Monday, December 17, 2018


Oscar in the hospital REALLY needs to get looking like he's sick. Right now, they made his lips a bit white.

Franco finds out from Joss that there's no bake sale. She takes a brownie into Oscar. Cameron finds out where she got it. LOL Busted. Franco calls the Drama Department!!  Cam tries to cover up, then runs out to meet the dealer and forgets his phone. Franco reads it. Whoops. Pot emojis all over the place. 

Marcus sees Mike kissing his wife. He goes after him. They almost fight. Yvonne says she and Mike are 'going steady' and she has a bracelet on from him. It's the bracelet the facility uses to track the patients. Mike doesn't think she's married (neither does she). They go back and forth.  OMG, then Mike and Yvonne are missing later-- and Yvonne took off her GPS bracelet!! ahahaaa!! 

Charlotte goes to apologize to Aiden. Liz is stunned. She gets Aiden. Charlotte apologizes and says a bunch of nice things to Aiden.  He says "It's ok"... and she says "Is that all you have to say"?? (I would have hauled off and taken her outside at that point). Liz basically makes Aiden say he accepts her apology. Charlotte says "Will Papa be proud of me now". All the ladies tell her how brave she was and how wonderful for her to apologize. That's a bunch of bull--you don't reward kids for doing the right thing, especially after she bullied the hell out of Aiden!! I didn't like the way they wrote that scene at all.  THEN, Laura and Lulu take Charlotte out for ICE CREAM?? "Don't you feel better now that you apologized"?? Then she says other kids bully him too. Cut to Aiden playing a game on the PC and it's hacked to say "You're a loser Aiden".

Danny asks Jason why they need to donate if Santa brings kids toys. Um, he looks like he's Joss and Aiden's age.
They go to the PH. Sam shows Jason the obit that was sent to her in the mail. They talk. Later, Jason has a flashback of an old Christmas.
Danny made a stocking for Jason that said "Daddy". 


  1. the only father danny knows is drew. the accepting of jason and playing matchmaker is ridiculous. and for toppers jason will now raise scout. terrible. plus the actor playing danny not very good. especially compared to aiden. oh jason you have another son, we know you forgot. and charlotte storyline terrible along with the women.

  2. The hospital:

    Oscar's room:

    Cam, Oscar, and Joss: Boy! Cam is very nervous when Joss gives Oscar the brownie! So Cam DID get the drugs? Who gave it to him? I'm so confused.

    "Karen says, Oscar in the hospital REALLY needs to get looking like he's sick. Right now, they made his lips a bit white."

    ROFL! Yeah they gotta make him look more sicker! :)

    Nurses station:

    BobTodd and Cam: Cam is so nervous hahahaha. Where are you off to Cam? ROFL! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!


    Friz home:

    Aidan, Charlie, Lulu, Liz, and Laura: Well, I'm glad Nina wasn't there! Oh come on!!!! Charlie wasn't sincere!!!! I can't believe nobody noticed!!!

    Aidan and Liz: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Great scene!!! She squeezed too hard! ROFL!

    Aidan: WHAT THE?!?!?!?! Who wrote my Aidan is a loser??? Tell your mommy Aidan!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Charlie, Lulu, and Laura: How do you feel?!?!?! Laura shut up!!!! SHE was the one who bullied!!! She wasn't bullied!!!! Oh what so that is the reason Laura asked that question? So that Charlie can say that other people bully Aidan too? Come on! There were other ways for her to bring that up!!! UGH!

    The care facility: Oh boy!!!! Why doesn't Marcus just take his wife out of the facility and take her to another one? Mike is NOT manipulating!! Oh oh Mike and Yvonne are missing! Maybe they went to his room to have all the sex! :)

    "Karen says OMG, then Mike and Yvonne are missing later-- and Yvonne took off her GPS bracelet!! ahahaaa!!"

    A GPS bracelet!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Sam's home:

    Jasam: What does Jason want for Christmas? To make the wuv to you Sam! DUH! Man she is all flirty and talking sexy. Oh almost kiss.. More cold showers?

    Sidenote: Okay, I checked the first time I ever posted on here, and it was December 3rd 2010! I have been on here for 8 years!!! WOW! Hey happy anniversary to me! :)

    1. Happy Anniversary Sonya!! Now I'm curious what my anniversary do you find out?

    2. Looks like I go as far back as 2013

  3. Wow so for December 24 they are going to show general hospital episode from December 23, 2005!!! Then in New years eve, they are going to show December 31, 1997 episode. I am so excited!!! I hope they keep doing that! Showing old episodes!!! :)

  4. Happy Anniversary Sonya! You're a great recapper! And I laughed out loud at Franco's ohhhhh dude! HAHAHAH!!

    Oh Karen, how much I agreed with you about Charlotte's "apology" and the aftermath...I cannot count the ways. Little brat, and really what is wrong with Lulu and Laura?? Ice cream? Bah! My poor Aiden, and what was going on with the video game? And if he's getting bullied by others wouldn't Princess Willow be aware of that? :(

    I thought Oscar's eyes looked shadowed, but yeah he should be looking worse.

    I fast forwarded Sam and Jason (especially at the end) when that pitiful display of flirting started. Seriously, is Sam in high school?

    Cam is in deep doody, and I'm feeling bad for him.

  5. "Julie H said...Happy Anniversary Sonya!"

    Awww thanks!!! :)

    "You're a great recapper!"

    Awwww Thank you! :)

    "And I laughed out loud at Franco's ohhhhh dude! HAHAHAH!!"

    Hahahahaha! Yeah it was great! :)

    "My poor Aiden, and what was going on with the video game?"

    Someone on soap central said that it's probably just his imagination. I didn't even think about that. Hmmmmm.

  6. Happy Anniversary Sonya! Don't know what we would do without you! Charlotte is growing so fast! At the beginning of the show Oscar looked fine but later on they seemed to have made him look a bit sickly, but still every hair in place. Didn't hear where the phantom Scout was - maybe with her dad? I thought it was rather ridiculous that Sonny and Carly were in charge at the senior place instead of actual counselors and employees there handling the situation with the new lovebirds. Liked the JaSam flashback, but they are past the point where anyone cares what they do.

  7. Charlotte is kind of acting like the Bad Seed here. And I don't like what came up on Aiden's game screen.Jason and Sam are almost cringe worthy in their scenes together. If Carly and Sonny are going to lurk around the room at that home all day Mike may as well stay home
    with them

  8. Charlotte certainly is kinda spooky-lookin'

    Poor Jason, held for 5 years against his will, then lurking around PC for how long now? So he hasn't had sex in how many years? Doesn't Sam have ANY consideration for his needs?

    1. LOL AntJoan!! I'll have sex with him if Sam won't jump....haha!

  9. "AntJoan said...Poor Jason, held for 5 years against his will, then lurking around PC for how long now? So he hasn't had sex in how many years? Doesn't Sam have ANY consideration for his needs?"

    ROFL! Yeah Sam! Think about Jason's needs!!!!! ROFL!

    "Michelle Latta said...Happy Anniversary Sonya!!"

    Thank you! :)

    "Now I'm curious what my anniversary do you find out?"

    Oh geez. You will have to go through the archives. That might take awhile, unless you remember what year you joined. Do you remember?

  10. "Michelle Latta said...Looks like I go as far back as 2013"

    Hmmm. Cool. What month?

    1. I can't remember Dec maybe? It was a pregnancy storyline, Maxie maybe?


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...