  7. Sonya, I am adding the line of the day for today. Dr. O: What can I say, I'm a champion multitasker!!

  8. "Di said...I absolutely loved that scene. Spencer needs a strong male role model and I'm glad Sonny acted as that for him today."

    Yes!! Spencer does need a strong male role model! I'm glad Sonny was it today for Spencer today too.

    "lindie said... Would have been fun if Luke and Helena really hooked up. They were always weird and "kinky" with each other"

    I was planning on say Luke and Helena too!!! Yes they always flirted! :)

    "AntJoan said...Sonya, I am adding the line of the day for today. Dr. O: What can I say, I'm a champion multitasker!!"

    Hahaha yes!!! Her line was great too!! She always has great lines. :) I want her to stay on GH!!!

  9. Yes, I LOVE Dr. O, I also love her daughter! They are great actresses, and add needed humor to the show.

    Sonny is great with kids, I think that is genuine because Maurice probably is great with them also. I think he has 3, and then adopted his nieces/nephews. He and Paula have a very long, and what seems like a wonderful marriage. At one of the events I went to, his whole family was sitting at the table next to ours. As it was dark at the place (plus I don't really know what they look like), we didn't realize that they were his family until he met them after the show, when we all went to take pictures.

  10. Yesterday was so good. I was applauding Doc Ryan when he yelled "Carly stop talking!" I'm telling you, angels were singing in heaven when he said that! No one knows how many times I say that to my TV when she's on. LOL!

    The Sonny and Spencer scenes were excellent. A little hypocrisy going on, but Sonny said and did exactly what he should have with Spencer. They are so good together!

    Doctor O is the best. A nut job sometimes, but the best!

    Another excellent scene was Laura and Ava. They both hit all the right notes for me.

    And my dear Sonya, great re-cap as always, but just a big fat no to RayRay coming back. Blech. :)

  11. I forgot to say, I loved the fantasy pairings that were on the blog. I would have loved Holly and Jax. Just think of all the good stories that could have happened.

    I always wanted Robin and Nicholas to get together. GH touched on it back when Robin and Jason were just starting. She was helping Nicholas after he was injured by a bomb. Then again a decade later when she and Nicholas were pretending to be a thing for some nefarious reason. A Cassadine/Scorpio match would have made for some great scenes with Helena and Anna/Robert, and Luke, too. And I just always liked them, plus they both were very pretty together. LOL!

  12. Yes, ROBIN and Nicholas!!! :) I remember them! He also helped her with her French??

  13. "Julie H said...Yesterday was so good. I was applauding Doc Ryan when he yelled "Carly stop talking!" I'm telling you, angels were singing in heaven when he said that! No one knows how many times I say that to my TV when she's on. LOL!"

    Hahahaha! It was glorious!!! Yeah I have said shut up Carly before hahahaha!

    "And my dear Sonya, great re-cap as always,"

    Thanks! :)

    "but just a big fat no to RayRay coming 'back. Blech. :)"

    ROFL! Sorry. :)

  14. My fantasy couple would be Chase and Nathan for pretty obvious reasons, and both great looking.

  15. YES Karen! Nicholas did help Robin with French. It's all coming back to me now. :)

  16. I pick a hot steamy romance with Ava Jerome and Faith Roscoe!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...