Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas EVE GH

Cam is writing an apology letter to the judge. HELL, ALL 3 KIDS are at Liz's!! Cam tells his brothers he was in trouble and never to lie about it, because Mom knows all. After school teaching moment. Aiden wants to know how to get people to like him. They have a little talk about liking yourself first. 

Joss and Carly-- Little product placement for Mickey's 90th-- and they said the Steamboat Willie. Lucas comes in with Wiley-- Brad's at the hospital. He's all "Hi Godfather"! :eyeroll: Lucas tells Jason he loves having a family and Wiley. (doom is coming) 
Josslyn lays into Jason about not telling her about Oscar. Good scene.

Willow confronts Julian over Wiley! She thinks her baby is alive and well!! WHOOPS. So she's the baby mama!  Or..was. Anyway, she's wondering how Julian knows it was her that was the mom. She wants to see her son now and again. Julian shows her the pictures he has on his phone. She cries.

Monica and Bobbie. Monica is going to read the story and Bobbie is going to wear the suit! 
Oscar gets a car for Christmas. I think to give him the will to live? He goes down to watch the Christmas Story. 

Anna has Curtis and Jordan over for dinner--a traditional English one. Maxie's coming too BUT PETER SHOWS UP! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Auntie Stella is there too. 
Chet is at GH to help with Toys for Tots.  He just did a Photo Shoot for a Charity Calendar.  Maxie and he talk. She's going to invite him to Anna's--- Good I hope Peter is all jelly.  Chase Ford shows up too and so does Aunt Stella. Geesh, Anna's house is going to be full. 

Willow and Michael go into a grief session at GH because they are both sad.

Good Mike and Sonny scene. Sonny is learning how to talk to him when he's confused. They had a nice talk. Sonny's doing a good job with calming Mike. Stella comes by later. 

END: So the Santa Suit has holes in it. How do we save Christmas?? Drew calls..SONNY!! because SONNY SAVES EVERYTHING!!!!! OMG!! AHAHHA. Seriously? He got a suit for Bobbie just in time. Monica reads "The Night Before Christmas", which isn't the original Christmas Story they read but... ok, wahtever. 


  1. love liz's family. all 3 boys are great. now kim, drew and oscar are sleep worthy

  2. This so nit-picky, but kind of surprised a young single school teacher would hire a power-house attorney like Diane to handle her adoption.

    On the upside, I wasn't as bored with today's show like I have been the last few days. No Nina/Valentine sex scenes. Yay!

    1. How does Willow afford a high price lawyer but not able to afford raising a child??

  3. Not a big deal,but just an observation:Liz,Franco& her 3 boys all left together for the hospital story reading. While Monica was reading,the camera scanned the room &I saw Cameron,Jake,but not Aidan.

  4. kdmask said... He got a suit for Bobbie just in time. Monica reads "The Night Before Christmas", which isn't the original Christmas Story they read.

    *** That's because in the past they read THE Christmas story. This year it was just a Christmas story about the non religious holiday it's become.

    I liked Monica reading the story but Bobbie as Santa was great for the grownups but little kids who believe in Santa would definitely recognize that he'd suddenly become a woman.

    I was also surprised to see all of Liz's kids together. I loved Cam's talk with Aiden.

    I loved the get together at Anna's place but I hated that Sonny had to be the one to save Christmas. Everything has to revolve around him

    Having Chet pop in and run into Maxie during the toy drive scene was great, and appropriate. I loved that she brought him back to the party too.

    And those great Shriner's ads always make me cry.

  5. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Willow and Julian: Hey Willow! Don't blame Julian for giving up your son. He didn't threaten you or anything! You had a choice and it was the right choice for you. No you can't see him. That would be inappropriate!

    Friz home: Cam and his letter cracked me up!!!! Dear Judge whoever!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I should not have tried to buy drugs! ROFL!

    Cam, Aidan, and Jake: Love love love their scene!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) So Jake jumps over the couch and Liz wins the line of the day.

    Mama Liz: Oh that's nice Jake.


    Carson home:

    Mike and Sonny: Awwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!!! Mike waiting for his lady. :(

    Jason and Joss: GREAT SCENE!!! Bravo!!!! :) I am glad Carly didn't barge in and tried to help. I thought that is what she was going to do. Awww Jossy forgave Jason. :)

    Jarly: Carly's hair is so staticky! ROFL!

    Chandler Mansion: It's not Merry Christmas, it's happy Christmas? HUH?!

    Anna and Finchy: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Anna and Hiney: UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Anna talking to her rewrite son. I should just call him fake son. :)

    Anna and Jordan: They still are besties!!!

    Chase and Finchy: Awwwww! Bonding. :)

    The hospital:

    Oscar's room:

    Drew, CarlyKim, and Oscar: Wow! CarlyKim looked different. Oh look he is dying and he gets a car. How come he isn't wearing hospital scrubs? When he dies who gets the car?

    Monica, Drew, CarlyKim and Oscar: Awwwwwwwwwww! Glad Monica joined them. :)

    Nurses section:

    Chet and Maxie: Hmmm. She is all flirty flirty. Nice scene. :)

    Main area: Oh oh! The Santa costume turned into a bikini!!!!! What? That's what Bobbie said! :)

    Little girl and Oscar: Awwwwwwwww poor little girl!! :(

    Christmas time: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy so excited! :)

    "Karen says Monica reads "The Night Before Christmas", which isn't the original Christmas Story they read"

    It's not?!!?! Oh oh. That sucks. I don't even remember what the story used to be. It's been a long time.

    Bereavement classes:

    Michael and Willow: That was nice of Chase to invite Willow for Christmas. I get why she didn't want to go Maybe next year right? :) Great Michael and Willow scene!!

    1. Speaking of things "true to life", Carly's hair, staticky, it's winter, it happens, even to women as "uppity" as her. Shoot my hair is staticky, I'm ready for spring already.

    2. It used to be THE Christmas Story from the Bible. Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.

  6. Oops forgot to mention,

    Cam and Aidan: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Love their scene!!! And when they hugged, I cried!!

    "Di said...That's because in the past they read THE Christmas story. This year it was just a Christmas story about the non religious holiday it's become."

    Yeah that's so sad. :(

    "Bobbie as Santa was great for the grownups but little kids who believe in Santa would definitely recognize that he'd suddenly become a woman."

    ROFL! So true!! :)

  7. Loved today's show but mad that Tues repeat episode is stupid basketball! I thought it was supposed to be a repeat episode from 2005?🙄

  8. "Michelle Latta said...mad that Tues repeat episode is stupid basketball! I thought it was supposed to be a repeat episode from 2005?🙄"

    That's on Monday! :) I'm excited!!!! Can't wait! :)

    1. The repeat is Monday???? Well I'm confused cause I checked and it's a new episode. Oh well, either way...

  9. Sonya, Happy Christmas is what they say in the UK. Bobbie was just saying that the Santa costume was so moth-eaten that there was not much fabric left. Funny, I remember when Bobbie wore a bikini on the show and she was in her forties, she always has had such a spectacular figure!

    I also thought Jake jumping over the couch and Liz's response was such a wonderful moment, I'm wondering if it even was in the script!

    1. I agree about the Jake thing AntJoan, I liked it. It's something a kid does and so it was cool to see that.
      Yeh for her age her figure is fab.

  10. I loved Liz’s boys-these kids are amazing and their scene was so well done. Of course, Liz has always been a phenomenal mother on the show, too. Must be a reflection of having her own 3 kids. I thought the show as a whole was really good.

  11. Me too. Pretty good show. I am a feminist but kids are used to a guy Santa. They would have questioned Bobbie. Funny but none of the kids look sick.

  12. "Michelle Latta said...The repeat is Monday???? Well I'm confused cause I checked and it's a new episode."

    How odd. Where did you see that? I saw it's a repeat on here.

    Scroll down to December 24.

    1. ok that's weird....I still have the spectrum app on my ph and it said episode such and such was new, but I just checked it and sure enough it mentioned Lucky and Liz....hmmmm.

  13. "Michelle Latta said...ok that's weird....I still have the spectrum app on my ph and it said episode such and such was new, but I just checked it and sure enough it mentioned Lucky and Liz....hmmmm."

    *Shakes my head* Very strange.

  14. Love the Wub Awards! Agree totally.

    I seem to have forgotten exactly what Brad confessed to Julian about the baby. Does he know that Willow's baby is dead? Anyone?

  15. Zazu, I know, I was confused too, offhand, I thought that Julian knew that Willow's baby is dead, but the way he is showing her the pics to be kind, now I am not so sure.

  16. Didn't Brad tell Julian that they have a random homeless person's baby?

    1. Yes,Brad did tell Julian that they have the homeless woman's baby&that the real Wiley had died.
      So the pictures that Julian showed Willow were of the fake Wiley,although Willow thinks that's her son .

  17. So Julian knows her baby is dead but is pretending to her that Wiley is hers. And he looks so sincere. Getting very tangled. Michael needs his son back already. Only Obrecht knows, and Nelle of course.


Uncut Filler

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