Saturday, December 22, 2018


It was the 55th year for General Hospital and it was filled with ups and downs for the show. As I look back, it was mostly ups --with a few downs that still manage to haunt the story lines. 

Without further ado: Here are  the 2018 WUB AWARDS. 

BEST ACTRESS:  Maura West. Who brings it every damn time they are on screen? Ava is one of the most multi-dimensional characters on GH, mostly due to Maura's incredible range. Even a look can wither someone. Her turn as Griffin's "girl" into spurned women into mourning mother was fascinating to watch.  All the Emmys better go to her. 

BEST ACTOR:   Jon Linstrom. What can I say? For those of you that have only known him as stable "Kevin" you were in for a shock.  For those of us that knew Ryan from long ago could feel the chills rise as he crept back into Port Charles. This was one character I'm so glad rose from the dead. 

BEST YOUNGER ACTOR:  Eden McCoy. She basically saved the story of Oscar--because she carried it. Eden is also flawless as Carly's daughter; bratty, kind and typical teen.  Really liked seeing her grow this year.  

BEST PAIRING:  Franco and Scotty. Yep, I didn't even pick a couple this year because these two are a joy to see whenever they are on screen. They usually eat as well, double bonus for me.  

BEST STORY:  Ryan's Back. See above. Plus the fact that it really brings in the history of Port Charles. Yes, I realize Felicia and Mac need to be on more but talk to management about that. I did love the touch that when Ryan found out Felicia was a grandmother he blanched and basically backed away! He and Ava are perfection. His evil manipulating her darker side? Love it. 

Runner Up: Mike's Alzheimer's. This would have been a tie for best story if it wasn't for one pesky part: CROTON.  Dear lord, why did it have to be tied to an old mob story??! If it had started that way; with Mike slipping about Sonny's past which then led Sonny to realize ol' Dad was going down the dementia path it may have worked. Putting it in the middle of such a poignant story just made it bumpy.  I have to say giant kudos to Maurice and Max for their work on this; loved them together.

BEST USE OF HISTORY STORY: Nelle's whole pregnancy. It was so much Carly, she even fell down the same stairs!!  When the actress left, we got treated to a mega old-fashioned baby switch story that had her walking out of the woods like some Mad Madonna. Brucas got a short re-boot and there's still the mystery of the dead adoptive baby's mama to be solved.  It gave us Ava feeling sorry for Carly. It also gave us Carly in Ferncliff.  Also: A penguin mobile! 

WUBS FAVE STORY: Aiden's bullying story. I liked all of it-- the potential that Charlotte will be a true Cassadine Bad-Seed makes me giddy. These little actors are good-- a must because kids can make or break a story like this. Willow was introduced and that actually dovetailed a story that was relevant. The Valentin/Lulu/Nina parenting triangle is true to life and Laura's involved as well. I also think there's potential that all this "different" talk may lead to more stories that are interesting. I have to also note that I am one of the few out there that do like stories involving kids so I get if this isn't your cup o' tea. 

SOAPIEST STORY:  Another baby-switch you say?? Well, this was brilliant in design because Nelle is absolutely unattached to her own kid. Usually, it's a woman that pines away and ends up stealing a baby or switching it for some nefarious reason. Nope. She walked out of those woods and handed him to Brad. Having Dr. O attend to her was also great because we have that potential anvil to drop anytime she so chooses. We now know Willow is the baby mama--of the baby that died, but she's going to think it's Wiley. More tangled webs! 

: Thank you TO THE GODDESS OF SOAPS-- we aged Cameron, and after a recast, it worked out great. He and Joss are perfect together and I hope he keeps his edge and they aren't TOO cute. 

FAVE CAMEO COME-BACK: Britch! Britt did a heck of a turn as the rib eating, flu-getting rat that outted her mama. I wish she could have stayed. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOST: Vissy..I love these two and have shipped them since the Nurses' Ball two years ago. 

GOUGE MY EYES OUT STORY:   Anything Peter. Why would Anna sleep with a drunken Faison (so drunk he didn't recognize her) --not use protection and give away her son? Who knows!!? Peter was just not a well conceived character from the get-go. Tying him to a bed all summer wasn't keeping out interest either.  GH has had so many "long lost and I didn't know I had them" kids that it was bound to be a disaster. 

 Runner up: Nina's kid. Unless that kid was Kiki--and it set Nina and Ava up for an epic battle-- we don't care. 

MOST BUNGLED STORY:  JaSam/Dream...and Drew's Memories. what should have been a huge reuniting of Jason and Sam--OR a huge dismissal of them in favor of Dream was just...nothing. All three are walking around not doing very much. Drew's memories are on some flash drive and it's gone on so long you may as well erase them. I was hopeful the whole Kim/Oscar thing would drag his past out but. Clunk. (Awesome image: TVOvermind) Photo credit: @AbsoluteLuanti6 

OVER-USED WORD OF THE YEAR:  Croton. Please. No more. 

BIGGEST WHO-KNEW:  ELQ grows...giant pumpkins????

FAVE PROP:  "Helena" in the Escape Room. I loved those escape rooms!!!  Even the slacker kid working the desk was fun. 

BEST SURPRISE PROP:  Mary Pat's Head which I thought was her in there but nope!! Total mask made by props!! 

RUNNER UP: Faison's Brain in a Jar. If Faison was going to die, at least we got to keep his brain! 

STUPIDEST DECISION BY TPTB THEN BEST DECISION BY TPTB: Believe it or not it was just last January when Genie was let go from the show--and uproar was caused. Why? The management wanted her as "recurring" and she wanted a contract. Lo and Behold-- when the Kevin/Ryan story was started Genie was brought back and I'm assuming her demands met. Well played girl, well played. 

EVEN THE WRITERS HATED IT:  The whole Kentucky Fried Chicken thing. Now, it was fun for about 3 minutes--then.. embarrassing. 



BEST FUNERAL: Nathan--Dante did a great job with that and I loved the editing. 
CUTEST COUPLE:  FAnna  I really loved Finola and Michael's take on their relationship
WE DIDN'T NEED: Anything Cassandra 
THING I REALIZED I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT DOING THIS BLOG: The Earthquake!! Wow, totally forgot about it. 

My year: We got our new doggy, Tillie who's been a delight and energy joy! Also made it to Australia and have a fabulous time. I also gave up some of the blog for the first time in 19 years to a co-editor, Dave --and I've never regretted it! He has some of the best ideas out there and even edits now and again. Thank you to all of you as well for reading this mess every week. Heree's hoping 2019 is full of Ryan killings and crazy stuff I love. 

COMING SOON: Dave's Magic GH 8 Ball Predictions and WUBS POP Awards 2018


  1. OK, this is not Sunday Surgery, so I'll say it--I'm the first to comment!

    Thanks soooo much for this labor of love, ITA with all that you said!

  2. Thanks so much for this wonderful read. ITA with your choices too.

  3. Thanks for writing this. Fun stuff

  4. Really a fun blog today. Although, I enjoy them all... Happy new year, Karen!!

  5. I don't watch the show at all anymore, but I follow your recaps on Twitter at work during my lunch day and I read your blog everyday. I feel so connected to the last remaining ABC show...all of which I'd watched off and on since I was 8 yrs old. Thanks for all you do to entertain us and keep us connected. And thanks for sharing your adorable bundle of Tillie Joy!!!! Love her. Happy holidays to all of you!

  6. Thank you ,Karen,for the great blog,today& every day & really mean it.Enjoy the holiday & Happy New Year;hope you have some time off to relax,recharge & regroup.
    On another note,I read that Ingo Rademacher decided to leave Bold&Beautiful,so hopefully Jax will return to GH(fingers crossed).Joss needs her daddy .

  7. Karen-Thank you for being you. Your blog is my daily go-to. And to everyone else in here... You are the best too! Please keep your comments coming in 2019.

  8. I agree totally with your choices and your dog is adorable.

  9. "It was the 55th year for General Hospital and it was filled with ups and downs for the show. As I look back, it was mostly ups --with a few downs that still manage to haunt the story lines."

    And haunt your dreams too? :)

    "LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOST: Vissy..I love these two and have shipped them since the Nurses' Ball two years ago."

    I AGREE!!!!! And I have been wanting them together too since the nurses ball 2 years ago! :) I agree with everything you said, well except Fanna. Hate them together. I want RayRay back. TILLIE!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    "EVEN THE WRITERS HATED IT: The whole Kentucky Fried Chicken thing. Now, it was fun for about 3 minutes--then.. embarrassing."

    ROFL! They did not hate it. :) Does Maxie still have that recipe? Is she still hiding it?

    "I also gave up some of the blog for the first time in 19 years to a co-editor, Dave --and I've never regretted it! He has some of the best ideas out there and even edits now and again."

    Dave you are awesome thank you!!! :) Karen you are awesome too!!!!! Thank you!

    "COMING SOON: Dave's Magic GH 8 Ball Predictions and WUBS POP Awards 2018"

    YAY! :)

  10. "Shelley D. said...I read that Ingo Rademacher decided to leave Bold&Beautiful,"

    Whoa really?! I wonder how they are going to write him off!!! His character just got married and has a family!!

    "so hopefully Jax will return to GH(fingers crossed).Joss needs her daddy ."

    She does! She really does!!!!!

  11. Loved your choices and always enjoy and look forward to SS-you do a fabulous job! And thanks to Dave for the assists this year! Happy holidays to all!

  12. I think Franco's childhood abuse story was on e of the best of the year.
    It addressed an important issue--the acting was awesome from Franco to Jim Harvey & Drew woke up and actually acted. It advanced the story in a lot of ways, and explained back story as well.

    However, as well told as it was, the show didn't take advantage of it--didn't do any PSAs.

    While the #MeToo was a great concept--I think it was too choppily told. The pacing was awful & TJ should have been involved to show Kiki's favored treatment hurt him.

  13. I have glanced at your blog every so often. You make no attempt to hide your dislike of Peter August or even Wes Ramsey. However I am a very big fan of Peter August and Wes Ramsey. I am also a fan of Anna Devane and Finola Hughes. I think that the growing relationship between Anna and Peter will prove to be a good thing. Anna made a mistake when she went too far to get information from Cesar Faison as played by Anders Hove. However it takes a great deal of courage in my opinion to carry and give birth to a child when the father is not someone you love. Anna tried to do the right thing by Peter and I am glad that Peter has begun to want to make a connection to Anna. Peter is trying to make things right especially when he let Liesl Obrecht as played by Kathleen Gati go free. He did it for Maxie Jones as played by Kirsten Storms. I have watched General Hospital ever since the early 1980s. I am looking forward to seeing what will happen for Peter and Anna. I am also looking forward to seeing more with Peter and Maxie. I hope that at some point you and others who do not like Peter might see fit to give him a chance. Wes Ramsey is a talented actor who would stand on his own with or with out his significant other Laura Wright who playes Carly Corinthos. I know that most know the characters and the actors who play them but I just felt like both should be included in my message.

  14. I don't want Valerie and Kristina together. So you don't want to take the time to find Valerie a guy or put her with a guy so you make her a queer and think no one will notice it. I think the show should try Valerie with either Chase or Griffin. I don't understand why Valerie can't part of a storyline I guess turning Valerie into to a gueer will make up for not knowing what to do with her. These writers so lazy it's not even funny.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...