Monday, December 24, 2018

Old GH on Christmas Eve

Guza and Pratt wrote this. 2005.

SO I saw part of it and Damn, but Becky Herbst doesn't age or what?? Ingo either!! 

Courtney and Jax  LOL.. So many people hated Court. She's pregnant with Jax's baby but it' really Nikolas. 

Lainey!! Her dad had Alzheimers... wow. Lainey, TOTALLY forgot about her!! 

Opie Michael is on ..and Morgan is tiny!! Just a baby. Carly is alone with them and Sonny is with EMILY Q. Gross. I hated that story. 

Georgie and LUCAS!! And Maxie

END was Audry, Steve...bunch of other people including Ned and Brooklyn.  Cute to watch if you want nostalgia. The pacing is about the same as today's shows. 



  1. becky herbst is gorgeous. only 2 women I liked with sonny, alexis and emily.

  2. L&L 2 home:

    L&L 2 SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! My L&L 2!!! :) Cam in sleeping? Oh rats. :)


    Lainey, Justus, and Lainy's dad: Oh that's right!!! Lainey's father had Alzheimer's!!! I forgot! Justus was all jelly before he found out that guy was her dad hahahaha!

    Crazytown: I forgot what this place was called.

    Doctor, Emily, and Carly: Well, at least Emily was on Carly's side. :)

    Kung Foo Barbie's home:

    Kung Foo Barbie and Jax: UGH! Kung Foo Barbie!!!!!! Jax was drunk oh that's right!!! Kung FOO Barbie got the preggers!!! Sorry Jax, Spencer is NOT yours!!! He is Nik's!!! I hated her with Jax so much!!!

    Kung Foo Barbie and Nik: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Love her with Nik! They had some hot chemistry! And she didn't act stupid with him, like she did with Jason and Jax! Awww but did she really have to talk to Nik like that in front of Jax? You are hurting him you idiot!!!! Can't you just go to your bedroom?!!?! GAH! My poor Jax. :(

    The hospital: AUDREY!!!!!! :)

    Alexis, Sam, and Sonny: And of course Sam and Sonny had to gang up on her. SHUT UP YOU TWO! Manny Ruiz! ROFL! Of course she is defending him. She is a lawyer! ROFL!

    Jasam: Oh yes! I remember that huge bandage on Jason's head! The bandage that just wouldn't go away! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Ric, Alexis, Krissy, and Baby Molly: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! My Ric and Alexis! Awwwwwwwwww baby Molly!!!!! :)

    Sonny and Krissy:

    Krissy: I love you daddy.

    Sonny: I love you too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Scrubs: Man I hated Patrick's hair back then! He needed to fix that head of hair bad!

    Patrick and Noah: NOAH!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) Noah the drunk though. :(

    Original Lulu, Original Dylan, Lucas, Maxie and Georgie: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)

    Mac and temporary recast Felicia: I forgot what happened with Kristina Wagner.

    Q family: NED! BROOKLYNN!!! ALAN!!!!!! TRACY!!!!! Tracy and Monica scene when Tracy gave her a Christmas gift hahahaha. Wrong actor to play Edward. Loved him on Beverly Hills 90210 but he doesn't fit as Edward. He should have played Alan's brother or cousin!

    Carly's home:

    Carly, little Michael and even littler Morgan: Oh look! It's Margoo Mother's house. :) Awww great scene. Hi Max!!! Awww a tree. :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Emily: *Throws up in bag* Yuck! Hated them together!!!! No chemistry.

  3. I hope Hulu or my ABC airs it! Sounds good!! Yes Karen I too hated Emily and Sonny together, ugh....maybe because Am Tam used to play her or because i just couldn't get used to Natalia in the role?
    Can't wait to see what they air for New Yrs 😁

  4. "Michelle Latta said...I too hated Emily and Sonny together, ugh....maybe because Am Tam used to play her or because i just couldn't get used to Natalia in the role?"

    It's a little bit of both with me! Along with them not having chemistry.

    "Can't wait to see what they air for New Yrs 😁"

    Hahaha. Well it's December 31 1997. I saw a clip on youtube. Baby Michael is born. :)

  5. Yeah the old opening!!!! Dahmmmmnnn Sam wore color and was a bit chubs in the face!

  6. Sam wore COLOR and spoke loud! Kristina was cute! Morgan was cute and Alan yeah! Miss my GH. So cool that the sick kids were played by the actors kids.

  7. "Michelle Latta said...So cool that the sick kids were played by the actors kids."

    They did!?!??! Awww! Awesome!!!

  8. I read that Emma Scorpio-Drake would celebrate Christmas with Anna, but she wasn't there. Anyone know if she is going to show?

  9. Becky H. hasn’t aged one bit-Ingo has if you have seen him on B&B. All of the cast looked so gorgeous. Two of the worst actresses ever-Courtney & NuEmily. Lulu looked so young as well as Maxie. Miss Patrick and Rick. And Tracy! Real Christmas show!

  10. I don't think Alexis has aged much, either.

  11. There are so many gorgeous 50- and 60-something actresses on GH, they even age gorgeously!!

  12. Went to watch yesterday's GH & my DVR didn't record it;too bad since I was looking forward to seeing the show& how everyone looked.
    Then tried On Demand& it's too early for Spectrum;takes a few days to post it.Anyone else have this issue?

    1. Try hulu or
      I have both apps on my firestick and can view it after 7. Sucks to wait but at least you get to watch still.

  13. The women on the show have aged well - Sonny not so much.Have to be politically correct on shows now so no more Bible reading.Looked like Michael had red hair when he was younger.The guy with Elizabeth looked like an all brawn no brains dude.Nicholas - glad you lost the mustache - come back to the show, we know you didn't die.Glad they got rid of that massive "4" on the elevator door - the hospital sets look more realistic now unlike the police station where anyone can walk around anywhere without question.

  14. "Shelley D. said...Went to watch yesterday's GH & my DVR didn't record it;too bad since I was looking forward to seeing the show& how everyone looked.
    Then tried On Demand& it's too early for Spectrum;takes a few days to post it."

    Just go on this website to watch GH. Click on the watch it now button.

  15. My DVR is set to record "new" shows only, so I had to go in an manually set it to tape Monday's "old" show. Will have to do that same things for next week....

    Gambilly33, that guy with Elizabeth was Lucky.

  16. I liked the Jonathan Jackson portrayal of "Lucky." I liked him on Nashville but they gave him the girly name Avery just like Ava's daughter. I'd like him to come back to GH.He could give Franco a hard time I'm sure.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...