Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Shrimp Scampi


Ok, watched yesterday's show. Loved Roger of course. The rest? meh. Epiphany singing was good....they needed WAY more people there, extras from the hospital. Dr. Bensch could have walked in to add some Dramaz. Ava was a  stone-- kind of chilling. Oh I liked the sunflower pins. 

Dr. O comes in with Anna and Finn. Valerie processes her. Lesil is told the whole Britta thing was a bluff. She's not happy. Anna talks about them not have revenge fights anymore and that Britt has no jail time. Dr. O is glad of that. She asks if Britt even cared about giving her up. Anna has a letter from her to Lesil. OMG! Anna tells Lesil about Nina's daughter and she's like WHAT DAUGHTER?? Then she wants to call Valentin!! Oh you know she knows the truth! 

Sonny at the church and Laura walks in..she asks about some saint.  Talks about "Kevin"-- and Ava. Laura cries. Sonny tells her that he and Carly have been divorced a million times and look at them!  Later, Laura tells CarSon all about Kevin's weird behavior..because you know they'll probably solve that sheeze. 

Ava at the grave, yelling at Carly.  Ryan says it's great to have them do some "Primal therapy" . Ava pushes Carly and UNFORTUNATELY the dirt was already in the hole. They tussle and have to be separated . Carly calls Ava crazy and Ava goes: "Yeah, look who's talking Ferncliff'!! ahahahah Best line of the day! Ryan is delighting in the fighting. Everyone leaves. Ava cries at the grave. Ryan is listening in the mist. 

Chase takes Willow to his apartment for dinner. (Abner's and Olivia's old sets). She flips out-- she thought he had to 'get something". She thinks it's presumptious of him to have her there first date. She calls it his LAIR. LOL... they go to the Metro. She orders wine, he orders shots.

Sasha wants to get out of Port Charles.  She feels badly. She has drinks with Nina and Valentin. Nina invites Willow over to the table. They talk about Charlotte -- and Nina doesn't agree with Willow. In a very weird turn of events Willow is all of a sudden like: OH, CHASE, let's go back to your place. 
HUH?????? Then they go back, she gives him a mickey mouse band-aid when he cuts himself and they look like they are going to have sex? It was VERY weird. VERY weird. 

PREDICTION: Willow was date raped, had the bio baby of Brucas (now dead) and is Nina's daughter. 



  1. I'm gonna add to this - all is correct but down the line Willow will go nuts or whatever and she WILL be mean/vindictive and crazy....she is WAY too sweet now......and her baggage is gonna be lots------------so please don't have Michael fall for her.

    1. I want Michael with Maxie they have a great chemistry in the scenes that they've had together.

  2. There's a rumor going around that Willow is going to be Ninas daughter. I remember when Madeline was originally on the show she told Obrecht a secret about what happened with Nina.

  3. Dr. Obrecht is the one who delivered a very much alive Jonah. Hopefully she lets that news slip very soon as well.

  4. The police station:

    Anna, Finchy, and Dr. O: Oh Dr. O! I can't believe you fell for their lies!!!! Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: I have a hard time understanding you when you try speaking English.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHA! Britch letter. Sad. :( And it's sad that she left!!!! Dammit! :( When will we see Britch again?

    Val, Chase, and Willow:

    Val: It's 2018.

    Yeah? So what? What's wrong with a gentleman wanting to pick up a lady? Shut up Val!

    The cemetary:

    Carly and Ava: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! :) Ryan just LOVES it! :)

    Rava: Ryan are you falling for Ava? :)

    The church: A few things I forgot to mention about the funeral. The sunflower pins. Love it! But Sonny wasn't wearing it, and since when did Kiwi like sunflowers? Piffy singing awwww. :) But where was Milo? Shouldn't he be there?

    Sonny and Laura: Poor Laura is so confused about Doc! ROFL! She knows something is off! :)

    Carson and Laura: Carly is so shocked that "Doc" is dating Ava! ROFL!

    Carson: Oh? What are you going to do about Avery? Keeping her away from Ava? I hope not!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Chase's apartment:

    Chillow: Uhhhh Chase what the hell are you doing? You trick her into coming to your apartment by telling her you have to get something, and then oh wait it's a date?!!?!? A first date in your apartment?!!?!?! Uh no! Gross! Glad Willow said something. Some people said that she overreacted. I don't think so. What Chase did was wrong. Very creepy.

    Metrocourt restaurant:


    "Karen says Willow is all of a sudden like: OH, CHASE, let's go back to your place.

    YEAH!! I was so confused when she changed her mind!!!! What the hell?!

    Nina, V.C., Willow, and Sasha: NINA! STOP IT!!!!! Glad V.C. disagreed with her! Willow did nothing wrong Nina! Leave her alone!

    Sasha and V.C.: Yeah time for you to go away you lying bitch! Go back to where you used to live!

    Chase's apartment part 2:


    "Karen says It was VERY weird. VERY weird"

    Yes it was!!!!! Very weird.. I was so uncomfortable in their scene..

    "PREDICTION: Willow was date raped, had the bio baby of Brucas (now dead) and is Nina's daughter."

    Sounds good to me! Now where is that half heart pendant! :)

  5. Sorry, but I have to disagree with Karen and Sonya.

    I think that when Willow went to the MetroCourt for a drink (THAT I think was kinda strange), she got freaked out by crazy Nina and wanted to get away. Then Chase seemed very convincing that he was just trying to show off his culinary skills, that he realized that he had made a mistake, he was sorry, it just was meant to be an innocent dinner. Willow then thought that she had overreacted, and probably realized she was hungry and wanted the shrimp scampi :)

    I felt that the way it played out, it was not really strange. When I read Karen's blog before I saw the show, I thought she meant that Willow had said, "Let's get out of here" (meaning let's go somewhere to be alone), but I think she just wanted to get away from Nina and VC, and eat.

  6. kd said....and UNFORTUNATELY the dirt was already in the hole.

    *** I laughed way too long at this.

    And I was thinking the same thing about Willow. Her reaction was so visceral. I'm not sure about the third point though. Dr. O made me feel that she knew that nina had a miscarriage.

    Anne Long said...
    I want Michael with Maxie they have a great chemistry in the scenes that they've had together.

    *** I agree.

    And I also hope Dr. O lets it slip about Nell's baby soon.

  7. "AntJoan said...Sorry, but I have to disagree with Karen and Sonya.

    I think that when Willow went to the MetroCourt for a drink (THAT I think was kinda strange), she got freaked out by crazy Nina and wanted to get away. Then Chase seemed very convincing that he was just trying to show off his culinary skills, that he realized that he had made a mistake, he was sorry, it just was meant to be an innocent dinner. Willow then thought that she had overreacted, and probably realized she was hungry and wanted the shrimp scampi :)"

    But he lied to her about going to his apartment to get something. Then surprise! The date is here.. The scene with them today was very uncomfortable.

  8. I'm watching now....I think it's innocent enough. Chase comes across clueless, he seems to mean no harm and Willow....she seems like a woman who has been victimized before, so I get where she's coming from.

  9. Michelle, yes, ITA with what you said. And Sonya, yes, Chase did lie, but he said he just meant to "surprise" her, and I think after everything that he later said, she believed him. Chase just might be somewhat "clueless," they did end up having an innocent dinner, after all, and the shrimp scampi was good!

    1. Yeh, no offense to the men but some are just that, clueless. Totally innocent dinner as AntJoan stated.

  10. I agree with AntJoan and Michelle that it was an innocent dinner and that Chase is just a little bit of a doofus. However, I thought (like others) that their scenes were a little weird. I can totally see the theory about Willow being date raped/mom of Brucus's 1st baby/and being Nina's daughter. And I like that theory. I also like the thought that she goes nutso. HAHAHAHA! It would be fun because quite frankly I think Nina is nuts. Her interactions with Willow about Charlotte really get on my nerves!

    Loved Brita's letter to mama. I might have sniffled a little bit. And I always enjoy Sonny and Laura. She brings out the best in everybody.

    For the record, I am team Maxie and Michael.

    Karen your recap was a hoot, thanks!

    1. You're probably right on Julie. Could be that she was raped. That could be why she chose the adoption route if in fact Brucas was the babys fathers. I wanted to bitch slap Nina, I'm starting to hate her character again. It ticks me off that Valentin doesn't shut her up cause he wants to win her back!! I hope she's next on Ryan's list....

  11. I don't like newbies, the reason being that I want more screen time for all the vets that we rarely see. However, "Sasha" and "Willow" are good actors, and I notice that, when actors are really good right away, they can blend pretty seamlessly into the canvas.

  12. That said, I think that Margaux, Sasha and Willow look too much alike--it's confusing. . .

  13. "AntJoan said...That said, I think that Margaux, Sasha and Willow look too much alike--it's confusing. . ."

    Hahahaha. It used to be that there were so many blondes they all looked alike! Remember? Glad that changed. :) Now it's all dark haired girls look alike! Hahahaha!

  14. I didn't get to mention that on Monday little Avery was just adorable, and can act now, too! I know they are twins - what a lucky mom to have two of them! I like Sonny and Laura connecting given their long history as friends. The sunflowers were a surprise, as was the huge movie star picture at the funeral. I love Liesl and wish she was back at GH as a doctor. Anna and Finn make a great couple. Can't wait for some of the secrets to finally be revealed.

    1. Yes little Avery was soooo adorable!! I loved that scene with Ava and Avery, very good.

  15. I still think the fact that Sasha looks so much like Britta is more than a coincidence. Also, somehow I believe the DNA tests taken were NOT fake and that Sasha is connected to that family in someway other than being Nina's daughter. The part of the mystery that I am interested in is not WHO is Nina's daughter, but WHO is Sasha really? It seems to me that Willow, Sasha, Dr O, Nina, Valentine, and little "Wiley" are all connected in some way. It is this theory that makes me want to watch GH every day. This and the Ryan/Kevin story.

  16. I agree with Michelle and the others about Chase being naive about the first date being a home-cooked meal, and that Willow's reaction was justified. I got why she changed her mind at the MC. And I am interested (enough) about her backstory. I do not think she and Sasha look much alike, but I agree that Sasha and Britt do. (IMO, Willow's features are softer than the other two).

    Loved the Laura/Sonny scenes, but I like most scenes with Genie.

    I love Maxie and Michael's friendship, but I don't want them paired romantically. In my eyes, Michael is still a boy - and IMO they act more like siblings. I don't want her with Peter, though! I think Peter and Margo should hook up, and leave PC ASAP ;-)



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...