Thursday, December 13, 2018

Made it Back for a Bit

Margogo returning Sonny's scarf.. Carly's pissed. LOL She yells her face off..and then when Sonny comes in she's all mean with him too.  He's like IT'S A SCARF!! Carly says now Sonny "likes" Margo.. yada yada. 

Cameron wants Oscar's job LOL.  Jules says he's holding it for him until he's better. Cam and Joss talk about Oscar wanting pot and not being able to get it medically. Which is true, it's harder than hell here even tho it's legal. I BET Cam gets busted for buying WEED!! ahahha.Yep, he texts "Trina" To ask for her boyfriend's "weed hook up".

Sonny talks to Oscar. He's Steve Hardy all of a sudden? Weird scene. 

Sam and Curtis. zzzzzzz on this Sam backstory at the moment. Jason comes in. Zzzzzz.

Peter and Valentin...and Nina and Maxie. UGh.. I wish Peter would DIE DIE DIE. Nina gives her "blessing" to Maxie to see Peter. Ugh, you are dead to me, lady. 

Kim and Drew. Drew doesn't want his old memories back. They are a family tho.. Drew and Kim and Oscar. Julian sees Kim leaning on 



  1. I want the original Lulu back, out of all your questions I pick her

  2. its sad that the only couple with chemistry are 2 15 yr olds. joss and cam.

  3. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Kimlian: Hmmm CarlyKim is desperate for some coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jam: The look on Joss's face seeing Cam, yeah she really likes him. :) OH! Weed talk!!! Talk to Alexis about it. :) But seriously, they could get hemp oil! Just talk to Terry, and get Oscar's parents permission! Then you are good to go. :)

    Cam texting: Oh oh! I hope Cam doesn't get in trouble!!!!


    V.C. and Hiney: Oh V.C. is good at manipulating Hiney! :) Come on Hiney! I want DR.O FREE!!!!!!!! Help her!!! Please? For me?


    Nina and Maxie: Oh geez!!!! Nina don't encourage Maxie to be with Hiney! UGH! The way Nina moves in her chair hahahahaha!

    Maxie and Hiney: Oh geez please no!!!! STOP NO! UGH! Don't make them all cute writers! I hate them together! I want Hiney with Lulu!!!! I want my Liney!!!!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Margoo: Oh hello Margoo? What do you want? Ohhhh the scarf.. Carly all jelly! :)

    Carly and Jason:

    Jason: Margoo will exploit that! You know grief messes with your head.

    Ohhhhhhh. So is that Jason's way of saying Sonny could cheat with Margoo? :)

    Carson: Oh boy Carly! You are falling right into Margoo's hands!!!! And Sargoo will have sex in 3 2 1.

    The hospital:

    Oscar's room:

    Oscar and Sonny: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Does the prisoner aloud to have visitors?

    ROFL! Sonny is so impressed by Oscar. I like the scene. :)

    "Karen says Sonny talks to Oscar. He's Steve Hardy all of a sudden?"




    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I want them gimmmie! I SAID GIMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    CarlyKim and Joss: Wow! CarlyKim was fine at Charlie's pub and restaurant, and then she talks to Joss, and CarlyKim is losing her voice! Tamara Braun caught a cold eh? :)

    Waiting area:

    CarlyKim and Drew: Hmmm great scene!!! Maybe when Drew gets his memories back, he will be in love with CarlyKim, and then they will get back together. :) Oh my!!! CarlyKim what are you doing putting your head on his shoulder!!! Oh hi Julian!! Oh oh!


    Curtis and Margoo:

    Curtis: Drew is my best friend. I got his back, so when you ask if there is anything you can do, you can keep your distance okay?


    Curtis and Sam: Hmmmmmmmmmmm.. Very interesting!!!! Sam's fake alias is coming to bite her in the butt! I am liking this storyline.

  4. Witch, I agree. There are no couples on GH with a spark. This has been going on forever it seems. Of course Nikolas had chemistry with almost everyone. So of course, let him slip away. Maxie and Michael have chemistry but stick her with boring Peter. Sonny and Carly are solid. SONNY DO NOT MESS THAT UP. Carly is always there for you!!!!

  5. OK help me. Kin Shriner was leaving GH, no? I love seeing him onscreen but I remember being very very upset at this announcement but he’s still on, which is fantastic.

  6. I always was hoping that Kin wasn't leaving, and it looks like he wasn't! I LOOOOOVE Scotty!!

    Sonny is going around dispensing wisdom, advice and love--Spencer and Oscar in one week! I think they are re positioning him from lover boy to, as someone said here, Steve Hardy. Which means HE WILL NOT HAVE SEX WITH MARGAUX, as I have said, that ship has sailed (I hope).

  7. Boy AntJoan, I hope you're right. Big fat no-no to Sonny and Margoo. Sail ship...sail!

    I'm with Karen, DIE Peter, DIE! He makes me sick.

    I like Sam getting harassed about her oh-so-shady past. But that pitiful look she gave Jason when he walked into Kelly's had me eye-rolling pretty bad. Curtis was great telling off Margoo in a very civil way.

    Another great recap Sonya, I couldn't agree more! (with everything!)

    KT4GH, so right about Nickolas having chem with everybody. He really did! I loved and still miss him. Spencer is quite correct that Valentine is a usurper.

  8. I totally agree about Nicholas too! Wish they would bring him back! I really like the actress that played Sasha, hope she is back, not sure how they can fix her character since she lied with Valentine. Maxie has chemistry with Michael and Elizabeth had chemistry with Jake (Drew), also Valentin and Anna. Sonny is really too old for Margaux.
    Hope they don't put them together.

  9. Jenny, you really ask how they can redeem Sasha? C'mon, they redeemed Sonny, Carly, Lucy Coe, Scotty, Nina, the list goes on and on and on . . . murderers, liars, adulterers, and more--all redeemed if the fans like them! All Sasha has to do is say she is sorry, that she felt sorry for Valentin, and now loves Nina, all will be forgiven!

  10. "AntJoan said...Jenny, you really ask how they can redeem Sasha? C'mon, they redeemed Sonny, Carly, Lucy Coe, Scotty, Nina, the list goes on and on and on . . . murderers, liars, adulterers, and more--all redeemed if the fans like them! All Sasha has to do is say she is sorry, that she felt sorry for Valentin, and now loves Nina, all will be forgiven!"

    ROFL! Or something bad happens to Sasha that will make us feel bad for her and then awww we forgive you Sasha! :) It has happened before with other characters.

  11. Sorry but the portrayal of a sick kid by the Oscar actor is really bad. He has been in bed for several days but not a hair out of place, feels bad enough not to eat but looks perfectly healthy and happy. I still can't stand Kim and she and Drew are sleep inducing. I do wish Nik was back. I really like Anna and Finn. I think the ship has sailed for Sam and Jason.

  12. My prediction is that Sam and Jason will reunite for the holidays/New Year. I'm sure even the clueless writers know by now that this is just dragging and dragging . . .

    Everyone seems to be clamoring for Nik lately--I do hope that this is an omen, and that he comes back soon! I think he left his other show, maybe he can be with Ava again after she finds out she has been sleeping with a serial killer . . .

  13. Has anyone considered that if Nina is killed by Ryan Sasha will inherit all her money since Valentine has "proof" that she's Nina's daughter and Nina has introduced her all over town?

    And they should at least put powder on Oscar's bright-cheeked face and a few dark circles under his eyes. He's been the healthiest looking person in the room so far.

  14. please no to jason and sam. they never had chemistry to begin with. together they are sleep worthy. would like to see jason with someone with personality. someone upbeat.actually liked him with ava or liz.

    1. Liz has chemistry with everyone. Loved her most with Jake (Drew) and Jason.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...